

The Hermeneutical Tradition of Chinese Anceint Garden Design

【作者】 庄岳

【导师】 王其亨;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 解释学是当代西方最引人注目的哲学思潮之一。它以理解和解释作为人的基本存在方式的核心观点对当代西方艺术理论及创作实践产生了重要影响。中国古代哲学美学理论中实际也蕴含有丰富的体现解释学精神实质的思想理论与方法,并指导了包括诗歌、绘画、园林在内的大量文艺创作,取得了突出的艺术成就。然而这一优秀传统长期以来却并未得到应有的关注,相关的研究尚呈现为空白与缺环。本文即以此为契机,以中国古代园林为考察对象,依托古代文艺理论及相关园林文献,结合当代西方解释学理论展开研究,旨在揭示并系统梳理古代园林创作中的解释学传统。全文分为四个层次。首先,指出中国古代“文以载道”、“以艺载道”的价值观是一种体现着本体论解释学智慧的观念,艺术是古人精神的栖居;而在“礼乐复合”的模式下,古代宫宅与园林正分别体现了“礼”和“乐”的不同精神实质,由此,确证了园林精神栖居的本质,阐明了园居活动的解释学本体论意义。在此基础上,论文第二层次分别从“用典”和“兴于诗”两方面进行方法论的探讨。一方面,以“温故知新”、“述而不作”,即“解释作为再创造”的精神实质为核心,梳理园林运用典故创作传统的发展沿革,概括出“意象物化”与“意象点化”两种不同的具体创作手段,强调了古代艺术家通过创造性地阐释传统,实现和传统的“视界融合”,是通达精神栖居的重要途径。另一方面,以传统解释学“言、象、意”范畴体系为本,厘清意象——兴象——意境范畴的发展脉络,指出意境作为精神栖居的真实涵义;并围绕意境的综合性、主体性、无限性的解释学特征,论述园林凭借“兴于诗”的方法建构园林意境的创作传统。同时也对园林形式构成当中为追求意境,运用解释学审美规律的现象进行了分析。论文在第三层次中,从语言、文字、思维方式等角度对解释学传统的文化根源进行深层次的探讨,指出“象”这一独特的思维范畴是促成传统解释学在中国文化当中获得充分发展的根源所在。最后,论文以清代皇家园林为例,对清代皇家园林创作所运用的解释学方法进行了详实的分析与论证,充分显现出清代皇家园林创作的解释学传统所具有的高度艺术成就,足为当代建筑、景观实践提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the view of considering understanding and interpretation as the fundamental form of being, hermeneutics exerts considerable influences on contemporary aesthetics and practices of fine arts in the West. While in ancient Chinese aesthetics a large amount of ideas and theories presenting a hermeneutical sense can also be found. It has gone even further in directing art practices including poetry, paintings, and garden and has obtained great achievements. This outstanding tradition, however, has not received enough attention deserved. Research concerned still remained undone. Under this condition, this thesis conducts a research on ancient gardens. On the basis of ancient aesthetics theories, documents, and introducing contemporary hermeneutics, it aims to reveal the hermeneutical tradition within Chinese ancient garden design.The thesis is composed of four parts. I. it points out that ancient Chinese’s view of value of“words bearing Tao”,“arts bearing Tao”presents an ontological hermeneutics wisdom. Arts was where ancient Chinese intellectuals’spirit inhabited. While under the compound dwelling pattern of Rites(li) and Arts(Yue), ancient houses and gardens bore the character of rites and arts respectively. It therefore can be concluded that garden—as a form of arts—was with the nature of spirit inhabitation. II. On the level of methodology, it discussed the tradition from two aspects. On one hand, based on the thoughts of Confucius’“gaining the new from the old”and“re-creating by interpreting”, it made an analysis on the tradition of creation by citing literary. It also summarized two ways of creation—“image reproduced”and“image revealed”. In this way, it emphasized that the way of interpreting tradition in a creative way was the means for ancient Chinese to fulfill“fusing of horizon”and the way to practice“spirit inhabitation”. On the other hand, based on the traditional hermeneutical category system“word (yan)-image (xiang)-meaning (yi)”, it analyzed the sequence of development of a series of categories“image(xiang)-image beyond image(xing xiang)-field of images and meanings (yi jing)”, revealing the connotation of“spirit inhabitation”of yijing. It then centered on the hermeneutical character of yi-jing, which is integration, subjectivity and infinity, to discuss the tradition of creating yi-jing by producing poetry. It also analyzed the phenomenon that hermeneutical theories have been employed in garden design on the level of forms, in order to create yi-jing. III. The thesis explored the origin of hermeneutics in China from three aspects—language, characters and way of thinking. It pointed out that xiang was the ultimate cause of Chinese hermeneutics. IV. It conducted several case studies, focused on imperial gardens of the Qing Dynasty. Based on literary and document concerned, especially the poetry of Emperor Qianlong’s, it carried out a detailed analysis on the hermeneutical methods employed by garden designers. It illustrated the great achievements that the hermeneutical tradition of garden design has obtained. And it can be used for reference by contemporary practices of garden design.Key words: hermeneutics, ancient garden design, spirit inhabitation, yi-jing (field of images and meanings), yi-xiang(image), citing literary, xing (producing poetry when inspired by the Nature)

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

