

Study on Urban Rail Transit Intelligent and Integrated Dispatch Manage System

【作者】 李为为

【导师】 唐祯敏;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 大力发展地铁和轻轨交通为主的城市轨道交通是解决我国目前城市交通堵塞的重要手段。我国已经进入了城市轨道交通的大发展时期,一些城市已经由“线”的建设转向了“网”的建设。随着我国新线的不断建成和投入使用,城市轨道交通网络的逐步形成,今后的研究热点将会集中到列车运行调度指挥与运营管理方面。如何提高信号系统的国产化率已成为继轨道车辆后又一事关城市轨道交通发展大局的重要课题。调度指挥工作是保证列车安全、正点运行的重要内容,其重要性不言而喻。解决城轨调度指挥的关键是保持服务的准时性及稳定性,在确保行车安全的前提下提高效率则是城市轨道交通调度指挥的主题。如何保证运输服务的连续稳定性(即可用性),是一条城轨交通线的首要目标。由于外界因素(如灾害、人身伤亡事故等)的影响导致服务中断是不可避免的,这种非正常情况下的快速恢复是一个关键。在正常情况下,列车群自动控制依赖于运行图,在非正常情况下,要实现列车群的协调,传统的列车群控制大多依赖于调度员的指挥,难于实现快速的事故恢复。当列车故障或其他运营因素造成运行偏离计划运行图情况时,由中心调度人工依靠缩短站停时分、取消车次、调用新图等手段人工介入调整。在恢复行车指挥功能的过程中,如何使系统具备自动或辅助调度员使系统尽快投入运用的能力,同时对于如何解决城市轨道交通中的“自动化孤岛”以实现各子系统的信息共享以及联动控制等问题,这些都是现实中亟待解决的重要问题。解决这些问题对于提高城市轨道交通调度指挥的科学性,减轻调度员的工作强度,提高城市轨道调度指挥系统的自动化水平有着重要的理论意义和现实意义,这也是论文研究的问题所在。本论文主要做了以下几方面的创新性的研究工作:(1)分析了城市轨道交通调度指挥和运营管理向智能化、集成化发展的趋势,提出了建设“城市轨道交通调度指挥智能集成系统”(URTIIDMS, Urban Rail Transit Intelligent and Integrated Dispatch Manage System)的理念与框架。论文围绕着如何实现城市轨道交通调度指挥的“智能化”和“集成化”展开本文的研究工作。在“智能化”方面,作者指出:调度指挥系统智能化的关键点,就是系统应该具备非正常状况下的智能化调度指挥功能。作者提出了建立城市轨道交通调度指挥智能决策支持系统(URTDIDSS, Urban Rail Transit Dispatch Intelligent Decision Support System)的解决方案,并将人工智能领域的CRB(Case-based Reasoning)和RBR(Rule -based Reasoning)引入事故处理决策支持子系统的设计当中。在“集成化”方面,针对城轨在调度指挥时对各子系统间实现信息共享、联动控制的要求,提出了信息集成平台的构架设想,以达到提高运营效率、改善服务质量、提高应急反应能力等目的。(2)本文通过建立城轨交通线模型,引入了城轨列车运行的数学描述,对城市轨道列车的运行规律进行了分析。论文对列车晚点的原因和造成的影响进行了探讨,同时针对城轨列车出现发车的晚点情况,对其在随后车站造成的自身晚点以及对第一后行列车造成的连带晚点的晚点传播过程及传播规律进行了研究,推导出相应的理论计算公式,分析探讨了乘客流与城轨列车运行稳定性的重要关系。(3)论文对城市轨道交通列车运行调整问题进行了特征分析,提出了在出现区间堵塞、线路故障、列车故障这些非正常运营状态下列车运行调度指挥方案。详细分析并论述了列车在晚点状况下的常用调度策略、城轨特有的列车间隔调整策略以及自动列车运行调整ATR的实现原理与存在的问题。(4)针对列车运行调整优化问题,作者指出:目前调度员考虑问题的出发点都是从列

【Abstract】 To develop the URT (Urban Rail Transit) mainly including metro and LRT (Light Rail Transit) is the important way to resolve urban traffic jam. Currently China has entered into the period of urban rail transit’s rapid development,but because we are in the phrase of construction, the research on the urban rail transit mostly concentrate at line plan, design and construct, the research on train operation dispatch and management aspects is comparatively less. Along with the continuously accomplishment of new lines and put into service,the network of urban rail transit come into being gradually,henceforth the hot problem will focus on URTDMS(Urban Rail Transit Dispatch Manage System).URTDMS is the important content to guarantee train safety and punctual operation, which importance is obvious. To improve the efficiency while insure the train safety is the topic of URTDMS forever. Under normal circumstance the train operation is dispatched according to train diagram, but when the exceptional instances happen, such as train delay, unexpected change of passenger flow or the occurrence of all kinds of malfunctions and calamities and so on,how to adopt effective measures,deal with the various unexpected cases in time and create the reasonable train adjustment, in the same time, how to resolve the existing automation islands of URT to realize all the sub systems to share the information and linkage control, which are all the realistic problems. To discuss on these problems is helpful to advance the rightness and rationality of URTDMS, to alleviate the working intensity and to have the important signification on theory and reality, all of which is the target of this dissertation.There are five main aspects, which are studied details in the dissertation presented as following:(1) Based on the analysis of intelligentized and integrated trend of URTDMS, the dissertation presented the goal to establish the URTIIDMS (Urban Rail Transit Intelligent and Integrated Dispatch Manage System). The dissertation encloses how to realize intelligence and integration of URTDMS. From the view of intelligentized,the key point of URTDMS to intelligentize is to have the intelligent dispatch function under the nonnormal situation. The scheme of URTDIDSS (Urban Rail Transit Dispatch Intelligent Decision Support System) is brought forward. The theory of the CRB (Case-based reasoning) and RBR (Rule-based reasoning) technique in the fields of AI (Artificial Intelligent) is introduced into the design of the accident disposal sub system. From another view of integration, in order to aim at the requirement of all the sub systems to share the information and linkage control, the integrated information platform is introduced, which will increase the transit efficiency, improve service quality and enhance response ability under an emergency.(2) Based on the modeling the URT, the mathematic description is introduced and train’s movement rule isanalyzed. The causations of train delay and the influences are discussed, at the same time, concerned with the delay of leaving station occurring for the trains staying time beyond scheme in daily operation, on the basis of making researches

  • 【分类号】U239.5;U292.42
  • 【被引频次】36
  • 【下载频次】3175
  • 攻读期成果

