

Employment Structure Research of Based on Guangdong Province Industrial Structure Change

【作者】 马斌

【导师】 张炳申;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 产业经济学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济结构转换速度不断加快。广东作为沿海经济比较发达的省份,产业结构转换升级的方式和途径在全国具有一定的代表性,就业结构具有一定的典型性。研究广东省产业结构变动过程中的就业结构不仅可以验证其变动轨迹与配第一克拉克定理的一致性,而且,在劳动力供求失衡的矛盾日益突出的情况下,可以为扩展就业、实现劳动力出第一、二产业向第三产业顺利转移提供政策思路,促使二元结构快速向一元经济结构转化。 本文利用就业结构效应模型、结构偏差系数、相关系数矩阵、就业扩张弹性、就业结构熵数等对广东省的就业结构变化状况进行了深入分析和比较研究。 考察广东省就业结构效应变化的轨迹可以发现,广东省的就业结构总效应并没有收敛于一个较低的水平而是呈现不断上升的趋势表明广东省第一产业与第二、三产业的比较劳动生产率仍然存在着较大的差距,广东省的第一产业仍然沉淀着大量的农村剩余劳动力从事生产率较低的第一产业,广东省的就业结构效应远没有充分发挥出来。 就业结构特征研究表明,一方面,信息产业的发展、技术进步以及企业创新使得广东整体就业结构不断软化,核心就业率不断提高;另一方面,经济发展的非均衡性、产业构成的地域差异使得就业的行业结构、所有制结构存在地域差异。根据产业结构判断广东省正处于由下中等收入地区向中等收入地区过渡的过程中,而按照就业结构相似系数推断广东省正处于由中等收入地区向上中等收入地区过渡的过程中,就业结构表现出一定的超前性。 通过分析三次产业的结构偏离度并与其他国家和省市进行比较我们得到,广东省的产业结构偏离度的演变经历了两个时期:(1)结构补偿期(1978年—1990年);(2)调整提高期(1990年—2004年)。从1990年开始,第二产业结构偏离度不断降低,对就业的“挤出效应”已非常明显,广东省第二产业的就业比重尚未达到应有的高度就开始下降,是低层次上的转换,其为第一产业剩余劳动力拓展就业空间的任务远未完成;第三产业的结构偏离度逐步向零靠拢,与国际标准理论值相比,处于标准范围内。这种趋势表明第三产业整体还不够发达,城市化水平较低,代表工业化进程方向和市场发育程度的新兴部门发展严重滞后,吸收劳动力能力较低。 在对广东就业结构变动考察时发现,广东省就业结构的转换升级不仅提高了就业水平,即不仅具有通常所说的就业增长效应,而且具有重要的劳动力流动的发展效应。 最后,作者围绕论文的几个结论就发展第二、三产业增加就业岗位提出一些政策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening of economy in China, economy structure changes quickly. As one of the relatively developed provinces along the coast, Guangdong’s structure of industry is of representativeness in the way of upgrade and transformation and employment structure has typicalness. To research its employment structure not only can validate the consistency of changing tracks to the petty—clark theorem, but also may provide policy thought for expanding employment and achieving labor force diversion from the primal and secondary industry to tertiary industry and urge dualistic Configuration to unitary structure.This paper analyses the change of employment structure by using the model of employment structure effect、 structure warp coefficient and Correlative coefficient matrix. Through reviewing the changing tracks of employment structure in Guangdong,it concludes that the total employment structure effect doesn’t converge at lower level, but takes on the uptrend continuously.It shows relative labor productivity still has large gap between the primal industry and the secondary and tertiary industry. The primal industry still has plenty of residual labor. Employment structure effect doesn’t bring into play sufficiently.The character of employment structure in Guangdong indicates the development of information industry、 technical progress and enterprise innovation intenerate the total employment structure and enhance the ratio of kernel employment; in another, the unequilibrium of economy development and zone difference of industry configuration produce zone disparity in section and ownership structure of employment.According to industry structure,Guangdong is in the process from low income zone to middle income zone, however, in the light of similar coefficient of employment structure, it is in the process from middle income zone to upper-middle income zone. Employment structure in Guangdong has certain excess.By analyzing structure warp coefficient of three industry and comparing it with other countries and provinces, we find the evolvement of structure warp coefficient of industry comes through two periods:(1)the phase of structure compensation;(2)the phase of adjustment and enhancement. From 1990, structure warp coefficient of secondary industry falls lastly and it decreases post of employment apparently. The employment proportion of secondary industry began to drop when it didn’t reach a higher level and it was transformation of lower degree, moreover, it hasn’t accomplished the task of expanding employment space for the primal industry labor force. The structure warp coefficient of tertiary industry moves to zero step by step and it is in the standard range comparing with standard value of international theory. This trend shows underdevelopment of tertiary industry, lower urbanization level, evolution lag of new pattern section standing for the direction of industry process and extent of market growth and less capacity of absorbing labor force.At last, author put forward some suggestion to develop the secondary and tertiary

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F121.3;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】3412

