

Study of the Theory and Algorithm on Datum of Crustal Movement and Data Processing

【作者】 柴洪洲

【导师】 杨元喜;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 近三十年空间大地测量技术的发展,开辟了监测和研究地壳运动和全球构造变化的新途径。本文主要利用GPS等空间大地测量手段的直接和间接观测资料,对形变分析背景场的定义、性质以及其建立方法进行了研究,并建立了全球主要板块和中国大陆内部块体的运动模型。针对采用几何观测量进行形变分析时存在的秩亏和计算结果物理意义缺失等问题,讨论了在观测数据处理过程中如何顾及地球物理模型预报信息的方法,提出了将抗差估计与滤波融合方法;在引入自适应滤波时,提出了适合地壳形变分析的自适应因子的联合确定方法,从而不仅解决了监测网平差中存在的秩亏问题,而且提高了处理结果的精度。 研究成果和内容具体包括: 1、进一步明确了全球背景场和区域背景场的概念,提出了区域几何背景场和区域物理背景场的概念;根据相似变换筛选后的IGS站运动速度,初步建立了全球板块运动模型ITRF2000VEL。基于已有和新建立的几何、物理背景场,比较和分析了中国地壳运动网络工程基准站在不同背景场下的运动情况,指出了背景场的合理选择对于形变分析研究的重要性。 2、深入研究了系统误差和粗差对GPS基线网平差的影响,建立了基于粗差探测和系统误差模型补偿的自由网平差模型;处理了中国地壳运动观测网络工程基准站4年的观测数据,对得到的坐标序列的变化和精度进行了分析;提出了利用多期GPS观测资料进行形变计算的改进的间接法,合理地定义了不同历元、不同手段观测资料之间的权矩阵。 3、较完善地建立了用于形变分析计算的最小二乘配置模型。在建立模型时区分趋势和信号,明确了模型参数的意义。针对最小二乘配置中的瓶颈问题即协方差函数的确定,结合抗差估计,提出了引入地球物理模型计算值做中心化,同时分区、按方向确定协方差函数的新方法,建立了中国大陆内部块体的抗差协方差函数模型。利用最小二乘配置方法构造了中国大陆内部主要块体的运动模型,计算了中国大陆的运动图象,初步解决了形变分析中观测资料缺乏以及分布不均匀的问题。 4、提出了抗差估计结合统计量检验建立板块运动模型和应变模型的方法。系统研究了抗差估计方法在地壳形变和应变分析中的应用,建立了用于形变和应变分析的抗差估计模型,改进了板块运动模型的建立方法。利用统计量检验得到的IGS数据,建立了理论更为完善的全球板块运动模型Ro-ITRF2000VEL。建立了中国大陆应变分析的南北、东西方向线应变、面膨胀率以及最大剪切应变模型,简要分析了中国大陆的应变特征。 5、提出了同时顾及地球物理模型预报值信息以及统计信息的抗差融合滤波方法。系统讨论了GPS观测量和地球物理模型预报信息的融合处理方法,对于融合处理中二者的地位不确定问题,提出了地球物理模型抗差权的确定方法。定义了有偏融合基准的概念。比较了融合滤波、抗差融合滤波以及基于方差分量的抗差融合滤波对不同情况数据的处理结果。从而一方面解决了数据处理的秩亏问题,另一方面也使几何观测量求得的形变量具有

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of space geodetic techniques at recent 30 years, the new space geodetic data and new analytical techniques open a new way to monitor and study the crustal motion and dynamic variety of global tectonic plate. In this paper we study the difinition, characters and establishment of the background field of the crustal deformation, the global plate motion models and Chinese plate motion models based on the direct measurements and indirect ones from space geodesy. Regarding the problems of the rank deficiency in the adjustments of space geodetic observations and the absence of geophysical meanings, we propose the synthetical filter combining the geomatric observations and geophysical informations. The adaptive factors have been determined by united method in adaptively filter for solving the rank deficient problem, the precision of results have been improved.Main conclusions and contents of this thesis are as follows.1. The concept of global and regional background fields of the crustal deformation has been classified. We propose to employ the concepts of the regional geometric background field and the regional geophysical background fields. The ITRF2000VEL has been constructed base on the selected IGS data. We compare and analyze the velocity of the fiducial stations of the Crustal Observation Network Of China(COMNOC) according to different background fields.2. The GPS free net adjustment model with gross errors detected and the systematic errors compensated has been researched based on the infulence analyses of the gross errors and systematic errors in GPS observations. The COMNOC data are proceeded, the varieties and precision of the coordinates of stations with time are analysed. The improved indirect solution for crustal deformation has been prersented and the weight matrix of different type observations has been redifined.3. The collocation model for analyzing crustal deformation has been introduced. Combining the robust estimation, we introduce the deformation values from the geophysical model for centerlizing and put forward the new method of constructing co-variance function acoording to different regions and different directions. The robust co-variance function models of Chinese main plate has been constructed. We get the movement maps of Chinese mainland and solve the problems of absence and uneven distribution of observations initially.4. The plate movement models and strain models based on robust estimation and statistical values test have been established. We study the applications of the robust estimation in crustal movement and strain field and apply the robust estimators to analyze the deformation and strain


