

Research on ACC/DEC Control、Servocontrol and Contour Control of CNC System

【作者】 赵国勇

【导师】 赵福令; 徐志祥;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 开放式高性能数控系统的研究不仅要使数控系统体系结构开放,更重要的是要结合计算机技术、自动控制技术、机械加工的最新技术,实现高速度、高精度、高可靠性的数控加工,将数控机床的加工质量、功能、可靠性提高到一个新的水平。论文针对开放式、高性能数控系统发展需要,对数控系统的几个主要关键技术-加减速控制、曲线插补方法、伺服控制、轮廓控制进行了深入研究。 高精度CNC系统中要求对机床进行平滑的运动控制。在分析常用加减速方法特性基础上,提出一种避免产生加加速度j阶跃的加减速方法,称为基于j控制的新加减速方法,详细分析了该加减速方法的轮廓运动控制方程。该方法使加减速运动更加平滑,减小了机床振动与冲击。 对于复杂型面零件的高速、高精度数控加工,线性插补存在明显不足。论文深入研究了NURBS曲线插补,并结合提出的CNC系统中进给速度的自适应控制方法,在满足加减速特性、最大轮廓误差、最大向心加速度约束的基础上,可获得尽量高而且平滑的进给速度。 进给伺服系统的性能直接影响和决定CNC系统的快速性、稳定性和准确性。论文在对位置控制器中PID控制性能以及前馈控制性能进行深入分析的基础上,设计了一个非线性PID位置控制器来提高伺服系统跟随性能。该控制器使系统的响应加快,提高了跟随精度。 论文分析了电气扰动对进给伺服系统精度的影响,设计了一种电气扰动(如漂移、电压波动等扰动)观测与补偿器,将电气扰动观测出并补偿到位置控制器的输出中,提高了伺服系统的跟踪精度和抗干扰能力。 数控机床系统的轮廓加工轨迹是多轴协调运动的合成结果,针对多轴高精度复杂型面零件数控加工需要,提出了一种基于NURBS插补器的简单实用的多轴交叉耦合控制方法,该方法显著减小了轮廓误差,提高了轮廓精度。 论文分析了轮廓误差产生的根源,主要针对机床各轴动态特性不一致、位置环增益不匹配、正交轴垂直度误差进行分析并提出了一种补偿控制方法,进行了误差补偿实验。 在上述关于运动平滑处理、伺服控制、轮廓控制方法论述的基础上,论文最后采用“PC机内嵌入运动控制器”的开放式体系结构搭建了一个数控实验平台,并进行了加减速控制实验、伺服控制实验、交叉耦合控制实验,验证了所研究方法的有效性。

【Abstract】 The open-architecture and high-performance CNC system not only has flexible configuration , but also should machine with high federate, high precision and high reliability using the new computer technology, automation and machining technology. In the thesis several key technologies, such as Acceleration /Deceleration control, curve interpolation, servo control and contour control are researched in details aimed at the development of high-performance CNC system.A new Acc/Dec approach in which the jerk is planned by Trapezoidal ACC/DEC is put forward in the thesis, improving contouring accuracy and reducing the impact on machine greatly. And the contour motion control equation of this approach is developed in details.After analyzing the weakness of the linear interpolation approach aimed at the complex profile parts’ high speed and high accuracy CNC machining, the NURBS curve interpolation algorithm and the feed rate controll self-adaptively approach are researched in the thesis, which can achieve high and smooth feed motion on the basis of meeting the need of Acc/Dec rule, contouring error limitation and maximal centripetal acceleration.The rapidity, stability and accuracy of CNC system are determined by the servo system. A nonlinear PID controller is developed to enhance the servosystem accuracy on the basis of analyzing PID controller and feedforward control in details.After analyzing the influence of electric disturbance on servo system precision, a electric disturbance observation and compensator is developed to minish track error and enhance the system accuracy. The simulation results reveal the electric disturbance observation and compensator could enhance the interference rejection performance greatly.After analyzing the weakness of the conventional machine contour control scheme, a multi-axis cross-coupled control approach based on NURBS curve interpolator is put forward in the thesis aimed at the demand of complex profile


