

The Summary Reviews of Chinese Architecture History Studies during the 20th Century

【作者】 温玉清

【导师】 王其亨;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本文通过对近一个世纪以来中国建筑史学研究的学术历程进行较为全面的回顾和综述,以中国建筑史学研究所涉及的诸多问题为纲,叙述中国建筑史学研究发展变迁的整体系统,探寻中国建筑史学作为一个独立的具有深厚学术内涵的学科体系其内在基本规律,反思其成败得失,力求对未来中国建筑史学研究的深入与拓展提供方法论意义上的参照。作为学术史研究,本文以中国建筑史学研究发展之时代顺序为叙述理路,结合大量第一手档案史料之整理,基本厘清、还原了中国建筑史学研究各相关学术机构、研究者及其研究情况的历史面貌,并将各个时期具有代表性的中国建筑史学研究成果进行了综述。

【Abstract】 Through review and summarizing Chinese architecture history studies in the past century and by using various focused issues as key link, this thesis attempts to depict the systematical development of Chinese architecture history studies, to seek the internal disciplines of Chinese architecture history as an independent study that has its own academic significance, to reflect the achievements and deficiencies of these past studies, to provide a methodological reference for future in-depth research on Chinese architecture history study. As an study on academic history, this thesis follows the chronicle development of Chinese architecture history study, with the investigation on huge amount of first-hand record, presented the historical conditions of various academic institutions, researchers and their studies, and summarized the most representative research at each individual historical period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期

