

Research on Key Techniques of Model-Driven System-level Hardware/Software Co-Design

【作者】 栾静

【导师】 顾君忠;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着微电子技术和超大规模集成电路的快速发展,软硬件协同设计的应用范围越来越广,硬件的异构程度和软件的复杂性都达到了前所未有的程度。技术上的不断进步和成熟,使研究人员正逐步由RTL级设计向系统级设计转移。然而目前这一设计领域对系统的高层设计仍然研究不足,较多注重于RTL级和底层芯片的设计,对系统设计规范描述不够,传统的建模技术不能满足系统级设计的要求,结果使设计周期变长,设计修改困难。因此提高设计的抽象层次,采用模型驱动架构(MDA)的设计技术,在整个开发过程中以系统的建模行为驱动设计,已经成为解决问题的有效途径。本文尝试在系统级软硬件协同设计中融合先进的MDA的技术成果,探索出一种模型驱动的软硬件协同设计方案,解决系统功能建模、不同模型(ECDM到SystemC模型)间的自动转换等关键技术问题,使之能有效地分离功能设计与软硬件的具体实现;通过重用已有的组件,扩大设计空间;在不同抽象层次上进行综合与验证,改善设计性能,提高设计效率。作者完成的研究工作和贡献主要有以下几点: ■ 针对消费类数字应用产品的更新换代快、设计周期短的特点,提出了一种基于模型驱动的系统级设计方案。该方案采用具有实时处理的ECDMfExtended Co-Design Model),模型作为系统功能描述模型,以软硬件协同设计为主要特征的SystemC模型作为实现模型,从而有效地分离了功能设计与具体实现;在设计初期能够对系统功能进行验证,纠正设计错误,因此可降低设计成本;通过自动化的模型变换来实现系统级综合,利用组件重用来优化设计空间搜索,因此能够提高系统设计的性能和开发效率。 ■ 扩展了已有CDM(Co-Design Model)模型的实时响应特性,使之能有效地提高设计方案中系统建模的能力。扩展后的模型称为ECDM模型。CDM模型作为系统级功能描述模型,能够在高层描述和调度执行系统功能、允许不同模块并发处理,但是它没有衡量不同时间约束对于系统实现的影响程度,并且同一模块不能对多个并发条件10关系进行响应。ECDM模型通过扩展条件10关系的响应时限,增强模块处理的外壳功能,解决了CDM模型的不足,使ECDM模型具有更广泛的应用范围。 ■ 提出了相应的模型转换的映射规则和算法,其特点为可灵活设置约束参数,重用已有组件等,从而可以达到设计空间优化搜索、提高设计性能的目的。

【Abstract】 With the high-speed development of micro-electronics and very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), hardware/software co-design (HW/SW co-design) is of wider and wider applications. The complexity and heterogeneous nature of hardware/software represent the degree of never heard of before. And with the continued advancement and maturity in technologies, the design is transferring from RTL level to system level. But now the research of the high-level design in this field is still inadequate. The researchers pay more attention to the design of RTL level and lower-level chip. Meanwhile, the system design lacks specifications and the traditional modeling technologies can’t satisfy the requests of system-level design, which results in a longer period of design and difficulty in maintenances. The effective solution to these problems is to improve abstract levels of design, adopt the technology of MDA and use the model-driven method in the whole developing . process. This paper aimed to resolve some key technological problems, such as system functional modeling, automatic mapping between different models (from ECDM to SystemC) by merging the fruit of the advanced MDA technology in HW/SW co-design and explore a model-driven SW/HW co-design approach. So the paper effectively separated HW/SW implement from the functional specification and enlarged the design space by reusing components. At the same time, it enhanced design efficiency on the basis of co-synthesis and validation of different abstract levels. The major work and innovative contributions of this dissertation are concluded as follows:■ The author proposed a system-level design flow based on model-driven considering the rapid update and shorter design period of consumable digital application products. The function specification uses a real-time process model, ECDM (extended co-design model), and the realization model is SystemC model with the principal characteristic of SW/HW co-design. Accordingly, this approach can effectively separate function design from detailed HW/SW realization. At the initial stages of design, the flow can validate systematic functions, correct design errors and reduce design cost. This paper adopts automatic model mapping to realize system-level synthesis and make use of component reuse to optimize the design space. So the solution can improve the efficiency of design and development.■ The paper extended the real-time characteristics of the existed CDM (co-design model) and then made it to enhance the ability of system modeling effectively. The extended model is named as ECDM model. The CDM, as a system-level


