

【作者】 张丽华

【导师】 陆坚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 以“苏门四学士”、“苏门六君子”为骨干的苏门文人集团在北宋后期的文坛上独领风骚,对整个北宋文学的发展具有举足轻重的作用。一个文学集团的形成,除了集团中领袖人物与其它主要成员之间应建立起比较明确的师承关系之外,集团内部的主要成员之间,也应构成一种横向的比较稳定的联系。因此,本文以苏门六君子的交谊为线索,分析了其在各个不同阶段的交谊基础、交谊特点及由此产生的文学、文化的影响。此外,在对两宋时期政治、思想、学术、文化的发展变化进行研究的基础上,剖析了六君子在后世由“文人”到“君子”的接受过程。 本文分五部分: 第一章考察了六君子熙丰时期初交的经过,并分析指出,相似的家世背景、孤直耿介的性格、同情旧党的政治立场是他们在初期阶段建立友谊的重要基础。 第二章围绕六君子元祜时期齐聚京师的诗酒文会生活,再现了他们深化友谊从而促成苏门之立的过程。元祐时期,苏门文人以唱酬为手段进行的文学之交不仅促成了宋诗特征在元祜诗坛的成熟,同时使酬唱之作摆脱了以往大量存在的虚迂委蛇的应酬与抒写闲情逸致的浅俗功能,提升了酬唱诗歌的价值。 第三章着重分析了六君子在贬谪时期交往的作品,见出六君子于患难中相勉互励的真情厚意。六君子在贬谪的艰难困苦中始终坚持儒家君子之操守,以气节相许,终身追随苏轼而不改其节,成为北宋后期士风衰颓中的特出者。 第四章以北宋儒学复兴运动为背景,论述了六君子在儒学转型之际会通诸家、以儒为本的思想特征。并通过在蜀洛之争中六君子对“情”与“礼”、“文”与“道”等问题的看法,揭示了六君子与二程虽同奉儒学为圭臬,而又因完全不同的文学家与理学家的身份特质而产生的矛盾冲突。 第五章阐释了六君子在南宋及后世的接受过程。在南宋“最爱元祜”的政治气候与科举重置诗赋的双重影响下,苏轼及六君子以其“文”重新回到了人们的视线之中。伴随着理学的兴盛,文章之学的生存空间日渐逼仄。以文垂世的苏门文人又因理学家希图振作士风的现实需要而转变为气节凌驾于其“文”之上的儒家君子。这一评价标准在后世对六君子的接受过程中不断得到强化,最终促成了六君子由“文人”向“君子”的转变。

【Abstract】 Su Shi literati group backed up with Four Scholars and Six Men was so brilliant in the late Northern Song Dynasty that they played an important role in the development of literature of the whole Dynasty. There should be two sides for the form of a literati group: one is the leader of the group should establish clear master- and- student relationship; the other is the member of the group should stabilize their relations simultaneously. Therefore, this paper tracks down the friendship of Six Men and analyses the basis and characteristics of their friendship at different stages and impact on the literature and culture. In addition, based on the study of the changes of politics, ideology, thoughts and culture, the paper elaborates the receptive process of Six Men from literati to men in the late ages. The paper is consisted of five chapters:Chapter one observes the course of new acquaintance of Six Men and points out that the resembling family background, frank and upright personality and the political stance of siding with the Old Clan are important elements for them to establish friendship.Chapter two centers on Six Men’s reunion in the capital and their poetic life, through which their friendship was strengthened and the Su Shi literati group came into being. During Yuanyou period, the literary exchanges among members of group by the means of reciprocatory poems not only advanced the maturity of characteristics of Song poetry but also promoted the value of reciprocatory poetry by casting off the great amount of hypocritical reciprocation and leisurely mood in the old works.Chapter three emphasizes Six Men’s affiliation in the exile .They stuck on to the principles of Confucianism in the difficulties and hardships, encouraging each other with integrity without changing the mind of following their master Su Shi under the political pressure, which made them outstanding in the moral declining society in the late Northern Song Dynasty.Chapter four elaborates Six Men’s thoughts characterized with permeating Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism but making Confucianism fundamental in the revival movement of Confucianism .Six Men’s viewpoints on emotion and rite, literature and Dao stated in the contention of the school Shu and the school Luo reflected that Six Men and brothers Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao had completely different identity: the former were litterateur ,and the latter Confucians.Chapter five states Six Men’s receptive process in the Southern Song Dynasty and the late ages. Su Shi and Six Men came back for their prominent literary talents under the double influences of political choice on Yuanyou and restoration of poetry and Fu in the imperial examinations. With the prosperity of Confucianism, the survival space for traditional literature became narrower. Six Men originally famous for their literary talent became Men of honor whose integrity was beyond their literary achievements because of Confucians’ realistic need to uplift morality. This evaluation was strengthened gradually in the late ages and Six Men’s status was finally reformed from literati to Men.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】686

