

Information Credibility on User Demand

【作者】 邓发云

【导师】 武振业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息的急剧增长和媒体的商业化运作,引发了大家对信息可信度的高度关注。信息中介机构在向用户进行信息专题提供时,对于信息尤其是含有主观判断的软信息,如何建立一套信息筛选机制来比较客观、真实地反映事件或事物,也就是说,在当前这种情况下,该如何判断信息反映的情况是否可信?如何进行修正以提高信息文档集的可信度?具体说来,主要包括四个研究问题: RQ1:哪些因素可能会影响信息与信息服务的可信度? RQ2:如何判断单个信息文档可信度?有哪些指标与检验方法? RQ3:如何判断信息文档集可信度?有哪些指标与检验方法? RQ4:可信度不足或难以判断的情况下采用何种补救措施? 本研究正是从上述几个问题展开的。可信度,一是在传播过程中信息接受者对信息提供者的信赖程度的主观评价,它是受众心目中对信息提供者的观念和看法,是一种主观判断,如果将信息限定为媒介信息或新闻信息,这种可信度就是西方半个多世纪以来研究的取向与主要内容;二是信息自身所具有的客观特征,即信息资源、信息来源的真实可靠程度与对客观现实的接近程度。本文将从两个方面同时进行分析,包括它们的影响因素、判断指标、检验方法与补充措施等。论文研究内容如下: 第一章通过对可信度研究的国内外现状,尤其是西方可信度的研究主题、方法、取向与重要成果介绍,以及国内外可信度研究模式进行对比,针对现实提出本文的研究问题,将研究范围确定为信息中介为用户提供的管理决策类软信息;并给出软信息、可信度、信息服务等核心概念的界定方式。 第二章主要从信息不准确与不充分两方面来分析影响信息可信度的因素。首先研究了影响用户对信息可信度判断的因素,包括:人口统计学变量、信息卷入程度、媒介使用、人际交流、信息类型、信息源;其次从信息可信度低的表现形式角度分析失真信息、虚假信息、老化或过时信息、过载或饱和信息以及从信息的属性来分析信息不准确的原因。最后从信息不对称、信息公共产品的特性、信息收集处理边际成本递增、媒介(传播)等因素对信息不充分进行研究。 第三章对信息中介服务中影响信息可信度的因素进行分析研究。从对用户需求的认知、表达、差异化等方面来解构用户的实际需求;从用户需求课题的关键因素、主题因素、通用因素掌握课题;从信息检索用户、检索系统与检索行为来分析信息检索过程的影响;最后从信息中介服务机构的信息资源和人力资源、

【Abstract】 With information boom and the commercialization of media, concerns over information credibility arise among the public. When Information agents provide the special topics to users, there is some soft information due to subjective judgments. Then the mechanism and method of filter and selection should be constructed to reflect the reality more objectively. In other words, given the current situation, how to judge the credibility of the information and how to improve the objectivity and integrity of the information? There are four research questions.RQ1: What factors might affect information and information service credibility?RQ2: What are the indicators and their weighs to judge the credibility of single information?RQ3: What are the indicators to judge the credibility of information sets? How to implement them?RQ4: What are the remedial measures when credibility is inadequate or it is difficult to judge?This dissertation focuses on the above questions. On one hand, information credibility is a kind of subjective judgment on part of the information users - to what extent the information can be accepted as credible; when we qualify information as media information or news information, the credibility has been the orientation and main content of study for the past half century in west world. On the other hand, it means the objective characteristics if information itself, such as how much truth and reliability the materials and sources of the information contain, and how close the information is to reality. This research will give analysis in two perspectives simultaneously, which includes influential factors, indicators for judgment, methods for testing, and supplementary measures. The dissertation includes seven chapters:In 1st chapter, through reviewing both the domestic and abroad literatures on reliability, especially on themes, methods, orientation, important outcomes and comparing the research models in home and abroad, the research questions and scope are brought forward: the agents provide clients soft information on decision-making, give boundary of the core definitions such as soft information, reliability, information service, etc.


