

Theory and Technology of Scenic and Recreational Forest Tending in Xishan Beijing

【作者】 吴南生

【导师】 杜天真; 翟明普;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 风景游憩林建设、抚育与管理要以森林生态系统健康、稳定、近自然为基础,追求“结构、功能、效益同步,美景度、可及度、舒适度并举”,要“因城而异、因地而异、因林而异”,其抚育实质在于冠层景观的提升与游憩空间的优化;斑块抚育法以目标森林斑块为抚育作业单元,以斑块重要性评价、林木等级评价为关键步骤,以单株标号、单株择伐、丛(团、块)状择伐、定位补植为主要措施,具有较强的针对性与较高的灵活度。北京西山(小西山)风景区是北京五大绿色生态功能区之一,位于北京市民最喜欢的20个京郊旅游景点之首。建好北京西山风景游憩林,满足广大首都市民的休闲游憩之需求对提高人们的幸福指数,实现北京建设“四个城市”的目标具有非常重要而积极的意义。北京西山(国家森林公园)油松、侧柏、黄栌三个树种的纯林占17.78%,三个树种分别与其它树种构成的混交林占82.22%,混交林比例呈增长趋势;油松林密度大,偏冠、重叠、枯枝现象严重,调查林分中75.58%的林分实际密度超出目标密度、76.74%的林分发生重叠,薄土立地上的油松重度偏冠率比例大,超出90%的为成熟林,整体上已越过了“第25-35年间”生长高峰期;侧柏林的主体是幼、中龄林,密度普遍偏大,树冠重叠现象特别严重,偏冠现象普遍,但总体上无枯率的比例较高,调查林分中实际密度超出目标密度的平均超出率为42.77%、最高超出率达132.15%,平均死枝下高为1.86m,平均活枝下高为2.55m;黄栌林密度大,枯枝、老化现象特别严重,调查林分中平均密度为每公顷2550株,活冠率平均值略高于60%,精细管护与透光充足对黄栌叶片质量影响显著。北京西山地处华北大平原西北端,属于暖温带落叶阔叶林带,地带性顶极群落是落叶阔叶林,北京西山深山区风景游憩林主要培育远视景观,应减少人工干预,促进自然演替;浅山区风景游憩林主要培育近赏景观,应加大森林培育措施、园林措施与园艺措施等人工干预。在“生态优先、生态安全,尊重自然、突显特色,艺术性、功能性、科学性相结合,景观多样性与生物多样性兼顾”的抚育原则下,北京西山(国家森林公园)油松林本着“调整密度、提高无枯率、塑造冠形”的目标,分“偏冠型油松林与圆满冠型油松林”两种抚育模式,采取“低强度、多次数、常作业”的抚育策略,通过间伐、修枝、割灌等作业,使保留林分“密度在每公顷525-925株(低阳薄)、550-925株(低阴薄)、400-850株(低阳厚)、325-1375株(低阴厚)之内;树冠特色突出,枯枝率在5%以内,活枝下高在2.5-4.0米间;林下灌高在0.3-0.5米间”。侧柏林本着“降低密度、促进生长”的目标,分“景观型侧柏林(分

【Abstract】 The construction, tending and management of scenic and recreational forests base on health, stability and nature-approximating of forest ecosystem, and pursue“synchronous structure, function and benefit with scenic beauty, accessibility and comfortable together”, they are different among different cities, habitats, and forest types; Its tending essence is promoting crown landscape and recreational space; Forest patch tending method(FPTM) takes target patch as the work unit with strong pertinence and flexible operation, appraisal of evaluation of the patch’s and the forest’essentiality as the committed step, with tree sign, selective cut of single tree and bosk, orientation planting for the main measure, it’s pertinence and agility is satisfactory.The Xishan Scenic Spot is one of five biggest ecological functional areas, as well as the head of 20 best scenic sites in Beijing suburbs which Beijing citizen like very much. Scientifically constructing and tending the Xishan scenic and recreational forest to meet the recreational demands of the Beijing citizen, is of important and of positive significant for enhance people’s happy index and achieve the goal of‘Four Cities’in Beijing.The patches of pure forests in Pinus tabulaeformis, Platycladus orientalis and Cotinus armandi inhabited 17.78% area of the total forest, their mixed forests with other trees inhabited 82.22%, and the percentage of mixed forests was increasing.Pure forests in Pinus tabulaeformis had large density and seriously lopsided crown, superposition, dead branch. 75.58% of the investigated patches had larger density than the target density, and 76.74% had superposition phenomenon. Patches with heavy skewness which stand on infertile site were of large proportion, more than 90% patches were composed of mature trees, and most had been over the 25th-35th year growth fastigium.Pure forests in Platycladus orientalis were mainly young, with large density, serious superposition, and universal lopsided crown. However, these patches had little dead branches. There were 42.77% patches whose actual density was higher than the target in the total patches, and the highest outrun rate amounted to 132.15%. The mean height under the first dead branch was 1.86m, while the mean height under the first alive branch was 2.55m.Pure forests in Cotinus armandi not only had heavy density, but also had greatly serious deadwood and aging phenomenon. The mean density of total investigated forest patches was 2550 stand wood per hectare, while the average live crown ration was slightly higher than 60%. Fine tending and ample light significantly affected the quality of leaves in Cotinus armandi.Xishan Beijing lies at northwest end of the Plain of north china, belong to defoliation broadleaf forest belt of temperate zone, belt acrogen community is defoliation broadleaf forest, We should cultivate the long-distance landscape mainly, reduce artificial treatment and promote the natural facies in remote mountains area; and cultivate the short-distance landscape mainly, strengthen forest cultivate measure, garden measure and horticulture measure in shallow mountain area.Under the four tending principles, namely keeping ecological priority and ecological security, valuing nature and characterizing unique features, promoting the combination of art, function and science, giving attentions to both scenic diversity and biodiversity, the forest of Pinus tabulaeformis in the Xishan National Forest


