

【作者】 葛蓉蓉

【导师】 黄运成;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 商业银行治理具有与一般工商企业不同的特点,这是由于银行的脆弱性对银行“管理的正当性”提出了更高要求;银行的治理水平影响到本国的金融安全;商业银行治理具有高度的社会公共性(或称外部性),因而需特别关注利益相关人治理;被动负债下的债权人在银行公司治理中难以发挥应有的作用;产品市场的不充分竞争使外部约束弱化;银行的信息不对称情况也更加严重;由于银行的并购成本大大超过一般公司,来自接管的压力较弱;银行业监管对其公司治理具有双重作用。上述因素加大了银行治理的难度,也彰显了加强银行治理的重要性。 本论文在总结国外公司治理、尤其是国外商业银行治理的理论与实践的基础上,结合我国银行业所处的制度环境和改革目标,以及银行业公司治理的特殊性,提出我国商业银行治理的分析框架及基本内容。 首先,探讨了商业银行股权结构对公司治理影响的四种方式,提出股权结构对公司治理的影响具有对内、对外双重的状态依存性;由此得出结论:第一,认为股权分散化有益于商业银行治理在理论上是片面的,在外部条件不完善的情况下,股权集中是对股东权益保护的一种代偿性的安排,第二,在考察股权结构对银行治理影响时,要区分股权集中度与股东特征的不同组合所带来的不同结果;从股权集中度、股东特征出发,对商业银行国有控股、引进战略投资者、境外上市、机构投资者作用等热点问题进行了分析,进而提出相应的政策建议。 其次,研究了作为内部治理核心的董事会治理,以及为内部治理提供运作环境与条件的外部治理,阐述了其主要内容、作用原理及制约条件;在董事会治理方面,重点关注了董事会的运作模式、规模与构成、独立董事制度、专门委员会制度与董事会文化;对于外部治理则区分公共治理与市场治理,在公共治理方面,考察了银行业监管、法律制度、信息披露制度与政府行为,在市场治理方面,考察了并购接管市场、产品市场与银行家市场。 再次,通过对相关制度安排进行分析,论证要建立有效的公司治理机制,必需注重能使其发挥相应功能的制度设计,提出建立决策机制、激励约束机制与监督评价机制是使公司治理有效运作的实现途径,目前国内银行治理“形似而神不

【Abstract】 The corporate governance for commercial bank has different features from general industry and commerce enterprises and the more strict requirements have to be put forward for the "justice governance" of bank based on the frangibility of banking industry; the corporate governance level of bank can influence on national financial safety; the control of stakeholders must be paid particular attention to because of the high social commonality (also called as externality) in corporate governance of commercial bank; the creditors with passive liabilities cannot exert their efforts in corporate governance of banking company; the imperfect competition of product market has weakened the exterior constraint; the asymmetric condition of bank information can also make it more severe; the supervision and control of banking industry has double action for the corporate governance of their companies because the merger and acquisition costs of bank is greatly more than general company and the pressure of supervision is comparatively weak. The above-mentioned factors have increased the difficulty of bank governance and shown the significance for strengthening the bank governance.This thesis proposes the analytical framework and basic contents of corporate governance in commercial bank of our country on the basis of summarizing the theory and practice of corporate governance in foreign companies, especially in foreign commercial banks, and combining the system environment, reform target and particularity of corporate governance in Chinese banking industry.Firstly, this thesis focus on four influence modes of stock ownership structure in commercial bank to company corporate governance and proposes the influence of stock ownership structure having double existences for internal and external conditions of company corporate governance; the conclusion is: first, it is unilateral to consider the deconcentration of stock ownership is beneficial to corporate governance . of commercial bank in theory, the concentration of stock ownership is a kind of


