

Landscape Planning & Design of Urban Riverfront Areas Based on Philosophy of Nature and Humanity

【作者】 付军

【导师】 王向荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 城市滨河区正成为中国城市中最具有活力的地区之一,滨河区也成为园林规划设计的热点。但很多园林规划设计不尊重自然,不尊重人的需求,不尊重历史文化,这不但破坏了原本脆弱的滨水区生态环境,而且给城市人文环境也造成很大破坏。如何通过滨河区园林规划设计,提高滨河区生物多样性,做到以人为本和延续城市的人文环境就成为迫在眉睫的问题。 本文以目前滨河区园林规划设计存在的现实问题作为切入点,重点探讨了尊重自然、尊重人的滨河区园林规划设计的相关内容。在探讨了国内外滨河区建设的历史及现状和值得借鉴的内容后,进而提出了尊重自然、尊重人的观念和规划设计方法。同时论文以西宁城南新区滨河公园为例,探索了基于这种理念的园林规划设计方法的实际应用。 论文分上下两篇,上篇为历史研究与现实问题,下篇为方法与实践和展望。 上篇首先分析了中国城市滨河区规划设计过程中存在的现实问题——缺乏对自然和人的尊重,并总结出问题根源。由此从我国古代先民用水治水过程中所传达的朴素生态观和科学性以及国外滨河区建设值得借鉴的生态方法和人文理念出发,提出了现代城市滨河区园林规划设计以生态设计观和人本观为中心的观念。 下篇在概括了滨河区规划设计组成要素以及规划设计的复杂性特点后,首先论述了本文的第一个论点——尊重自然的生态规划设计方法。主要分析了滨河区生态设计的内涵、总结出生态设计原则、生态设计的要素及各要素设计方法;然后论述论文的第二个论点——尊重人的园林规划设计方法。此部分在分析了人对滨河区的物质和精神需求后,总结出以人为本的设计原则和方法,并探讨了如何使人本理念在现实形势下落到实处的一些特殊重要问题。论文还介绍了生态设计观和人本观在西宁城南新区滨河公园规划设计的实践应用。 最后通过分析总结国外绿脉思想的内涵,论文展望了在中国形成以河流为依托的具有生态保护、娱乐、保护人文历史的多功能绿脉体系,以此在宏观尺度上形成对自然和人的关怀。

【Abstract】 The urban riverfront area is becoming more and more vigorous in China. The urban riverfront area also becomes the hot spot in the landscape plan and design. But many plans or design neither respect the nature, nor meet the demand of the human and the historical culture. This will not only destroy the frail ecological environment in the district, but also greatly destruct the city humanities environment. So the imminent mission is to enhance the biodiversity of the urban riverfront area and to reach the goal of humanity and to continue the culture of the city through the landscape plan and design.For the perspective of the landscape plan and design of riverfront area, this paper will mainly discuss the nature conservation and humanity in the landscape plan and design. After discussing the construction history and the present situation of domestic and foreign riverfront area, it summarizes the significance and proposes the plan and design methods by the philosophy of respecting the nature and humanity. Finally the paper takes the South of Xining district riverfront landscape plan and design as an example and explores the practical application based on this field.The paper comprises two chapters, the first one is about the historical research and realistic problem, the second one is about the method and practice and prospect.In the former chapter, it points out the realistic problems in the landscape plan and design of urban riverfront area in China, i.e. lacking the respect to the nature and humanity, and also explains the reason. Then the ecology method and the humanities idea is discussed, which are used in the progress of regulating waterways and the overseas riverfront construction in the ancients. Then it summarizes the methodology and principles of ecological humanity design and points out the essence of these plans and designs.After it summarizes the essential factors of the riverfront plan and design as well as the plan design


