

Research on Service Network Design for China Railway Express Parcel Transportation

【作者】 沈睿

【导师】 刘军;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着快运业的迅猛发展,通过优质的运输服务为客户创造更多的效益,以吸引客户、扩展市场成为快运企业日趋认同的经营理念,而高水准的快运服务在很大程度上取决于企业对其服务网络的设计、控制、组织和协调能力,因此作为制定运输企业运营策略基础的服务网络设计问题在小件货物快运领域中得到了越来越多的重视。对运输服务网络进行优化设计的目的是制定经济合理的整体运营策略,有计划地组织运输企业的生产活动,最大限度地协调运输服务供求双方的目标利益,实现运输企业客户服务和经营效益的双重目标。由于铁路行包快运在我国小件货物快运市场中占有重要的位置,以及铁路行包快运的运营战术计划人工编制现状,因此有必要根据行包快运的生产组织特点,借助服务网络设计理论和方法,对铁路行包快运组织优化方法进行深入地探讨和研究。本论文以中国铁路行包快运为研究背景,在总结网络设计与优化、服务网络设计与优化现有研究成果的基础上,运用优化方法的思想,对主要的铁路行包快运服务产品,即专列运输和客运普包运输的服务网络设计问题进行了较为全面和系统的研究。主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)网络设计问题理论和方法研究网络设计问题是研究运输服务网络设计问题的重要基础,本文对网络设计问题的相关理论和方法进行了总结。在给出网络设计一般模型的基础上,讨论了线性和非线性两类网络设计问题的求解方法,总结了大规模网络设计问题的一般算法思想和步骤。并且对后面研究内容涉及到的相关网络设计特例的模型及算法进行了详细分析。(2)运输服务网络设计问题理论和方法研究铁路行包快运服务网络设计问题属于运输服务网络设计问题中的一个应用特例。本文对运输服务网络设计问题的理论和方法进行了系统分析和总结。对比网络设计问题与运输服务网络设计问题二者之间的关系;给出运输服务网络设计问题的一般模型及其分类;重点分析静态和动态的运输服务网络设计模型,分别为专列运输和客运普包运输服务网络设计研究奠定基础。(3)铁路行包快运系统的分析研究铁路行包快运系统是研究行包快运服务网络设计的依据和载体。通过供需分析、作业过程分析、服务产品特点分析和费用分析,从整体上认识和把握铁路行包快运系统。鉴于行包快运组织目前存在的问题,给出铁路行包快运服务网络设计问题研究的必要

【Abstract】 With the rapid growth of express shipment delivery industry, carriers have begun to offer high quality, reliable services to capture a large share of the delivery market. While the quality of express services depends on the ability that carriers design, control, organize and coordinate their service networks. With these changes, the service network design problem (SNDP) that designates the set of main tactical issues and decisions relevant of operating planning for carriers becomes more important. The objective of designing transportation service network is to satisfy all customer demand with an acceptable level of service at minimum cost. Since railway parcel transportation plays an important role in the China express small shipment delivery market, and tactical operating planning for railway parcel transportation is made manually, it is necessary and important to study the theory and method of service network design for railway express parcel transport.In this research, both literature and basic theory related to network design problem and service network design problem are overviewed. There are two parcel transportation products or service types (i.e. special train parcel transport and general parcel transport) offered in the China railway parcel transportation system. Then based on the characteristics of transportation organization mode of these service products, this research studies extensively the SNDP of special train parcel transport and general parcel transport by mathematical optimization approaches. The research consists of the following sections.(1) As network design problem (NDP) provides the important groundwork for studying service network design problem, the thesis summarizes the related theory and method of network design problem. This research presents the general model of NDP, discusses the approaches to solve linear and nonlinear NDP, and analyze the common solution procedure for the large-scale network design problem. The models and algorithms of special cases of NDP involved in the remainder of this research are analyzed in detail.(2) Service network design with application to railway parcel transportation is a special case of well-studied SNDP. This research analyzed the theory and method of service network design problem systematically. By comparing SNDP with NDP, the research presents the general model of SNDP. As a rule, SNDP can be divided into two sorts by the traits of the model. And the thesis places emphasis on static frequency and dynamic models of SNDP, since they provide the significant foundation for studying two railway parcel transportation products respectively.(3) Railway express parcel transport system is the base for studying SNDP of railway


