

Reflections on Theories of Contemporary Western Intellectual Property

【作者】 饶明辉

【导师】 徐显明; 张文显;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 知识产权的正当性问题,是知识产权法的一个基本问题。人们对于该问题的研究和争论自从知识产权法诞生以来就没有中断过。及至当代,西方学界形成了研究该问题的四种主导路径,即:功利论、劳动论、人格论和社会规划论。其优势与局限的共存,表征着将这四种路径加以融合的需求。这些理论是当代西方政治哲学的一个缩影,它们与当代西方社会的个人主义、自由、公平、理性主义乃至自由主义发生着深刻的牵连。如此多重性的以至相互对立的本质,促使人们去思考知识产权的内在矛盾。自由与平等的价值冲突,主体与客体的二元对立,这些矛盾的不均衡发展,把知识产权带入到了一个无原则扩张的极端轨道。特别是随着人类社会步入信息时代、网络时代、知识经济时代或者说“后工业社会”,知识产权法的地位日益凸显,知识产权保护的力度越加强劲,知识产权的全球化进程亦有愈演愈烈之势。目前,中国正在向这样一个轨道迈进。知识产权扩张态势的出现,引起了西方学者中有识之士的警觉。他们开始对知识产权的正当性进行反思。在此基础上,遏制知识产权的呼声日渐高涨。利益平衡路径、知识公共领域之捍卫路径,均是理论家们构设出来的用以协调知识产权矛盾、从而使知识产权和谐发展的有益进路。中国知识产权制度如何在中国真正立稳脚跟并合理发展下去,有赖于对当代西方知识产权理论及其实践和发展趋向做出深入的探究和反思。

【Abstract】 It is necessary to begin as knowledge—the basic unit of intellectual property—so as to discuss intellectual property and intellectual property systems. Knowledge is often connected with information. In essence, they are the same thing. However, to use intellectual work to describe the subject of intellectual property is comparatively reasonable. Then, this article explores the history of knowledge’s property. Noticeably, there is a special phenomenon that the attitude of agreeing to intellectual property’s reasonability and the attitude of opposing to that reasonability coexist. It urges us to return intellectual property rights by themselves. Obviously, the subject of intellectual property’s justifiability lies in the focus of intellectual property’s discussion.In particular, theories of contemporary western intellectual property refer to the theories about intellectual property’s justifiability. According to an American scholar named William Fisher, there are four approaches dominating the academic field. They are utilitarianism, labor theory, personality theory and social planning theory. Each approach has its own historical sources and contemporary representatives. And all of them have both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we are able to see the complication and variability among the above theories. As a master of fact, it seems to carry with some criticism when those theories are busy justifying the intellectual property’s reasonability. Besides, it is noticeable that these four approaches respectively have their partly and even significant shortcomings. So they could share more

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

