

Study of Life Cycle Energy Consumption, Environmental Emission and Economics of Coal-Based Dimethyl Ehter as Vehicle Fuel

【作者】 张亮

【导师】 黄震;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国能源结构呈现明显的“贫油、少气、富煤”特点,正面临着日益增长的车用燃料需求所带来的能源、环境与经济方面的严峻挑战,发展煤基车用替代燃料将成为我国缓解油品紧缺、实现煤炭清洁利用的关键方向之一。在传统柴油的煤基替代燃料当中,二甲醚特点突出,不但能够大幅降低有害排放,而且能够真正起到“以煤代油”的作用。本文系统回顾二甲醚的制备方法,二甲醚发动机与车辆技术的研究开发进展,运用生命周期评价原理,建立了适合我国国情的煤基二甲醚全生命周期一次能源消耗与环境排放分析模型,以二甲醚公交客车为功能单位,运用发动机台架试验研究结合整车测试循环仿真,获得了该功能单位的燃料消耗与环境排放因子,得到了车用燃料煤基二甲醚路线的全生命周期一次能源消耗、VOC、CO、NOX、PM10、SO2(标准排放物)与温室气体排放数量,评估了电力结构改变与温室气体减排技术的效果,分析了煤基二甲醚的规模应用对我国能源结构的影响,并将煤基二甲醚路线与传统柴油和煤制柴油路线进行了对比,最后分析了煤基二甲醚的经济性。在功能单位方面,本文提出通过发动机台架试验研究结合整车测试循环仿真来获得车辆的燃料消耗与排放因子。结果发现,与目前技术水平的柴油机相比,二甲醚发动机可实现全工况无烟燃烧,各项排放指标全面达到欧Ⅲ排放法规的要求。城市交通背景下,二甲醚公交客车的燃料消耗比传统柴油车降低3.3%,VOC、CO、NOX、PM10、SO2和CO2排放比传统柴油车依次减少86.3%、73.7%、19.5%、64.0%、100.0%和10.1%,这对于缓解日益严峻的城市大气污染意义重大。与传统柴油路线相比,煤基二甲醚路线的优势不仅体现在车辆使用阶段的燃料消耗、标准排放物与温室气体排放方面,也体现在全生命周期的原油消耗和标准排放物方面。从能源消耗结构来看,煤基二甲醚路线的全生命周期原油消耗下降为传统柴油路线的2.4%。由于我国对进口原油的依存度已超过40%,而煤炭产能较强,所以煤基二甲醚的规模应用,不但能够起到“以煤代油”的作用,而且不会对国内能源生产形成明显压力,有利于我国能源安全问题的逐步解决。从环境排放角度来看,煤基二甲醚路线的环境排放向上游阶段的固定源集中,全生命周期VOC、CO、

【Abstract】 China is a country with abundant coal meanwhile a little natural gas and poor oil, and facing challenges in meeting the ever-growing energy demand from transportation while minimizing its adverse energy, environment and economic impacts. It is one of the key directions to make coal-based vehicle fuels in order to relieve oil shortage and realize the clean utilization of coal. Among many coal-based substitutes for conventional diesel, dimethyl ether (DME) has prominent characteristics. It can not only reduce harmful emissions, but also replace oil with coal indeed.In this dissertation, relative research and development of DME production, engine and vehicle fueled with DME are reviewed. Based on life cycle assessment (LCA) principle, a life cycle primary energy consumption and environmental emission analysis model of coal-based DME suitable for China is established. A DME urban bus is taken as functional unit and its fuel consumption and emission factors under urban transportation are achieved with a complex method of engine rig study and vehicle test cycle simulation. Then, the total life cycle primary energy consumption, VOC, CO, NOX, PM10, SO2 (criterion emissions) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions of coal-based DME pathway are worked out. The impacts of electricity structure variation and GHGs reduction technologies are evaluated, and the influence of large scale application of coal-based DME on Chinese energy structure are also analyzed. Some comparisons of coal-based DME with conventional diesel and competitive coal-based diesel are carried out. Finally, the economic cost of coal-based DME is discussed.For DME bus as functional unit, a method of engine rig study combined with vehicle test cycle simulation is brought forward and applied to achieve its fuel consumption and emission factors. Compared with current diesel engine, the emissions of DME engine can work without any smoke in all running cases, and meet the requirements of EuroⅢregulation. Under urban transportation, the fuel consumption of DME bus is


