

Application of System Thinking for Collaborative Management and Integrated Marketing Communications

【作者】 黄澄清

【导师】 梁樑; 赵定涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 面对二十一新世纪,全世界不管企业个体或政府部门都在进行内部改造,面对国际竞争环境问题,产业环境与营销模式的快速变迁,突破过去国与国之间的贸易障碍,以往存在的保护政策与限制亦纷纷被打破,使得长期处于弱势的农产业更趋于困境,在新世纪开启的关键时刻,农业部门必须以提升竞争力为发展方向,加速产业结构调整,以整体性、前瞻性的策略,整合资源并建立创新团队,方能奠定农业发展的坚实基础(黄澄清,2002)。台湾与中国大陆已加入WTO,正是两岸发展农业协同组织的最佳契机,目前台湾的农业人口约400万,农家约78万户,平均耕地面积约仅1公顷左右(陈希煌,2000);而中国大陆目前13亿人口中,就有2亿多的农民,应如何让两岸水果产销组织因应加入WTO所带来的冲击,使双方农业得以合作,成为发展协同合作组织来衔接全球性农产品通路以抗衡国际市场的关键因素。另外,对于幅员广阔的中国大陆而言,为面对国外高度侵略性的农产品竞争,中国大陆农业组织必须将组织思维从个别的经营个体,扩展成策略联盟的协同网络,学习台湾农业产销联盟的合作机制,以强化自身竞争力,建立一套能有效发挥群体效益的营销网络,经由策略联盟达成资源互补与整合的目标。 在竞争环境诡谲多变之下,考验着管理者如何整合各种不同的传播工具,让组织与组织间能维持良性的互动关系;而英国传统学派所发展的系统化修练理论,更能帮助管理者以宏观的角度来探讨实务上的组织问题,在组织协同管理与整合规划上更具效用。本研究目的为:1、探讨协同管理、整合行传播与系统化修练三构面之影响性,并分析台湾与中国大陆水果产销联盟组织在协同管理及整合营销传播上的差异情形;2、了解如何运用系统化修练,选择适当的方法来解决规划协同管理与整合营销传播策略时产生的组织问题;3.针对台湾与中国大陆水果产销联盟提出建议,以利两岸农业组织等相关单位,在规划协同方案时,能采取易成功的系统化协同策略。 本研究以台湾与中国大陆农产业之产业联盟组织为研究对象,利用协同管理(Collaborative Management,CM)、整合营销传播(Integrated Marketing

【Abstract】 Faced with the 21st century, both businesses and government departments around the world are undergoing internal reforms. Nowadays, international competition is heating up, and industry environment and marketing strategies are changing rapidly, which help break down trade barriers between countries. Protective policies and imposed limitations in the past have been withdrawn one after another. Agricultural departments must take competitiveness improvement as the developmental direction, accelerate structural adjustment of the industry, and integrate resources with comprehensive and insightful strategies to establish innovation working teams, so as to lay down a solid foundation for agricultural development. As Taiwan and the mainland’s mainland have become WTO members, the best moment has come for the two economies to establish collaborative organizations in agriculture. The key to developing these collaborative organizations depends on how fruit production and marketing organizations of both economies react to the impact brought up by international competition and thereafter build up cooperation. For the expansive mainland, agricultural organizations need to transform their mindsets, from focusing on operational individual to the collaborative network of strategic alliances. They should learn from the cooperative mechanism of Taiwan’s agricultural production and marketing alliances, in order to strengthen their own competitiveness and to create a marketing network that would bring collective benefits into full play. At the same time, strategic alliances are also helpful to complementing and integrating resources.


