

The Criticism on Right Legitimacy Ideas

【作者】 尹奎杰

【导师】 姚建宗;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 权利正当性观念是在西方权利观念的基础上成长起来的。受理性主义文化的催生,权利正当性观念表现为一种合理性倾向。由于理性本身的局限性,也使得权利正当性观念受到各种理论批判。论文通过对西方权利正当性观念的历史考察,阐释了西方传统的权利正当性观念的理论特点、基本问题,通过对现代权利观念的理性批判的分析,指出现代西方理性主义权利正当性观念存在的双重困境,运用马克思的实践观点重新认识权利正当性的合理性逻辑,阐明实践理性权利观的基本内容,论证了权利的正当性来源于权利的合理性实践的基本观点,揭示出当下中国实践理性权利观念的基本路向。

【Abstract】 In the thesis, the author studies the traditional rationality of right legitimacy ideas, analyzes its basic implications, rationale characters, thought limitations, and advantages and disadvantages of the criticism on concept of right legitimacy. On the foundation, it bases the right legitimacy from Marxism practical rationality ideas, shows the practical reasonableness of right legitimacy idea, adduces the viewpoints of right practical rationality ideas, explains the basic lemma, valuable guide, theoretical connotation, and demonstrates practice of right practical rationality ideas in China.The right idea of modern law bases the traditional rationality; the right legitimacy means the right rational some extent. The traditional right idea thinks the right legitimacy is self-evident; it is decided rational lemma of right. The moral reasonableness and system reasonableness of right is basic justificative connotation. The rationality crisis from traditional rationalization conduce the criticism of traditional rationality, the self-evident traditional rationality (theoretical rationality; mechanical rationality) trend to the practical rationality necessarily. You can say the rational practice endue the legitimacy of rights.This thesis is composed of three chapters.Chapter One It introduces the implication of right legitimacy idea, analyzes its formation and theoretical type, point out so-called the right legitimacy idea that is an idea of right precondition (legitimacy lemma). It is

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

