

Research on the Economic and Industrial Synergy Development in the County Territory

【作者】 王传民

【导师】 袁伦渠;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 自“十六大”提出“壮大县域经济”以来,县域经济越来越受到社会的广泛关注。在2006年国务院政府工作报告中提到:继续调整农业结构,积极发展畜牧业,推进农业产业化,大力发展农村二、三产业特别是农产品加工业,壮大县域经济,推进农村劳动力向非农产业和城镇有序转移,多渠道增加农民收入。发展壮大县域经济,是新时期统筹城乡发展、从根本上解决“三农”问题的战略举措,是全面建设小康社会、建设社会主义新农村的重要内容。 论文分为四大部分。 第一部分即绪论部分,在评述县域经济发展研究文献的基础上,提出了本文县域经济协同发展战略研究的论题。 第二部分是论文的第二章,首先简要介绍了协同方法,然后从协同学的角度分析了县域经济结构的特征,探讨了县域经济产业协同发展的机制,最后提出我国县域经济发展模式的正确选择——协同发展模式。 第三部分包括论文的第三、四、五章。这一部分是文章的主体,从三个方面展开论述:其一,运用系统动力学方法进行主导产业的选择;其二,总结了我国县域经济产业协同发展的总体布局和战略;其三,提出了县域经济协同发展成熟度评价模型。 第四部分是论文的第六章,此部分是实证分析部分。从全国范围内选取了三个典型县域,结合实践提出其经济产业协同发展的措施和建议。 论文主要采用三种研究方法: (1) 社会调查法 在理论分析的基础上进行典型案例实证分析,是本文研究的技术路线。本文运用社会调查方法收集相关案例区的资料(包括人口、GDP、环境等统计数据),在大量的统计数据的基础上,采用科学的统计方法,分析县域经济协同发展模式。 (2) 数学模型分析 建立数学模型是进行县域经济产业结构研究的重要方法,并在诸方面研究中发挥了作用。本文作者创新性提出了县域经济协同成熟度评价模型,以揭示县域经济的协同度和发展量。 (3) 系统性的研究方法 本文研究一方面应用大系统理论和系统分析的理论和方法,对县域进行分析和描述,综合研究县域的人口、资源、环境的相互作用关系;另一方面,运用系统动力学方法指导主导产业的选择过程。 论文的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面: (1) 系统研究中国县域经济产业的特征。县域经济呈现出耗散结构特征;县域新兴的第二产业、门类庞杂的第三产业的应运而生,表明一个立体式的产业结构已基本形成;县域经济产业结构立体型的发展,促成了县城、集镇、乡村三级梯度式的县域经济空间布局结构。

【Abstract】 After bringing forward "strengthening the county territory economy" during the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the development of the county territory economy is becoming the focus which the theory circles and business circles paid close attention to day by day. Government Work Report(2006) reads that "We will continue to adjust the structure of agriculture by promoting development of the livestock and poultry industry, promoting the industrialization of agriculture, developing secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, particularly for processing agricultural products, helping county economies grow, bringing about an orderly transfer of the rural workforce to nonagricultural employment in rural and urban areas, and increasing rural incomes through various channels". Developing the county territory economy is not only the fundamentally strategic action of balancing urban and rural development and solving the ’Three Rural’ Issues, but also the important content of building a moderately prosperous society and promoting the building of a new socialist countrysideFour parts are there in this paper:The first part is the introduction. On the base of narrating the country territory economic research, this thesis proposes the country territory economy Synergic developmental strategy.The second part is the second chapter. Firstly, it briefly introduces the Synergic method. Secondly, it analyzes the characteristics of the county territory economic structure from the synerfy angle. Thirdly, it discusses the development mechanism of the county territory industry synergy. Finally, it proposes a correct choice of our country’s county territory economy development pattern——synergic development pattern.The third part consists of chapter three, four and five. This part is the thesis’s main body, it launches the elaboration from three aspects: At the very beginning, it chooses the leading industries using the system dynamic method; In addition, it summarizes the overall layout and the strategy of our country’s county territory economical industry synergic development; Last but not the lest, it brings forward the model to appraising the industry development maturity of county territory economy.The fourth part is chapter six and the real diagnosis analysis part. Selected three model county territories from the national scope, it advances development measure and suggestion of county territories’ industry synergy.Based on the actual development shape in Chinese county territory, this thesis advances the model of leading industry choice using system dynamics. It summarizes the Synergetic development overall layout and fights in Chinese county territory economic,

【关键词】 县域经济产业协同成熟度模型
【Key words】 County Territory EconomyIndustrySynergyMaturity Model

