

Research on the KeyTechnology of Production Management and ASP Platform in the Extended Enterprise

【作者】 姜康

【导师】 赵韩;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 企业经营模式和管理观念的改变、市场环境的变化、信息和网络技术的推动作用,使得网络联盟企业这种新的生产模式迅速发展而逐渐演化成形。因为这种新的生产模式与传统企业的生产模式有着重大的区别,所以引起许多学者对其进行研究。虽然这些研究已经取得了很多成果,但是还存在着一些问题有待于进一步研究解决。因此,本论文从生产管理的角度研究了网络联盟企业中的组织模式、伙伴选择、生产计划、生产协调和控制、支持平台等问题,力求为网络联盟企业的生产管理提供必要支持。 本文从网络联盟企业的概念、内涵和特征出发,分析了联盟企业的运作原理及组织模式,并介绍了它的一种重要的组织模式——虚拟企业,为后面的研究奠定了基础。 网络联盟企业的伙伴选择是一个重要的问题,它是联盟企业成败的关键。论文在总结了伙伴选择的思路和步骤的基础上,针对大、小两种规模的伙伴选择问题进行了研究。论文采用模糊综合决策的方法对小规模伙伴选择进行决策,充分利用了决策者的经验,提高了决策的速度;对大规模伙伴选择问题,采用分阶段的方法进行:第一阶段利用遗传算法求解数学模型来缩小选择的范围;第二阶段采用层次分析法考虑多个因素从前面得到的解集中获得合理的伙伴,这种方法既利用了数学方法考虑了企业最关心的获利问题,又充分利用了决策者的经验和知识。 网络联盟企业的生产计划与控制同传统企业相比具有其独特的性质。论文在分析了网络联盟企业生产计划和控制的特征基础上,建立了网络联盟企业生产计划的信息和功能模型。建立了基于协商的分层的网络联盟生产计划和控制模型。这种模型将生产计划分为盟主企业层、网络联盟层、联盟成员层三个层次。针对网络联盟企业中的生产粗规划问题,提出了基于实例推理的联盟生产粗规划。 网络联盟企业生产运作的协调和控制是复杂的,不能按照传统企业的方式进行,因此论文介绍了用于网络联盟企业生产中的协调和控制机制。针对联盟企业的监督和激励机制的设置问题,论文利用博弈论理论进行建模,并通过对博弈模型的分析和讨论得到了几条应遵守的原则,可指导实际生产。 针对网络联盟企业的生产管理信息系统的支持问题,论文提出了基于ASP模式的网络联盟企业支持平台,并分析了该平台的物理架构、体系结构、运营模式和使能技术并且建立了该平台的原型系统。

【Abstract】 By the changing of working model, manage concept, market environment, and being driven by the technology of information and network, the extended enterprise speedily grows and forms a novel produce model step by step. There are more differences in the produce models between the extended enterprise and the traditional enterprise. Though the problem of production management has been studied by many scholars, there exist many problems to be settled. So, such problems as organizing model, partner selection, production schedule, harmonization and controlling in production, ASP platform, and so on are studied from the production management aspect. The goal is to give the powfully support for the production management in the extended enterprise.Based on the concept, intension and the feature of extended enterprise, the running principle and organizing model are analyzed. Furthermore, an important organization model that is virtual enterprise is introduced. These are the foundation of later research.In the extended enterprise, the problem of partner selection is important and it is the key to alliance enterprise success or not. Based on the summarization of method and steps about the problem of partner selection, the partner selection in large and small extended enterprise is studied. In the small scall extended enterprise, the fuzzy integrative decision method is adopted to evaluate the candidate. On this method, not only the experience experts is considered, but also the the decision speed is improved. In the large scall extended enterprise, the grading method should be adopted. On the fisrt phase, the mathematical model is built and genetic algorithm is adopted to reduce the selection range; on the second phase, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used to select the rational partners considering many factors. On such grading method, not only the benefit of the enterprise is considered by the mataematical method, but also the experience and knowledge of decision-maker are considered by the AHP.The production schedule and control of the extended enterprise are different from the traditional enterprise. Based on analyse of the feature of the production schedule and control of the extended, the information and function model of the production schedule is built. So the layered model on the negotiatory is built, and the production schedule can be divided into such theree layers: alliance owner layer, extended enterprise layer and alliance member layer. Pointed at the rough production planning in the extended enterprise produce, a novel rough production planning method is broght forward based on the CBR (Case-Based Reasoning).Because the operational harmony and control is complicated in the extended enterprise, it


