

【作者】 魏峰

【导师】 包伟民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 中国古代社会,依据地缘形成各自地区的地域认同,以此形成不同的地方势力。魏晋门阀士族在唐代彻底瓦解之后,国家与地方社会之间,发生怎样的改变,家族的形成与维持随之发生何种变化。本文以宋代两浙地区为考察区域,从这一区域的迁徙官僚家族研究入手,针对这一问题略作探讨。全文共分为六个部分 第一部分,序论。古代社会安土重迁传统之下,很多宋代官员却迁徙其他地区,家族如何融入地方、如何发展,由此提出本文研究的意义,即探讨两浙地区宋代迁徙官僚家族如何维持、发展,与地方社会的关系,迁徙背后的社会变革意义,并明确本文的研究区域、研究对象及基本方法。 第二部分,官僚家族迁徙方向与迁徙原因。通过分析迁徙家族个案,表明官僚家族迁徙趋向经济、政治、文化资源丰富的城市。从迁徙官僚家族迁居原因分析,也是出于获取更多的经济、文化资源而迁徙。战乱虽然是两宋之际大规模移民的主要原因,但是对于宋代迁徙官僚家族而言,却不是最主要迁徙原因。宋代两浙地区官僚家族迁徙的流向和动因,表明受科举考试影响,地方精英更加中央化,官僚家族的地方性日益淡化。 第三部分,迁徙官僚家族地位的维持。宋代迁徙官僚家族兴起和维持,主要依靠家族成员的科举成就。为了保证家族持续取得功名,官僚都重视家族子弟教育。科举和教育是家族维持的关键。为了保证家族的各种支出,多数家族注意营置田产。田产营置同样与官僚家族的地位维持有关,多数家族迁居地、田产所在地与官员任官地区重合,说明官位对购置田产有重要影响。 第四部分,迁徙官僚家族的婚姻。分析迁徙官僚家族姻的地域特征,表明两浙地区的迁徙官僚家族,能够与迁居地家族结成姻亲关系,融入迁居地社会。部分迁居官僚与原居住地家族保持联姻。再分析官僚家族婚姻对象的门弟,官僚家族倾向于选择进士出身的士人为婿,接受儒家经典教育和参加科举考试亦是择婿的重要标准。科举考试形成新的“士—庶”关系。 第五部分,迁徙官僚家族与地方社会。通过分析迁居官僚家族的社会活动,说明由于宋代官员与乡罩的松散关系,导致地方势力面对以官方身份迁徙而来的家族,缺少应对能力。迁徙家族不但能够轻易得购买土地,干预地方事务;甚至取代本土

【Abstract】 Ancient society of China, form the region of each area to approve according to the geographical reason, so as to form different local forces. The noble in The Northern Wei Dynasty is after disintegrating completely in the Tang Dynasty, between the national or local societies, what kind of change is emergence. This text regards Liangzhe Lu in Song Dynasty as area to study and start with from the migration bur Eaucrat of this area family, slightly do the discussion to answers this question. The full text is divided into six parts altogether.First part Theory of the preface. The ancient society is attached to nativeland and unwilling to leave it, but a lot of officers migrated in other areas in Song Dynasties, how the family incorporates the place where they migrated in, how to develop, therefore put forward the meaning in which this text studies, how to keep, develop namely probe into two areas of Liangzhe Lu and migrate in bureaucrat’s family in Song Dynasty, the relation with local society, migrate in the social change meaning of the back.Second part,The direction and reason of migrating that bureaucrat’s family migrates. Through analyse the cases of, bureaucrat’s family, indicate bureaucrat family move to the city that resource of economy, politics, culture concentrate on.. Reason of bureaucrat’s family,migration is in order to receive more politics.Though the war is a main reason of the extensive immigration between Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasty, but bureaucrat family but speech to Song Dynasty, no a main reason to migrate. Bureaucrat’s families of Liangzhe Lu migrated in the direction in Song Dynasty, explained and influenced by imperial examinations examination, local elite central authorities take, local characteristic subside progressively.The third part,Migrate in the position that one’s own that how bureaucrat’s family maintains. Migrated in bureaucrat’s family and grew up and kept in Song Dynasty, relied on family members to succeed in the imperial examinations examination mainly. In order to guarantee that the family can be long-term and successful in the

【关键词】 宋代官僚家族迁徙地方社会
【Key words】 Song DynastyBureaucrat’s familyMigrationLocal society
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】809

