

Research on the Theory and Method of Bus Rapid Transit Network Planning in Urban Area

【作者】 顾志康

【导师】 李旭宏;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国经济发展加快,城市居民出行的机动化水平日益提高,为了缓解城市交通压力,各大城市正着手规划和建设大中运量的公共交通系统-轨道交通系统。但由于轨道交通造价昂贵、建设周期长,并不能起到立竿见影的效果。而快速公交系统由于具备造价低、建设快的优点,吸引了我国乃至世界上各大城市关注的目光。从已经实施快速公交的城市情况来看,快速公交对缓解交通拥挤、优化交通方式结构、有效引导城市土地开发和促进城市可持续发展等方面有很大的作用。本文首先研究了适合快速公交运营的外部条件,包括道路等级、路段机动车道数、公交专用道位置、交叉口优先通行系统、站点设置等,继而在理论上研究了快速公交的运力大小,以及适合其布设的客运走廊特征。在分析实施快速公交的外部条件的基础上,进一步研究了其在我国大城市里的适应性,指出快速公交的应用范围,并针对如何改善道路条件提出了多种道路横断面布置方法。大中运量的公交捷运系统包括地铁、轻轨和快速公交等,它们中的一种或几种构成了城市公交骨架网络。在介绍公交捷运系统组成和特点的基础上,探讨了其在今后的发展趋势,包括中运量公交捷运系统的兴起以及快速公交成为中运量捷运系统的代表等。通过实例表明,实施快速公交对城市交通和城市发展有诸多益处。分析了适合快速公交发挥主体作用的大城市的特征,并阐述了快速公交与其他捷运系统之间的功能布局关系。公交骨架网络应当遍布整个城市,支撑起公共交通网络,起到动脉输送的作用。本文在分析以往轨道交通线网布局规划方法的基础上,阐明了以快速公交为主进行公交骨架网络布局规划的思路和特点。对已有的公交骨架网络规模计算模型进行改进,并提出新的思路和计算方法。由于交通干线与城市形态之间存在相互依存发展的关系,本文借鉴形态学的思想,利用城市人口和就业岗位分布数据创建了公交骨架网络布局规划方法。快速公交有适合其应用的客流范围,应当根据公交骨架网络里的预测客流来选择快速公交运营的通道。在整个城市客运交通预测的框架体系中,因引入了公交骨架网络从而对传统的四阶段法做出改进,建立了交通分布、方式划分和交通分配的组合模型,具体阐述了公交骨架网络客流需求预测的步骤和方法,并根据快速公交自身的特点研究了如何选择快速公交通道。重点分析了快速公交所具有的外部效应,提出了快速公交线网经济规模的概念,为快速公交线网的建设规模决策提供了理论依据。在确定快速公交通道后,应当根据通道上的预测客流走向来布设快速公交线路。本文先结合各大城市应用快速公交的实例,总结出快速公交线路布设的不同形式。由于公交线网是一种复杂网络,可以从网络拓扑的角度去研究快速公交布线问题。在介绍目前关于复杂网络的研究成果-小世界网络理论后,对快速公交线网进行了网络分析,指出如何进一步优化单线式快速公交线网的拓扑结构。在分析快速公交通道容量和换乘节点客流走向的基础上,研究了如何利用遗传算法进行快速公交布线的实用方法,以达到优化网络结构、提高客流运送效率的目的。

【Abstract】 At present, the economy of our country is developing fast, and the mobility level in urban increases greatly. Many big cities are planning and constructing railway system, which belongs to Mass Rapid Transit System. But the construction of railway system is expensive and it should go through a relative long period, railway system can not solve the traffic problem immediately. Because Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is relative cheap and its construction is rapid, it has caught many people’s eyes. In the cities where BRT has brought into use, BRT plays an important part on relieving traffic pressure, optimizing travel modal split, leading land development and boosting city sustainable development.Firstly, the exterior conditions for BRT operation, include road grade, numbers of motor vehicle lanes, location of bus lane, intersection bus priority transit, station layout, are studied. Then BRT’s transport power is discussed, as well as the corridor feature for BRT operation. On the basis of analyzing the exterior conditions, BRT’s adaptability is studied. After pointing out the locations where BRT can be applied, some suggestions about road transect configuration are set out.Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) include subway, LRT and BRT, and so forth, one or several types of which are the components of transit skeleton network. After introducing MRTS’components and features, MRTS’future is discussed. It has been proved that developing BRT can get lots of benefit. The characteristic of cities which BRT is suitable for is analyzed, and the relation of BRT and other MRTS is set forth.The transit skeleton network should be spread all over a city, and support the transit network. After analyzing the layout methods of railway network, the idea and feature of layout planning of transit skeleton network, mainly composed of BRT lines, are indicated. An old model on the scale of transit skeleton network is improved, and a new method is presented. With population and employment data, a method on layout planning of transit skeleton network is established, using morphology for reference.Before selecting corridors for BRT operation, forecasting the passenger volumes in transit skeleton network is necessary. The traditional four stage method should be improved, and a combination model is established. According to BRT’s feature the strategy for selecting BRT corridor is discussed. BRT’s exterior effect is also analyzed, and the concept of economic scale of BRT network is set forward.With some examples in other cities, the layout methods of BRT lines is concluded. Because transit network is a type of complex network, to make research from the view of network topology is feasible. After introducing the theory of the Small World, BRT network analysis is carrying out. A method on layout planning of BRT lines is studied, in which the Genetic Arithmetic is applied.Finally, an evaluation index system about BRT schemes is established, which includes network

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期

