

Research on Performance Enhancement of SINS/GPS Integrated Navigation Systems

【作者】 卢鸿谦

【导师】 胡恒章; 黄显林;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 导航技术在军事、工业以及民用等众多领域都有着广泛应用,如何提高导航精度和可靠性对于导航技术的推广应用具有重要意义。GPS与SINS互补性强,是实现组合导航的一种重要方案。论文是以GPS/SINS为基础,在信息融合技术的理论框架下,从引入其它外部测量信息和改进融合算法两个方向,重点研究了增强其可靠性、姿态精度和精度的稳定性的方法。在组合导航系统中往往使用采样频率不同的多种传感器。论文首先对联邦卡尔曼滤波的融合策略进行改进,提出了一种适合于多采样系统的融合策略,并证明了它与集中滤波的等价性。在此基础上,论文提出了一种自适应分散滤波方法,以达到在存在不确定性或软故障的情况下仍能获得较高精度的导航解的目的。同时,算法保留了联邦滤波的分散化结构,可以方便的支持故障隔离与重构。为了便于对后续研究内容进行评价和比较,论文接着建立了GPS/SINS组合导航系统,并对其性能进行了仿真。为提高GPS/SINS组合导航系统对姿态误差的观测能力,论文首先研究了采用多天线GPS增强系统姿态测量能力的方法,提出了一种天线配置结构,阐述了利用载波相位差分方法进行基线测量的原理,提出了两种利用基线直接观测平台误差角的方法,并与姿态误差角法和姿态四元数误差法进行了比较。结果表明,新方法的精度与姿态四元数法基本相当,优于姿态误差角法,且两条基线能够分时工作,计算量也没有增加。接下来,论文又对利用偏振光和地磁测量来增强组合导航系统姿态测量性能的方法进行了研究。论文推导了偏振光对平台误差的观测方程,阐述了利用偏振光辅助进行姿态观测的基本原理,以及启动偏振光观测的条件。为进一步提高该方法的性能,论文对使用多偏振光模块非平行观测、偏振模型精确化和传感器改进等措施进行了讨论,并证明了组合导航系统的完全随机可检性。论文提出了一种偏振光/GPS/SINS组合的结构配置方案,并进行了与GPS/SINS组合的对比仿真研究。结果表明,该方法具有稳定的姿态误差修正能力。接着,论文对采用地磁和偏振光双重辅助、具有直接的完全姿态测量能力的系统进行了研究,推导了地磁矢量观测平台误差角的观测方程,阐述了偏振光/地磁/GPS/SINS组合的配置方案和工作原理,并进行了仿真对比检验。结果表明该方法具有精度更高、更稳定的姿态误差修正效果。最后,论文研究了该

【Abstract】 The navigation technology is wildly employed in the military, civil, and commercial fields. Thus it is important to improve the accuracy and reliability of the navigation systems in practical applications. The GPS/SINS integrated navigation is an outstanding resolution because of the complementarity. Based on the GPS/SINS integrated navigation systems, methods of enhancing the reability and accuracy of the systems have been studied by means of involving certain external information and modifying the information fusion algorithms.Usually, sensors utilized in the navigation systems have different sampling rates. Hence, a novel data fusion strategy in the federated Kalman filtering is proposed to tailor the algorithm to the multirate systems. This new algorithm is proved equivalent to the centralized filtering method. Basing on this mothed, an adaptive discentralized filtering approach is presented to obtain more accurate navigation solutions with the model uncertainty or soft fault. Moreover, this filter maintains the discentralized structure, with which it can surport fault isolution and reconfiguration. In order to evaluate and compare with the work in the following chapters, the performace of our GPS/SINS integrated navigation system is studied by numerical simulations.To increase the degree of observability of the GPS/SINS integrated navigation system, a multi-antenna GPS attitude determination method is first studied. A multi-antenna configuration scheme is presented, and the principles of the GPS differential carrier phase measurement are expatiated. Two direct attitude error correction methods using base-line measurements are proposed and compared with the indirect Euler angle error correction and quaternion error correction methods. Numerical simulation results show that these two methods are as accurate as the quaternion error correction approach, and both outperform the Euler angle error correction method. Furthermore, with our methods, the two base-lines can work asynchronously, and the computational burden is not increased.Next, the polarized light and geomagnetism aided navigation methods are proposed. The models of the polarized light measurements with regard to the attitude errors are presented. The principles of the polarized light aided attitude determination approaches and the conditions, under which the polarized light modules can be


