

Research on the Migration of Chinese Rural Surplus Labor and Four Model of Technological Progress

【作者】 马捷

【导师】 王成璋;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 农村剩余劳动力从传统部门向现代部门转移是各国经济增长和发展中必然经历的一项重要的经济活动。从20世纪80年代开始,对我国农村剩余劳动力转移问题的探讨已经成为一个世界性的理论和实践课题。然而,从发展经济学的各种讨论中,我们看到,对农村剩余劳动力的探讨大都着重关注了影响农村剩余劳动力转移的各种因素及劳动力转移后的经济效益。在对我国农村剩余劳动力转移问题的各种经验研究中,我们更多的看到的是对不同因素影响效果的实证分析。本课题从前人的结论中引入对劳动力转移的“结果”的思考,论文基于从效率角度对分工和技术进步的理解,以分工效率为中间变量分析了我国农村剩余劳动力转移内生技术进步的四种典型模式。 本课题的研究首先从基础理论着手,界定了分工效率和技术效率两个关键概念。从本质上说,分工效率就是配置效率。配置效率的规范解释是帕累托优先改变,或者如果一种产品生产的增加不会减少另一种产品的生产,那么,效率要求这种改变。技术效率是技术进步在生产中的实际表现,是将企业的生产过程作为一个主体,指在一定成本的约束下产量最大,或产量既定时成本最小。据此,论文阐述了分工效率、技术效率和农村剩余劳动力转移之间的相互关系,并界定了本课题所要应用的内生技术进步的基本概念。 随后,本课题构建了分析我国农村剩余劳动力转移内生技术进步的四种典型模式的分析框架。其一,农村剩余劳动力结构性转移与城市市场效率改进。论文基于城乡不同劳动力之间的人力资本差异建立了农村转移劳动力、城市劳动力和厂商三方的议价模型,从行业(部门)的结构性、人力资本提高和资源配置状况改善三个方面分析了我国农村剩余劳动力结构性转移对技术效率改进的作用机制。其二,农村剩余劳动力转移与城市服务业多样化。以家政业兴起的超边际分析为例,论文研究了我国农村剩余劳动力转移对城市服务业多样化的促进。探讨了农村劳动力转移推动城市经济的分工细化和专业多样化发展的效应。其三,农村剩余劳动力转移与农户职能分工。论文研究了我国农村剩余劳动力转移后,不同农户家庭之间的职能分工。并且以生产和经营职能分工的超边际分析为例论述了这种分工格局推进了农业专业化的发展,专业化对交易成本的节约和农业产业化具有积极的作用。其四,农村剩余劳动力转移与农户家庭内分工。论文通过对农户家庭中剩余劳动力转移及家庭内部分工的博弈分析,指出农村剩余劳动力转移可以实现农户家庭内

【Abstract】 Rural surplus labor migrates from the traditional sector to the modern sector is a significant economic activity, which national economic growth and development will inevitably experience. From the 1980s onwards, to my migration of rural surplus labor has become a worldwide exploring theoretical and practical issue. However, from the various discussions of development economics we see that most topics of the surplus rural labor migration focus various factors on the impact of migration and its economic efficiency. About the research on Chinese rural surplus labor migration, we see more results of empirical studies of different factors. This paper considering the perspective of efficiency of the division of labor and technological progress understanding analyzed the migration of rural surplus labor and four typical model of technological progress, which based on the previous conclusions of the labor movement "results" of reflection,The paper’s first study is the basic theory to define the division of the two key concepts of efficiency and technical efficiency. In essence, the division of labor efficiency is the allocation efficiency. Interpretation of the norms of efficiency Paroto priority is a change or if the increase in production will not reduce the production of another product, then efficiency requires such a change. Technical efficiency is technological progress’s actual performance of the enterprise in the production, is the main production process as a means to some of the cost of production by the largest and the smallest cost, or production established. Accordingly, the papers expounded division of efficiency, technical efficiency and the migration of rural surplus labor the interrelationship between, and defines this as the application of endogenous technological progress to the basic welfare.Subsequently, the paper designs the framework of analysis this migration of the surplus labor force in rural areas and technological progress’s four typical models. First, the structural migration of rural surplus labor and urban market efficiency improvements. Based on the differences between the human capital of different labor, this paper establish rural migrating labor, urban labor and


