

Hybrid Control and Information Fusion Study on Construction Cluster MAS

【作者】 高强

【导师】 王化祥; 王洪礼;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 筑路机群的智能化、动态优化调度和筑路质量在线预测是未来筑路机械行业发展的必然趋势,也是解决目前筑路过程中物料断流、积压、施工设备配置不合理、筑路质量难以在线预测以及劳动强度大等问题的必要手段。本文利用多主体技术建立了分布式机群体系结构,并在多主体平台MAGE上实现,这种结构充分体现了单机的自主性和机群的灵活性。选择合理的动态调度是筑路机群系统中的难题,应用混杂控制理论,结合优化调度算法,分析了施工机群的物料供应以及动态调度问题。信息融合技术是信息在线预测的有力工具,本文利用模糊神经网络等手段对影响筑路质量的各种参数进行融合,实现了筑路质量的实时预测。本文取得了以下成果:(1)首次通过多主体平台MAGE建立了筑路机群的分布式系统体系结构,这种开放式的分布体系可以灵活的增减单机数量。提出了多主体智能化的筑路机群实施方案,包括中央控制主体的体系结构、综合决策支持系统、知识库构建,单机的施工规范、人机交互以及机群无线通讯实施方案。(2)首次将基于时间序列的神经网络信息融合、基于SVM的信息融合、基于随机梯度的信息融合和基于MARS的信息融合的方法应用到筑路质量的预测中,仿真试验证明了该方法的有效性。(3)针对机群在筑路过程中的沥青混合料的供需关系,首先确定系统阈值,通过对拌和机的混杂切换控制,构建筑路机群的层次模型和MLD模型,实现了沥青混合料的供需平衡。(4)在沥青混合料供需平衡的基础上,运用排队调度法和基于信息素的算法等手段,实现自卸车的动态调度。根据不同的施工任务和主导机械的工作能力,从自卸车的利用率和使用数量两个方面进行了分析,减少不必要的机车闲置。(5)应用上述算法,借助Vc++面向对象的可视化编程技术,完成了筑路机群智能化可视化动态仿真软件的开发。

【Abstract】 The intelligence, dynamic scheduling and online prediction of construction quality of construction clusters are inevitable tendency of the future construction machinery industry.These study will deal with interception, backlogging and separation of the asphalt mixture. The problems of machinery allocation irrationality, needless waste of the mixture, hardness to guarantee construction quality and labor intersity will also be solved. In this thesis, MAS (multi-agent systems) is used to build a distributed architecture for the construction clusters and it is realized on the platform of MAGE. This architecture thoroughly represents the autonomy of the single machine and the flexibility of the clusters. The choice of a rational dynamic scheduling is a puzzle in construction clusters. In this paper, dynamic switching trategy of hybrid control and optimizing arithmetic are applied in analyzing material supply and dynamic scheduling of construction clusters. Information fusion is a useful tool to online forcast construction quality and four different methods of forcasting are used to predict the construction quality real-time.The main research contents of this thesis are listed here:1) For the first time, the platform of MAGE is applied to build the distributed architecture for construction clusters. This model gives attention to distributed and centric architecture and it can add and reduce single machine flexibly. The actualization project of intelligent construction clusters is provided. It includes the structure of center control agent, IDSS, knowledge base, construction criterion of single machine, man-machine alternation and wireless communication.2) Information fusion based on time series NN, SVM, stochastic gradient, and MARS are studied to forcast the construction quality. The simulation results show that these methods are effective.3) Based on the coupling relation of supplication and requirement of the asphalt mixture in construction, the system thresholds are given and hierarchical model and MLD model of the system are built to analyze the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5;TP202.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】278
  • 攻读期成果

