

Worship to Mass Communication Media: An Abnormal Relationship between Mass and Media in Contemporary Society

【作者】 樊葵

【导师】 邵培仁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究通过考察现代社会大众与传播媒介之间的关系,认为大众对传播媒介的依赖性越来越强,导致现代生存的媒介化。而传媒在现代社会中的地位和作用则变得越来越突出,以其专业化运作和高科技特点而具备了浓厚的权威色彩,同时在与政治资本、经济资本和文化资本的合作中获得了越来越多的资源和权力。在此背景下,现代人虽然在技能上可以熟练地使用各种传播媒介,却未必能够在心智上理性地掌控它们,人与传媒之间形成了一种异态关系——现代社会的传媒崇拜。本文从三个部分对这一问题展开研究。 第一部分首先描述了现代人的媒介化生存方式,归纳了现代人使用传播媒介的一些特点,在此基础上提出了“传媒崇拜”的概念,认为传媒崇拜是人们在使用传播媒介的过程中表现出来的对媒介过分依赖、沉溺、轻信和盲从的状态,是人对媒介的误用。现代传媒崇拜的实质是人对现代大众传播媒介的某些诱惑性特征的妥协,同时也是一种异化和同化。 第二部分从社会基础和心理机制两个方面探寻了现代传媒崇拜的成因。现代社会结构中大众传媒的核心地位、现代社会系统内信息传播的模式以及现代社会制度中大众传媒的社会定位是现代社会大众传媒获得崇拜的社会基础;传媒崇拜的社会基础必然需要通过受众的心理机制才能发挥其作用,大众传媒满足了现代人身处有限追求无限、通过依赖消除恐惧、超越现实追求理想、借助模仿获得认同的多种需要,传媒对人们心理的这种渗透,构成了传媒崇拜的主要心理机制。 第三部分剖析了现代传媒崇拜的三种主要表现:传媒技术崇拜、传媒权力崇拜、传媒偶像崇拜。“传媒技术崇拜”是现代人的技术崇拜情结在大众传播领域的反映,其具体表现为对传媒技术的深度依赖、盲目追崇和过于乐观的期许,如速度至上的观念、对影像真实的迷信以及现代电子乌托邦思想等;传媒权力是作为权力组织之一的力量属性和作为对社会发生干预作用的能力属性的统一。传媒权力源于权力的生产能力,通过生产知识、受众从而生产出崇拜意识。“传媒权力崇拜”表现为传媒话语权崇拜、地位赋予权崇拜和社会监督权崇拜。崇拜是对这些权力的放大,会导致传媒运行过程中发生角色越位;现代偶像的创生、传播都离不开大众传播媒介,大众传媒是现代的造神者,因此现代偶像实际上就是传媒偶像。“传媒偶像崇拜”反映了现代偶像、大众传媒与受众之间的一种“共谋”的关系。

【Abstract】 This dissertation investigated the relationship between the masses and the mass media in the contemporary society and drew the conclusion that the masses are increasingly dependent on media, which finally lead to Being Media. The status and function of mass media are getting more outstanding. Based on its superiority on specialization and high-tech, mass media is now of great authorities, meanwhile by cooperating with political, economic and cultural capital it gained more and more resources and power. Under this background, though the public can use all sorts of media skillfully, they may not capable to control them rationally, so the mass and the mass media now form a deviant relationship— worship to communication media in contemporary society. This dissertation is composed of three parts:The first part described the survival way of being media, and summarized some characteristics on how the masses use media. This part brought forward a new concept—the worship to communication media. This concept was defined as a situation of over-dependence, addiction, over credulous, obey blindly and being misled which existed in the masses’ using mass media. The crux of this worship is that the masses reach a compromise to some lure of contemporary mass media, and it’s also alienation and assimilation.The second part searched the cause of this worship from aspects of social basis and psychological factor. Media’s core position in contemporary social structure, modes of information communication and orientation of mass media in contemporary social system together set up the foundation for the worship to communication media. The social basis could act on this worship only through psychological mechanism of the masses. The mass media can meet the public’s demands in the following fields: pursuing for infinite while living in a finite world, eliminating fears through dependence, seeking ideal by overcoming reality and acquiring identity through imitation etc.. Mass media infiltrated these into the public’s mind and constituted the main psychological factors of this worship.The third part analyzed three expressions of the worship to communication media: the worship to media technology, the worship to media power and the worship to media idolatry. The worship to media technology represented technical complex of contemporary public in mass communication field. This type of worship includes deep dependence on, seeking blindly to, and unrealistically optimistic view on media technology. The typical expression can be found in the idea of supreme speed, superstitious belief of image reality, and modern electronic Utopia etc. The media power is the unity of property of power organizations and ability property of intervening society. The origin of media power is production ability of power, which produced knowledge, audience and the worship mentality. The object of this worship consists of rights of speech, status -endowing and society-supervising. The worship magnified these powers, and led to media’s offside and misplacement. The modern idol is produced and communicated by mass media, so modern idol is actually media idol. The media idolatry reflected collusive relationship among modern idol, mass media and audiences.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G206.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1556

