

Study on Coastal Wetland Regional Coordinative Development of Resource, Environment, Economic and Society

【作者】 石月珍

【导师】 严以新; 许长新;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 由于自然因素和人类的不合理开发和利用,例如围垦、赤潮、海水养殖、工业和生活污水的肆意排放、海岸工程建设、海岸侵蚀等,我国滨海湿地资源正遭受着极大的破坏。为此本文开展了滨海湿地区域资源、环境、经济与社会协调发展研究。 论文利用系统分析及定性与定量相结合的方法,对滨海湿地区域资源环境与经济社会的协调发展进行了研究,主要内容如下: (1)绪论。主要阐述研究背景,并提出论文框架: (2)理论研究。在分析相关理论包括生态承载力理论、可持续发展理论和生态系统理论的基础上,提出了滨海湿地区域资源环境与经济社会协调发展的理念; (3)系统分析。从系统的角度分析滨海湿地区域经济、社会、资源与环境子系统协调发展特征、内在协调机制,建立了滨海湿地区域协调发展的DPSIR框架体系和系统动力学模型,并给出了滨海湿地生态系统的改善途径: (4)冲突分析。研究了滨海湿地区域经济社会发展过程中,资源环境利用与保护的矛盾和冲突问题:包括滨海湿地资源配置上的市场与政府关系问题,滨海湿地区域各代人之间及本代人之间的资源分配矛盾问题及滨海湿地多个利益主体之间的冲突和合作问题,并分别提出了相应的解决策略; (5)模型建立。建立径向基函数网络模型,对滨海湿地区域生态承载能力进行综合评价,并运用集对分析理论得到滨海湿地区域经济与社会发展态势度和资源与环境损害态势度,利用改进后的生长曲线对滨海湿地区域经济、社会、资源与环境四个子系统之间的协调发展程度进行评价; (6)实例验证。运用第五章的模型对盐城滨海湿地区域生态承载能力和经济、社会、资源与环境协调发展程度进行了综合评价,结果表明盐城滨海湿地区域从1998-2002年五年间的湿地生态承载能力均处于中度承载,协调发展程度均为弱协调发展,结论与盐城湿地区域实际情况基本相符; (7)政策分析。讨论了滨海湿地区域资源环境与经济社会协调发展所应该采取的政策措施: (8)结论和展望。阐述了论文工作得到的结论和创新之处,并指出了论文的几点不足。

【Abstract】 Due to human’s unconscionable exploitation and utilization, such as inning, red tide, seawater breed, wantonly draining sewage of industry and living, constructing coastal project, coastal corrosion, resources of coastal wetland in our country are suffering seriously destroy. Therefor, coordinative development of economy, society, resource, and environment of coastal wetland region is studied in this thesis.System analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis and games theory are used to study coastal wetland regional coordinative development of economy, society, resource, and environment. The main contents are followed:(1) Introduction. Introducing the background of study, presenting framework of the thesis;(2) Theory study. After analyzing related theory including eco-carrying-capacity theory, sustainable development theory and eco-system theory, view of scientific development is put forward, which would guide coastal wetland region’s coordinative development of economic, society, resource and environment;(3) System analysis. From system angle, characteristics and intrinsic coordinative mechanism of economic, society, resource and environment are analyzed, DPSIR framework and system dynamics model of coordinative development of coastal wetland region are constructed, and simple approach of improving coastal wetland regional eco-system is also advised;(4) Conflicts analysis. Including the relation of market and government to collocation resource and environment of coastal wetland region, equity among and in generations in collocating resource and environment of coastal wetland region, conflict and cooperate of multi-benefit-part in coastal wetland region, the strategies are presented accordingly;(5) Modeling. In this part, RBF-ANN model for generally estimating eco-carrying capacity of coastal wetland region is presented. What’s more, set pair theory is used to gained economic, society development state degree and resource, environment damage state degree. Further, coordinative development degree of economic, society, resource and environment is calculated using improved Logistic curve;(6) Instance. Eco-carrying capacity and coordinative development degree of Yancheng coastal wetland region is assessed. The result indicates that during 1998-2002 five years, eco-carrying capacity stays middle-level, while coordinative development degree stays weakly coordinative stage, which all accord with the real situation of Yancheng;(7) Policy analysis. Policy is discussed which coastal wetland region should adopt for regional coordinative development.(8) Conclusion and prospect. In this part, the conclusion and innovation are concluded. However, there is insufficiency in this thesis, which would be solved in future study, so the prospect is put forward in the end of the thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期

