

Basic Theory and Technique Systems on Fast-growing and High-yield Poplar (P.tomentosa Carr.) Plantation Forest

【作者】 姜岳忠

【导师】 马履一;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以优良乡土树种毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)为对象,以实现人工林的定向、速生、丰产、优质、稳定和高效为目标,以森林生态学、林木遗传学、树木生理学和现代育林学原理为指导,针对毛白杨用材林在造林和栽培中存在的理论和主要技术问题,在毛白杨主要分布区山东省地域范围内,开展定位试验和调查研究,利用现代生物统计和计算机技术,对影响毛白杨人工林生长的主导因子和关键技术进行分析,以期为山东省乃至华北地区毛白杨人工林的培育提供理论依据和配套技术体系。其主要研究内容包括:(1)毛白杨品种特性与生长发育规律研究;(2)毛白杨丰产栽培生理基础研究;(3)毛白杨人工林立地分类和质量评价研究;(4)毛白杨丰产栽培造林技术研究;(5)毛白杨丰产栽培技术体系及经济效果评价研究。主要研究结果如下:1、影响毛白杨人工林生长的主导立地因子是地形、土壤类型、土壤质地和地下水位。在鲁西黄泛冲积平原区,地形的影响最大,土壤质地次之,其后为地下水位和土壤类型。在鲁中南、胶东山麓河谷平原区:土壤质地影响最大,地形次之,其后为土壤类型和地下水位。2、山东省毛白杨人工林立地类型划分为32个,立地指数级在9~19之间。立地指数级在16以上,495株/hm2的林分蓄积年均生长量达9.0 m3以上的立地类型,为最适宜栽培毛白杨用材林的立地类型;立地指数级为14~15,495株/hm2的林分蓄积年均生长量达5.0 m3~7.5 m3的立地类型,为较适宜栽培毛白杨用材林的立地类型;立地指数级小于13的立地类型,为栽培毛白杨用材林不够适宜的立地类型。3、毛白杨光合速率的季节变化和日变化均呈双峰曲线,高峰期分别出现在5月、8月、10点和14点;蒸腾速率季节变化和日变化分别呈双峰曲线和单峰曲线,高峰期分别出现在5~6月、9月和14点,光合和蒸腾速率均与光照和环境温度呈正相关,且受品种遗传特性的影响。幼林在一年内的生长主要集中在5~7月,占全年生长量的70%以上;叶片的N、P、K含量以5月份最高;蒸腾速率与光合速率均在5~6月较高,表明5~6月是加强抚育管理,促进林木生长的关键时期。4、在集约经营条件下,毛白杨丰产林的蓄积年均生长量在18 m3/hm2,表现出良好的速生性和丰产性。胸径、树高在造林后第2年就进入速生期,到第6~8年结束,

【Abstract】 By applying the principles of forest ecology, forest genetics, tree physiology and modern silviculture, and with directed cultivation, fast-growing, high-yield, good quality and high economic efficiency as guiding lines, white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) is selected to solve the current problems existed in afforesttion and cultivation. In the main distribution area of Shandong Province, permanent and temporary sampling sites are sampled and modern biological statistic methods are applied to analyze the dominant factors influencing the growth of white poplar plantation forest. The study is expected to provide theoretic basis and corresponding techniques for the cultivation of white poplar plantation forest in Shandong Province as well as the North China. The main study contents include: 1) growth differentiation of white poplar (P. tomentosa) varieties. 2) Physiological basis for high-yield white poplar plantation forest, 3) White poplar plantation forestland classification and its evaluation, 4) Afforestation techniques of white poplar for high-yield production, 5) Technique system for high-yield polar plantation forest and its economic evaluation. The main results are as follows:1, Site factors influencing the growth of white poplar plantation forest include topography, soil type, soil texture and underwater level. In West Shandong alluvial plains of the Yellow River, importance of the factors are ranked in order as follows: topography > soil texture > underwater level > soil type, while in Central & South Shandong and Jiaodong area, soil texture > topography > soil type > underwater level.2, White poplar (P. tomentosa) plantation forestland is classified into 32 groups and site indices range from 9 to 19. Land with an index of 6 or above and mean annual increment of stock volume 9.0 m3 with a density of 495 tree per hm2 is believed the best for white poplar growth while land with site index of 14– 15, and mean annual increment of stock volume of 5.0 m3~7.5 m3 with a density of 495 tree per hm2 the second best. Land with site index below 13 is proved not suitable for the cultivation of white poplar (P. tomentosa) plantation forest.


