

Case-based Scenario Knowledge Model Construction and Application in Product Form Design

【作者】 谭浩

【导师】 赵江洪;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 产品造型设计是关注于产品的形态、人机交互界面及其相关的人的审美、情感、体验等方面的以人为中心的创造性活动。由于产品造型设计涉及到工程科学、心理学、艺术学、人机工程等相关学科,包含形象思维和逻辑思维,因而一直是设计工程研究的难点之一。论文作为国家高技术研究发展“863”计划和国家“十五”攻关计划资助项目研究,以产品造型设计为研究对象,从基于案例推理和认知心理学的思想出发,提出了设计情境的概念。在此基础上,构建了基于案例的产品造型设计情境知识模型,并运用于具体的设计实践中。情境的概念最早出现在认知心理学及其相关领域,并在人工智能、产品设计与工程等领域得到一定发展。情境就是关于人在一定的环境和条件下进行某种活动的相关因素和信息的总和,是一种在人的记忆中实时构建的心理表征。从知识工程的角度看,情境知识是通过情境对知识进行表达和组织的知识形式,表现为一种情境化的知识表达和组织方式。论文在理论研究的基础上,以一种典型的工业产品——数控机床为对象,通过产品造型设计问题求解过程调研与实验研究,分析了产品造型设计问题求解的基本思路、情境和案例及其在产品造型设计中的地位和作用,初步验证了情境及其知识的表达和组织能够更加有效地辅助形象思维过程,特别适合辅助于产品造型设计。然后,论文在一个实例研究的基础上,提出了的产品造型设计情境知识框架。该框架包含案例情境、情境组织和情境转换三个部分,分别对应知识的表达、获取和应用。案例情境就是过去设计案例和经验的表达;情境组织则将案例通过索引按照设计者的需求进行组织;情境转换将情境和整个设计知识的运用过程结合起来,以合适的方式在合适的条件下给设计者提供知识辅助。基于产品造型设计情境知识框架,论文借鉴公理设计中“行为-功能-结构-过程”的映射关系和“以人为中心的产品开发”的方法,结合心理学和人机工程学对于人的行为、心理的研究方法,构建产品造型设计情境知识模型。该过程包括设计知识获取、案例情境构建、设计情境组织模型构建、情境转化模型构建和模型实现验证五个阶段,以形成一个需求标识、需求转化、模型建立、模型评估和验证的设计流程。设计知识获取按照以人为中心的设计原则,通过严格科学的实验、调研、行为分析等,获取设计者的设计行为、需求和知识。案例情境构建按照公理设计理论机制,将获取的设计知识进行表达,以构建案例情境。设计情境组织模型构建,以设计者的设计思维为基础,以设计者可能的知识辅助为目标,对案例情境按照其索引进行组织。在此基础上,从整个设计流程的角度,对情境转换模型进行构建。案例情境、设计情境组织框架、情境转换模型三个部分就构成了基于案例的产品造型设计情境知识模型。该模型事实上就是一个从功能域和过程域角度对设计行为的表达、建模和应用。由于基于案例的产品造型设计情境知识模型尚无先例可供借鉴,为了确保模型的合理性和科学性,论文从“结构域”的角度建立一个计算机辅助产品造型设计原型系统CBID,对该模型进行验证。理论和实践应用的经验均表明,基于案例的产品造型设计情境知识模型及其构建的CBID系统可以有效而科学对产品造型设计进行辅助,解决了产品造型设计知识辅助的相关问题,具有较高的理论和实用价值。

【Abstract】 Product form design is a human-centered innovative activity involving product form, human machine interaction interface and relevant aesthetics, human emotion and experience etc. As a cross-discipline in engineering, psychology, art and ergonomics etc, combined with image thinking and logic thinking, product form design becomes the focus in design engineering because of its complexity and ambiguity. Supported by“the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China”and“China Key Technologies R & D Programmer”, aiming at product form design, the paper proposes the concept of design scenario based on the theories of case-based reasoning and cognitive psychology, builds up a case-based scenario knowledge model in product form design, and puts the model into design practices.The concept of“scenario”has been proposed in cognitive psychology and applied in some relevant fields such as artificial intelligence, product design and engineering. Scenario is an instant mental representation in human memory including all information and factors about the current human activities in the situation. In knowledge engineering, scenario knowledge represents and organizes knowledge by using some scenarios.On the basis of theory studies, the paper aims at a typical industrial product– NC machine tools, conducts the investigation and experiment of problem-solving process in product form design, analyzes the information process of product form design, the status/ effects of scenario and case, and demonstrates scenario knowledge representation and organization, which can effectively aid the image thinking, especially in the field of product form design. Then, a scenario knowledge structure in product form design was put forward on the basis of a design case study. The structure includes three parts: case scenario, scenario organization and scenario transformation which correspond to knowledge representation, acquiring and application. The“case scenario”is the representation of the case and the experience of a past designing experience; the“scenario organization”is an organization of design cases by index to satisfy the current designing requirements and needs; the“scenario transformation”, combined scenario and the process of design knowledge application, is a process of aiding designers in a right situation with appropriate means.The paper has established a scenario knowledge model of product form design by the methods of human-centered product design, the mapping mechanism of“Behavior– Function– Structure– Process”in axiomatic design theory and the performance studies in psychology and ergonomics. The whole construction process includes five stages: design knowledge acquiring, case scenario construction, design scenario organization, scenario transformation model construction and its application of the model, which form a complete requirements identification, requirements transformation, model construction and model evaluation. First, designers’activities, requirements and knowledge were acquired by using the methods of cognition experiment, investigation and action analysis. Then, design case scenario is built up by the mapping mechanism in axiomatic design theory and design knowledge representation. Besides, design scenario organization structure is constructed by the case index, the designers’information processes and requirements. Furthermore, scenario transformation model is proposed based on the product form design process and designers’mental working studies. In fact, the case-based scenario knowledge model of product is a model of design action representation, modeling and application from design function and process. Finally, a computer aided product form design system– CBID is constructed to evaluate the reasonableness of the model.Theory and application experience both prove that the case-based scenario knowledge model in product form design can aid designing activities effectively, solve relevant difficulties of product form design and make progress in design theory research and practices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

