

Modeling the Evolution of the Chinese Building Stock in a Sustainable Perspective

【作者】 杨崴

【导师】 曾坚;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 在迅速的城市化与现代化进程中,中国每年要兴建约20亿平方米新建筑,同时伴随着大量旧建筑的拆除。建筑存量在其生命周期过程中的原材料和能源消耗,以及固体废弃物、温室气体和各种污染物质的排放对环境造成了不可忽视的压力。随着建筑数量的增加和标准的提高,中国建筑存量的可持续发展将引起越来越广泛的关注。本文总结了国内外相关领域的研究成果,介绍了以生命周期方法论为导向的建筑存量可持续性评价体系,并通过系统方法分析了建筑存量的组成、层次、功能和动态。在此基础上,建立了可持续性建筑存量演进的量化模型,从综合可持续性的视角模拟高速城市化和现代化进程中中国建筑和基础设施存量的发展和影响。模型整合了系统分析方法、生命周期方法和宏观经济分析方法,从自上而下和自下而上两个途径,在宏观、中观、微观三个层面量化分析了中国建筑存量和流量的基本信息,并通过动态模型预测了未来50年(2005年到2055年)中国建筑存量的发展趋势以及相关的资源消耗和环境影响,比较了不同发展策略的效果和达到设定目标的可能途径。在文献研究和实地调查的基础上,本文定义了对中国建筑存量发展有关键性影响的参量,并提出了一系列基本假设,包括分类方法、动态模拟方法、以及建筑寿命、维修与成本价值的关系等。模型的运算工具采用Microsoft Excel。在结论部分,本文基于模型的分析结果提出了中国建筑存量可持续发展的原则和策略;讨论了模型的验证方法和发展的可能性。模型可以作为制定建成环境管理策略的辅助工具、或用于评价具体措施和技术手段对整体建成环境可持续发展的作用。在详尽的数据支持下,模型可以应用于国家、地区、城市等不同层面。

【Abstract】 China is undergoing a rapid urbanisation and modernisation process, which have led to dramatic increase of the building stock. The energy and mass flows and the related environmental impacts of the Chinese building stock deserve attention due to the high volume of construction activity, the probably short life span of the buildings constructed in the recent years, and to the increasing need for living and working standard, which have already led to severe environmental impacts.The study aims to analyse the evolution of the Chinese building stock in a sustainable perspective. An integrated LCA model with combined bottom-up and top-down approaches is proposed. The model derived the basic information of the Chinese building stock in the reference year (2005), and simulated its evolution in the coming 50 years (from 2005 to 2055), in order to examine the mass-energy-cost flows and the related environmental impacts. Microsoft Excel is used as the calculation tool.Based on literature review and field study, the key parameters concerning the development of the building stock are identified, and the major hypotheses are proposed, including classification of the Chinese building stock, the simulation methods of the dynamics, and the relationship of refurbishment, life span, value and total cost of buildings. The model analysed the scenarios of different development strategies, including the targets and successions.The model is validated by comparing the results from the top-down and bottom-up approaches. It can be used to assist decision-making process in the management of the built environment. It is scalable, which means that if more detailed bottom-up data are available, it can then be applied to analyse the built environment on different levels, such as national, regional, and urban level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

