

English Garden Arts in 18~(th) Century

【作者】 朱宏宇

【导师】 刘先觉;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本论文从理论和实践的双重视角,深入英国18世纪的语境,以如画作为切入点,结合文学和风景画艺术发展的历史对英国18世纪如画园林产生的背景、如画思想的发展与变化、如画园林的理论与实践、主要特征和艺术策略等问题进行了细致的梳理和阐述。作者认为,作为英国18世纪三大美学范畴之一的如画理论,其产生和发展有着深厚的文化底蕴,其中与之联系最为紧密的艺术形式是文学和风景画,思想基础是“诗如画”;其多变复杂的内涵决定了如画园林的理论与实践必须由专业造园师、业余爱好者和如画理论家共同完成;在诗、画、园林的同盟中,英国18世纪如画园林明显地表现出三大特征:象征性、表现性和戏剧性特征;从如画园林的操作策略上来看主要体现在对如画之美的追求、诗景之间的互动以及对起到调节作用的细节的处理。综观英国18世纪如画园林的发展历程,我们可以说,如画运动并非是一场同古典主义传统断然决裂的运动,其中既有对传统的回归,也有打破旧传统建立新传统的超越,并且在错综复杂的境遇中,经历了否定、徘徊与重建的过程。论文正文17万余字,附图175幅

【Abstract】 From the perspectives of both theoretical analysis and practical observation, under the English context in 18th century, taking the picturesque as the base of theory, and combining the history of the letter and landscape painting, the dissertation has explored the development and movement of the picturesque concept, the features and strategies in the background of the picturesque garden. The author maintains that the picturesque being one of the English three aesthetics in the 18th century, its appearance and development had a profound cultural groundwork, in which the closest art fields are the letter and landscape painting, and the concept is“Ut Pictura Poesis”. Due to the variety and complexity of the picturesque concept, the theory and practice of the picturesque garden are achieved by the effort of landscape gardeners, the amateur and the picturesque theorist. In the union of poetry, picture and gardening, three pre-dominant features are presented: emblem, expression and the dramatic. As far as the strategies of the picturesque garden, three aspects are present: the pursuit of the picturesque beauty, the interaction of poetry and landscape, and the manipulation of details for adjustment. When surveying the evolution history of English picturesque garden in 18th century at a vantage point, it may be said that the picturesque movement is not completely broken off the classicism tradition. There is not only a regression to the old tradition but also an exceeding by iconoclasm to build new tradition. The dissertation is over 170 thousand Chinese words, with 170 illustrations

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期

