

Research on the Mechanism of the Enterprise Organizational Capital Growth

【作者】 冯丹龙

【导师】 栾庆伟;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,人力资本的重要性日益提高,知识和能力对企业的发展越来越重要,正逐渐成为企业最有价值的资产,企业之间的竞争也随之逐渐转化为对高素质人才更强烈的需求和更激烈的竞争,企业的战略性人力资源管理水平日益成为决定其能否在知识经济的浪潮中获得持续竞争优势的关键。企业在进行人力资源管理的过程中面临着一个两难困境:个体人力资本的产权特征决定了个体人力资本与其所有者具有不可分离性,同时员工的流动也是不可避免的。如果核心员工离开企业,将带走企业最宝贵的资产。因此,企业需要在员工为其工作的过程中,将员工个体的知识、能力和价值观转移到企业中,将员工的个体人力资本转化成企业的竞争对手无法模仿的企业组织资本,降低企业组织对个体人力资本的依赖程度和企业的人力资本投资风险,使企业保持持续的竞争优势,最大限度地减低员工流失对企业的影响。 在知识经济时代,研究人力资本如何转化为企业组织资本已经成为各企业亟待解决的问题。 对企业组织资本理论与实践的研究在国内外研究尚属起步阶段,无论在概念体系还是研究方法上都没有形成完善的框架。从以往的研究来看,对企业组织资本研究主要是从经济学的角度,运用经济学的理论与方法,探讨人力资本和企业组织资本对经济增长的作用,而相对忽视了企业管理层面上个体人力资本向企业组织资本转换。本文则尝试以知识为研究主线,从知识的角度界定了企业组织资本,从企业管理的角度,通过对个体——团队——组织三个相互联系的本体论层面的研究,在相关学科的脉络中寻求企业组织资本增长的机理,并在此基础上构建了企业组织资本增长模型,探讨如何在组织促进性因素的作用下,通过组织学习和知识共享机制,将组织成员的知识、能力和价值观转换成企业组织资本。 本文主要研究了如下几个问题: (1)企业组织资本增长的组织学习机制 本文在研究组织学习的过程中,构建了个体、团队和组织三个本体层次的学习模型;在研究个体学习、团队学习和组织学习的互动关系的基础上,构建了基于组织学习的企业组织资本增长模型。个体认知模式、团队认知模式和组织认知模式之间的相互作用成为了沟通个体学习、团队学习和组织学习之间的桥梁,它们之间的相互影响和作用将三个层次的学习联系起来。随着三个层次认知模式间的相互作用,个体学习——团队学习——组织学习实现了互动,在这个过程中,个体、团队和组织三个层次的学习力得以提升,个体知识、团队知识不断向组织知识转化,个体的认知模式经过互动达成共识,形成组织共同的认知模式,组织共同认知模式影响着组织价值观,因而在认知模式不断提升与成熟的过程中,组织的价值观也不断得以升华。因此,通过这个螺旋式上升过程,

【Abstract】 In the knowledge-economy era, the importance of human capital is growing. Knowledge and capability are becoming more and more important to enterprise development and gradually becoming the most valuable assets for a business. Corporate competition is gradually transforming into a fierce battle for talented people. Strategic human resource management in a company is becoming the key to winning sustained competitive advantages in the knowledge-economy wave.Companies face a dilemma in managing human resources: the ownership nature of individual human capital. This means non-separation of individual human capital and its owner can spell difficulty for management, as staff drain is essentially unavoidable. The possible departure of core staff can be a loss of the most valuable asset for a business. Therefore, while staff is employed, enterprises need to transfer the knowledge, capability and values of individual employees to the whole company. Individual human capital should be turned into organizational capital which cannot be copied by rivals. Thus reducing dependence on individual human capital as well as limiting the risk of losing human capital investment. Only in this way can corporate competitive advantages not be weakened by staff drain. Therefore, how to transform individual capital into organizational capital has become an urgent problem for enterprises in the knowledge-economy era.Research of organizational capital theory and practice is still fledgling at home and abroad, and has not yet taken shape either in concept system or in methodology. In previous research, study of organizational capital is largely conducted from an economic perspective by applying economic theory and approach to discuss how individual human capital and organizational capital can promote economic growth. But this neglects the transformation of individual human capital to organizational capital in view of corporate management. This thesis attempts to take knowledge as the main line for study, and defines organizational capital from this perspective. By working from a corporate management perspective, the thesis seeks the source of organizational capital growth by analyzing the capital on the three interlinking levels - individual, group and organization. With these studies, the thesis then establishes an organizational capital growth model in terms of organizational learning and information sharing, and discusses how to use this model to transform knowledge, capability and values of organization members into organizational capital.This paper is mainly devoted to the following issues;(1) Organizational learning system for organizational capital growthWhile studying organizational learning, this thesis describes the three learning models of


