

The Evolvement of the Narration and Cause in the Educated Youth Novels

【作者】 刘可可

【导师】 李新宇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文梳理了三个时代述本的特质,并分析了这一特质与其时代语境的紧密对应关系,进而探讨了创作主体精神状况在这一对应关系中所起的作用。本文发现创作主体因为其自身的局限,成为时代主潮的追随者而无法审视并超越时代,因此在时代——创作主体这二者之间,对文本起主导作用的只有时代本身,因此得出结论说,创作主体精神的孱弱导致了文本对时代性的极度顺从而难以产生超越它的审美力量。 本文首次考察了散见于文革时期各种文学期刊上的中短篇小说,对后新时期知青小说的系统梳理也属首次;本文发现了一元化的文革社会对全知叙事的青睐,而试图消解文革影响的新时期则倾向于限知叙事,为文体变化与社会语境的相关性研究提供了一个有意义的个案;本文发现了时代演变与作家的生命断裂这一当代文学史上值得关注的问题。

【Abstract】 From 1970th to the early years of 21 century, three different narrated texts which describe the historical event of "Up to the mountains and down to the villages" have appeared. They are the different descriptions to the same historical event in the Cultural Revolution period, the new period, the post-new period. They show the remarkable difference and limitation of the times. What are the reasons which lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon? How can we evaluate it? The thesis tries to answer these questions.The thesis firstly summarizes the characteristic of the three narrated texts, and analyzes the corresponding relation between the texts and times. The thesis also discusses the effect of the writers’ spiritual conditions, and finds that writers become the adherent of times; they cannot survey and surpass times. Therefore, times is the dominant force to affect texts. In this way, the characteristic of texts from its times have the brand of its times’ limitation. In the light of the above analysis, the thesis argues that the weaknesses of writer’s spirit lead to

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

