

Knowledge Spillovers and the Empirical Research on the Effects of It on Regional Economic Growth in China

【作者】 王立平

【导师】 龙志和;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 传统经济增长理论研究知识溢出是在时间维上展开的,新经济增长理论对知识溢出的研究在空间上进行了扩展:用知识扩散的形态、特征或者知识溢出的障碍因素等来解释区域间经济增长或收入的差异。但是,知识溢出的本质是什么?如何测度知识溢出?知识溢出对我国区域经济增长的作用是否显著?学术界对这些问题存在不少争论。本文依据经济增长理论、创新经济学等理论,运用极值边界分析、面板数据分析等传统计量经济学和空间计量经济学研究方法、研究知识溢出及其对我国区域经济增长的作用,对认识知识溢出本质、如何测度知识溢出以及知识溢出效应对我国区域经济的作用进行了较系统的理论探讨和实证研究,本项研究对于丰富和发展理论经济学具有一定的学术参考价值,为决策者合理有效地利用知识溢出效应来促进我国区域经济增长提供了参考依据,同时也为内生经济增长理论提供了相关的经验证据。 本文的研究首先从基础理论着手,梳理了自1960年Dougall提出知识溢出概念以来近半个世纪的相关文献,分析了有关知识溢出的国内外研究方法与研究成果,对知识溢出概念、知识生产、知识溢出途径、知识溢出影响因素、知识溢出测度方法和知识溢出对区域经济增长的影响分别进行了评述。 然后,本文系统研究了知识溢出机制。知识溢出源于知识的外部性特征,本文首先通过对知识外部性特征相关文献的梳理,对知识溢出进行了重新归类,辨析了知识溢出的相关概念,提炼出“知识溢出”的真正内涵:知识的接受者通过各种途径获得了新知识,却没有给予创新者足够的补偿,因此创新者没有享受全部知识生产剩余的现象及其过程。在分析知识溢出的经济效应时,提出知识溢出不仅具有规模经济与范围经济,而且还具有联结经济效应。其次,本文认为知识溢出的源头在于知识生产(即创新),创新的强度与效率以及创新的地理分布直接影响知识溢出效应,知识生产函数是研究知识生产的一个理论框架,我国知识生产也存在集聚趋势;再次,本文认为知识溢出途径本身非常复杂,受到诸多因素的影响,大体上可以分为产业区内与产业区之间两个层次的溢出途径;最后,本文从知识溢出的过程来研究其影响因素。 其次,本文阐述了三种知识溢出测度方法,并运用这些方法来测度知识

【Abstract】 While traditional growth theory has always focused on processes unfolding in time, the analysis of knowledge spillovers by the new growth theory therefore also implies an interest in processes that are unfolding in space: patterns of knowledge diffusion, knowledge diffusion features as well as barriers to knowledge spillovers to explain regional gaps in economic growth or income. However, what is the essence of knowledge spillovers? How to measure knowledge spillovers? Does knowledge spillovers have a significant influence on regional economic growth in our country? Upon these questions there have not been agreements from the academic community. In this paper the author uses spatial econometric model to analyze knowledge spillovers, and to present a theoretical and empirical study in its essence, measure and contributions to regional economy in our nation. It is hoped that this research will be of some value to the development of theory economy. Also, this research is expected to have a great practical significance in stimulating regional economy growth by applying the knowledge spillovers effect. In addition, it is also expected that the research would provide some important empirical evidences to endogenous growth theory.Firstly, the paper hackles various documents about knowledge spillovers in recent 50 years ever since Dougall proposed that notion in 1960. Then the paper reviews some research methods and findings inland and abroad about knowledge spillovers, and constructs a basic theory structure of knowledge spillovers after giving the review to some notions of knowledge spillovers, such as its definition, knowledge production, spillovers mechanism, measurement, range, and its contribution to regional economy.Secondly, the paper gives a systematic analysis to the basic theory of knowledge spillovers. Knowledge spillovers originates in the externality characteristic of knowledge. In this part, the paper firstly reviews references about externality characters of knowledge to give a reclassification of knowledge spillovers, differentiates some related conceptions, and abstracts its essence. To be

  • 【分类号】F207;F224
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】2559
  • 攻读期成果

