

【作者】 雷冬平

【导师】 方一新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 上个世纪80年代以来,常用词研究日益受到重视,但是过去多集中在实词的研究,虚词研究也多囿于单音节词。本文将近代汉语常用双音虚词作为研究对象,旨在揭示一些常用却被研究者所忽略的双音虚词的成词及演变规律,并力图对这些词的演变作深层的认知分析,以期对汉语史研究提供一些有益的参考。本文共分六章: 第一章:先对研究对象——近代汉语常用双音虚词进行了界定;并对以往学界对近代汉语常用双音虚词的研究进行了回顾,指出了其成就和不足;接着阐明了研究课题的意义以及所用的材料和方法。 第二章:根据认知的特点,对“打头”、“反正”等二十多个常用双音副词的演变进行了研究。主要有六个方面:其一、“打头”类“始”义时间副词,主要揭示“泛义动词+头”的演变路径和机制;其二、“看”类时间副词,在探讨它们形成过程的基础上,揭示“看”类动词向时间副词演变的认知心理动因;其三、“看/想+来”类语气副词,主要解释它们形成的词汇化和主观化过程;其四、“反正”类反义并列语气副词,主要探讨此类词的演变语境以及矛盾对立的认知规律在此类语法化和同类词汇兴替中的作用;其五、解释“好个”、“好一个”和“好你个”的形成、性质以及功能;其六、“分外”类程度副词,揭示含有“超出限额、规定”语义的词的演变规律和认知动因。 第三章:对“X着”、“X了”等五十多个双音介词进行研究。主要揭示它们是由“动词+体标记”语法化而成,而不是“介词+体标记”演变的结果。“着”和“了”是两个不断虚化的成分,现有的介词中“着”、“了”具有不同的虚化层级。本章还揭示了“经过”、“经”、“通过”三个凭借介词都是由“经由”义的动词遵循同一演变路径虚化而来,是人们在认识客观世界时,三者共同的意象图式“起点——路径——目的地”不断抽象、跨空间映射的结果。 第四章:采取功能相似连词对举的方式对“便是/就是”等十几个双音连词的形成与功能的异同进行比较研究,并着重揭示造成它们之间差异的认知元素。 第五章:对“便是”、“来着”等六个双音助词进行了研究。在对它们的语法化过程和路径进行充分论证的基础上分析它们的助词功能。并努力理清这些词汇发展的历史。 第六章:对近代汉语常用双音虚词演变研究的三个问题进行集中研究。其一、总结近代汉语常用双音虚词演变的四条路径;其二、揭示“隐喻”、“转喻”在近代汉语双音虚词语法化中的运作机制。其三、讨论了语法化研究中材料的拓展问题。强调了方言研究对虚词演变研究的作用,指出语法化的研究不能忽视方言中的语言现象。

【Abstract】 In recent 20 years, the research of common words is given more and more consideration. But many researchers focused on notional word, and the researches of functional word were restricted in the monosyllable. This dissertation makes a preliminary study that focus on disyllabic function word in order to discover some ignored processes of the formation and disciplinarian of evolvement of common disyllabic function word, and tries to analyze the deep cognitive reasons of the evolvement, which expecting to giving some beneficial references to the research of history of Chinese language. The dissertation has six chapters:Chapter I : After fixing the object of study, common disyllabic function word of modern Chinese, the dissertation reviews the achievements and the weakness of the research in this field. And then elaborates the signification, material and method of our research.Chapter II: Based on the characteristic of cognition, we research more than 20 common disyllabic adverbs. There are six kinds research of them: (1) Research on the path and the mechanism of evolvement about one kind of time adverb Datou(打头). (2) Research on discussion of the formation process of kind of time adverb Kan(看) and the psychological motivation of its evolvement from verb to time adverb. (3) The explanation of lexicalization and subjectivisation of one kind of modal adverb Kanlai(看来) and Xianglai(想 来). (4) The discussion on evolutive context of antonymous coordination modal adverb of one kind of Fanzheng(反正) and the function of the cognitive law of contradictory on grammaticalization and word replacement. (5) The explanation of formation, character and function of Haoge(好个), Haoyige(好一个) and Haonige(好你个). (6) The discovery of evolutive law and cognitive motivation of one kind of adverb of degree that has the meaning of going beyond limitation and regulate.ChapterIII: After studying more than 50 disyllabic prepositions of Xzhe(X着) and Xle(X了), we point out that the formation of them is not from "preposition + aspect marker", but from "verb + aspect marker". Zhe(着) and Le(了) are two functional element that have different strata of function. We also point out that Jingguo(经过), Jing(经) and Tongguo(通过) follow the same evolutive path. The formation of them is the result of cross-domain mapping of image schema (Source-Path-Goal Schema) when people are recognizing the objective world.ChapterIV: We research the difference of disyllabic conjunctions , such as Bianshi(便是) and Jiushi(就 是), etc. by the means of contrastively enumerating them that have similar function, and pay more attention to the cognitive elements that cause the difference between them.Chapter V: Based on the researches of the grammaticalization process and path of six disyllabic auxiliary words such as Bianshi(便是) and Laizhe(来着), etc. We draw the outline of developmental history of these words and illustrate the motivation and the mechanism of evolvement.ChapterVI: We discuss three questions of our investigation object. First, summing up four paths of evolvement. Second, pointing out the operating mechanism of metaphor and metonymy in the course of the grammaticalization of disyllabic functional words. Third, discussing the extension of material and emphasizing the function of dialect that some language phenomena should not be ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期

