

Study on Transfer System of Urban Passenger Transportation and It’s Evaluation

【作者】 汪江洪

【导师】 黄庆;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 自从17世纪城市公共交通出现以来,它已经成为整个城市交通系统中最重要的组成部分之一,它的发展水平是衡量国家现代化程度的重要标志,同时也体现着国家的综合经济实力、城市经济的发展和城市居民生活的水平。而换乘系统是城市客运交通系统的重要的一个子系统,是公共交通优先的保证,也是城市客运交通整体化的关键,它对城市结构的完善、土地使用的合理化有着重要的意义。 本文首先对国内外城市交通换乘系统的研究和实践进行了总结,在此基础上分析了城市交通换乘的内涵、换乘系统高效运行的实现条件和影响因素以及换乘枢纽的分类。由于公交换乘枢纽非常复杂,协调管理非常重要。本文从规划、运行、环境3方面讨论了公交换乘枢纽从协调管理的角度所考虑的多方面因素。 可达性是城市公共交通系统是否高质、高效完成运输任务的一项重要指标,而平均换乘次数(ATT)可以对它进行评价。如果在乘客的步行距离范围内,他们可能步行以减少换乘公交的次数,本文据此提出了一种计算平均换乘次数的新的算法,并且给出了一个实例验证该算法的有效性。 根据有关文献提出的考虑公交换乘的公交系统最短路径算法,提出了一种基于网络变换的公交系统最短路径算法。公交网络经过网络变换,有换乘的网络问题被变换为没有换乘的网络问题。与原有算法相比,该算法避免计算直达矩阵(T矩阵)与最小换乘矩阵(Q矩阵),并且经过一次变换之后,能够以Dijkstra算法直接计算一个起始点到其余所有站点的最短路径。 公交乘客出行路径选择模型是公交乘客信息系统的关键技术。考虑乘客在步行距离范围内步行以减少换乘公交的次数的实际情况,提出了以换乘次数最少为首要目标、出行距离最短为第二目标的基于前N条最短路径的公交乘客出行路径选择算法。 为了评价城市公交换乘枢纽的布局优劣、运营状况、服务水平,进而优化规划方案,遵循5个评价原则,建立了综合评价体系,提出了5项评价指标。结合工程实际,以定量与定性相结合的方法给出了指标的定义、计算方法和指标分级值。权系数的确定问题是灰色聚类方法中的关键和难点,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的权系数确定方法。将权系数确定问题转化为粗糙集中属性重要性评价问题,建立关于灰色聚类方法的关系数据模型,计算出灰

【Abstract】 Since 17th century, urban public transportation has become one of the most important part of the whole urban transportation system, its development level is not only a significant symbol of the national modernization, but also reflects the general economic strength of the country, the development of urban economy and the citizens’ living standard directly as well. Transfer system is an important subsystem of urban transportation system, the guarantee of the city transport priority, and the key to the integration, which is significant for the perfection of the city structure and rationalization of land use.This paper summarizes the researches and practices on the transfer system of foreign and urban cities, analyses the meanings of it and the realization conditions and influence factors for effective running as well as the classes of transfer hubs. Transfer hub is very complicated and coordinated management is important for it. This paper discusses many factors in coordinated management of it based on planning, operation and environment.The accessibility of transit is an important index which decides whether the public transportation system can work with high quality and efficiency and it can be evaluated by average transfer times (ATT). In this paper, according to the fact that passengers would like to walk to reduce transfer times usually within their walking distance, a new algorithm is presented to calculate ATT. An example is given to validate the feasibility of it.This paper presents a new best-routing algorithm for public transportation systems on the basis of analyzing the related documents. After network transformations, the transit networks is transformed the transit networks without transfer. This algorithm can avoid calculating T matrix and Q matrix and can directly calculate the best route from the original bus stop to the else ones by Dijkstra


