

【作者】 张玉

【导师】 朱光磊;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 中国社会转型过程中,出现的区域差距扩大化现象,是区域政策执行失效的制度结果。现有区域的发展格局,是伴随着政府权力关系调整后,地方政府在执行区域政策的过程中,基于制度选择的地方化倾向,而导致的政策目标选择的地区化倾向。其中地方政府在支持区域政策执行的制度供给中,处于主导地位,这也就同时决定了地方政府在执行区域政策过程中,其利益分享的大小是其制度供给的原动力。它表明,当区域政策目标与地方政府的利益分享具有正向一致性时,地方政府就作出有利于区域政策执行的制度安排,反之,地方政府就借助于中央政府在区域政策执行中,制度供给的滞后性,而以地区发展政策目标,置换区域政策目标,使之产生出有利于地区经济发展的政策效果。囿于当代中国区域发展的非均衡性,以及“政府主导型”市场发展模式的路径依赖,因此,地方政府在当前区域经济和地区经济发展中的主体地位和重要作用,是当下任何组织无法替代的。故而,中央政府在对地方政府实施分权让利的行政体制改革中,应当同时加大对地方政府权力使用权限的监督制约,同步推进支持性制度变迁和修复性制度变迁的制度供给。如果让修复性制度变迁的供给,长期滞后于支持性制度变迁的供给,那么,将导致中国区域发展差距的再次扩大。缩小区域差距,最关键的因素不在于区域政策目标的调整,而在于为区域政策目标的顺利执行提供完整的制度支持。而制度支持的建构,关键在于深化地方政府的行政体制改革,优化地方政府的治理结构,在中央政府与地方政府之间建构全新的治理模式。协商民主作为中国区域政策执行模式的制度基础,在当代中国的政治实践中,不仅能够克服基于“集权——分权”视角的局限而带来的权力运行失衡,更重要的在于,它既有超越既定政治模式的意义,对于推进当代中国政治的现代化、民主化进程,实现区域协调发展的政策目标将产生重要的影响。建立在协商民主基础之上的区域政府间合作机制,作为区域政策执行模式的制度建构,它所强调的是在中央政府所成立的“区域协调管理委员会”的领导下,区域内的各政治主体能平等、自由地参与区域公共问题的执行协商,不存在特殊组织利益凌驾于其他参与主体利益之上的优先权,政治行为不受先在权威的抑制和掌握,彼此间主要依据合作共存、协调发展原则来通过“公开说理”,而赋予具有集体约束力的区域政策执行活动,以政治效率的合法性、组织效率的合理性和职能效率的有限性。

【Abstract】 During the process of China’s social transition, the regional disparities enlarge, that is the system result of the regional policy’s bad implementation After the adjustment of government power, the existing regional developing pattern is the regional tendency of the policy goal alternatives resulted from the system alternative’s localization trend during the process of local governments’implementation of regional policy. Peculiarly, the local government plays the leading role in the system supplies supporting the implementation of regional policy, which determines that the size of benefit sharing is the motive power of the system supplies during the process of executing the regional policy. This indicates, when the goal of regional policy and the local government’s benefit sharing coincide, the local government make the system arrangement that will be benefit to the regional policy implementation, otherwise through taking advantage of the lagging of system supplies that emerged from the central government’s implementation of regional policy, the local government would replace the goal of the regional policy with the goal of local development policy, and cause the replacement bringing about a good policy result which benefits the development of the local economy.Because of the imbalance of modern China’s regional development and the dependence of the way that is the government-leading market development model, the important role that the government plays in the present development of regional economy and local economy couldn’t be played by any other organization. So as the central government carries out administrative restructuring that aims to decentralize its power and give more benefits to the local government, at the same time it should strengthen the supervision and regulation of the local government’s power, push forward the system supplies of supportive system change and corrective system change simultaneously. If the supply of the corrective system change lags behind the supportive system change for years, the disparities of China’s regional development will be enlarged again.In order to narrow the regional disparities, the crucial factor lies not in the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

