

Research on the Citizenship Quality Education of Chinese College Recent

【作者】 李芳

【导师】 张耀灿;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当我们为社会主义民主政治建设而推波助澜的时候,当我们为高校教育改革而殚精竭虑的时候,当我们为当今大学生自觉不自觉地掉进所谓“后现代”的陷阱而忧心忡忡的时候,众多有识之士的思维触媒愈益汇聚到一个焦点上,那就是当前我国大学生公民素质教育问题。大学生作为我国公民中的一个特殊群体,其适应民主社会生活所需要的公民素质的高低,不但支配着其一生的实际生活方式,而且影响着全社会公民素质的发展方向。可见,当代大学生公民素质的培养是中国实现现代化目标的一项基础性工程。因此,对高校公民素质教育的研究与思考无疑具有重大的理论意义与实践价值。本文以高校公民素质教育为研究主旨,为求比较客观地把握当前大学生公民素质的现状,探究其背后的影响因素,并为高校实施公民素质教育提供有效的、可操作性的对策。沿着从理论到现实,从原因到对策的逻辑路线,本文的研究主要从以下几个方面展开:第一,厘清公民、公民素质、高校公民素质教育概念的含义以及与几个相关概念的关系。本文的“公民”是指:在民主社会的基本社会关系中充分体现人的基本属性,自由、自主、自决地参与公共事务,享有法定权利、承担法定义务、具有与其身份和地位相适应的品性、态度和德行的个人。本文的“公民素质”是指:公民作为民主社会生活中的一员,在与国家、社会和其它公民的关系中理解自身的权利与义务,独立做出判断与选择,并付诸行动的知识、意识价值观和技能。本文着重考察了大学生如下的公民素质:在公民与国家关系维度中有爱国素质、政治参与素质、规则素质、权利素质;在公民与社会关系维度中有独立自主素质、社会参与素质、勤俭素质、自强素质;在公民与公民关系维度中有友善素质、诚信素质、合作素质、宽容素质。本文的“高校公民素质教育”是指:国家通过高等学校,有目的、有计划地对在校大学生所实施的,旨在培养大学生适应民主社会所必需的良好公民素质的教育活动。同时,本文还分析了公民素质教育与公民教育、思想政治教育、公民道德教育、公民社会之间的异同,以便于更清楚地把握本文的核心概念。这些概念的阐述与厘定为全文研究奠定了理论基础。第二,通过问卷调查、个别访谈、集体访谈以及参考相关调查成果等途径,比较客观、全面地掌握了当前大学生公民素质的现实状况。基于笔者的问卷调查数据、个人与集体访谈信息以及学界相关研究成果,本文对当前大学生十二项公民素质的现状进行了详细的分析、研究、说明。我们发现,随着当代中国社会主义市场经济、民主法治、精神文明的推进与发展,大学生的公民素质现状留下了时代的印记,并在社会主义现代化建设的实践洪流中或多或少、或快或慢地逐步得到了提高。其总体现状体现出如下特点:(1)大学生不同公民素质水平有高低之分,相同公民素质的不同方面的水平也有高低之分。有些公民素质水平很高,如友善素质、规则素质;有些公民素质水平则比较低,如勤俭素质;还有些公民素质的不同方面也表现出高低不同,如权利素质、独立自主素质。(2)大学生的有些公民意识倾向与公民行为选择呈错位态势。比如大学生的独立自主意识与独立自主行为之间、社会参与意识与社会参与行为之间就存在错位。(3)大学生的有些公民素质还处于不自觉、无意识状态,有待于提升到自觉、意识状态。比如规则素质、节约素质。第三,具体分析了大学生的个体特征,以及学校、家庭、社会(狭义)等环境因素在何种向度与程度上影响着大学生公民素质的形成与提高。在研究分析基础上,本文得出一系列结论,比如,性别仅仅影响着大学生在爱国、独立自主、勤俭、社会参与、友善的某些方面的表现,而不影响他们在其它公民素质方面的表现。同时,这种影响并不表现为女性就比男性差,而是各自有其好坏不均的表现;年级(大一、大二、大三)仅仅影响着大学生在政治参与、政治维权、独立自主、节俭、友善、诚信的某些方面的表现,而不影响他们在其它公民素质方面的表现。同时,这种影响不表现为年级越高,大学生的上述公民素质水平就越高,而是视具体方面而定;专业(人文社科管理类、理工农医类)影响着大学生多方面的公民素质水平。总的说来,在爱国理性、独立自主意识、勤俭、社会参与意识、友善、诚实素质方面,文科生较理科生有更好的表现。而在政治参与行为、独立自主行为方面,理科生较文科生有更好的表现;政治面貌(党员、共青团员、群众)对大学生公民素质水平影响不大。学生党员仅在国家个人利益观、政治参与行为、节约资源、友善方面比学生共青团员、学生群众有更好的表现;学校类型深刻地影响着当前大学生公民素质的状况。总的说来,部属院校学生在公民与社会、公民与公民关系维度中的公民素质方面有非常好的表现,在公民与国家关系维度中的公民素质方面也有良好的表现。省属本科院校学生在独立自主、节约、信用、宽容等方面有良好的表现,而在爱国、权利、规则方面表现比较差。民办高校、高职高专学生在公民与国家关系维度中的公民素质有较好的表现,但是其独立自主、信用、宽容方面又表现得比较差;等等。第四,提出了高校公民素质教育应当确立的教育理念,应当坚持的基本原则以及一些有效的、可行的策略选择。提高大学生公民素质的路径有很多条,而高校公民素质教育是提高大学生公民素质最重要的路径之一。高校要提高公民素质教育的实效性,应该树立民主和实践的教育理念,遵循针对性原则、知识意识技能相结合的原则以及他养与自养相结合的原则,在具体实施中还应该加强如下几方面工作:(1)高度重视和认真实施公民素质教育,促进德育的现代转型;(2)加强民族精神培育,铸造大学生公民的“民族魂”;(3)加强法制教育,营造校园法制环境;(4)构建大学生有效参与机制,在实践中提高大学生公民素质;(5)搭建学校、社会、家庭相互联系的立体通道。

【Abstract】 When we add fuel to the flames for the socialism democratic politics construction, when we rack our brains for the reform of the college education, when we are worried about the college students’ slipping into the so-called "post-modern " trap consciously or unconsciously, many men of insight focus their thoughts on the current college students’ citizen education for all - round development of our country. College students is a special group of Chinese citizen, whose citizenship quality to adapt to democratic socialist life not only dominates their life style, but also has influence on the orientation of the development of citizenship quality of the whole society. It’s clear that the training of citizenship quality for college students is a basic project in Chinese modernization construction. So, it’s meaningful to do the research in college citizenship quality education both theoretically and practically .This dissertation will aim in college citizenship quality education, which will objectively master the status quo of the citizenship quality of college students, explore the influencing factors and provide effective and practical policies for the carrying out of college citizenship quality education. In order to analyze the question better, the dissertation will deploy the argument in several aspects according to the logical route from the theory to the reality, from the reason to the countermeasure.First, make clear the concepts of citizen, citizenship quality, college citizenship quality education and the relationship with several relevant concepts. The "citizen" refers to the a person who adequately embodies human’s basic attributes in the basic social relations in a democratic society, who takes part in common affairs freely, independently and consciously, who takes legal rights, bears legal obligation and has proper character, attitude and moral. The "citizenship quality" refers to the citizen’s knowledge, consciousness and skill of understanding his own right and obligation in the relationship with the nation, the society and other citizens and making judgments and choices and practicing. This dissertation will review college students’ citizenship quality in the following aspects: patriotism quality, politics participation quality, rule quality and right quality, which belong to the dimension of the relation between citizen and nation; Independence quality, society participation quality, diligence and frugality quality and struggle quality, which belong to the dimension of the relation between citizen and society; friendliness quality, honesty quality, cooperation quality and tolerance quality, which belong to the dimension of the relation between a certain citizen and other citizens. The "college citizenship quality education "refers to the education activity that colleges carry out with definite aim and plan, which is to train college students for fine citizenship quality to adapt to democratic social life. Meanwhile, the dissertation also distinguishes college citizenship quality education, citizenship education, ideological and political education, citizenship moral education and citizen society to master the core concept more clearly.Second, through questionnaire investigation, individual interview, group interview and some relevant investigating results, the dissertation gives a general factual scene of the current college students’ citizenship quality. According to the analysis of the statistics, the dissertation researches 12 college students’ citizenship qualities in detail. We find out that with the development of Chinese socialist market economy, democratic politics and spiritual civilization building, current college students’ citizenship qualities have a brand of times and more or less have improved in the practice of socialist modernization construction. The general status embodies the following characteristics: (1) College students have different levels of citizenship quality in different qualities (For example, friendliness quality and rule quality are high, diligence and frugality quality are low)or in different aspects of the same quality such as right quality and independence quality.(2)College students’ citizenship consciousness is not consistent with their citizenship behavior such as their independence consciousness and behavior and social participation consciousness and behavior.(3) Some of college students’ citizenship qualities are not conscious such as rule quality and frugality quality.Third, the dissertation analyses college students’ individual characteristics in detail. What’s more, it explores the orientation and extent of the influence of environment such as college, family and society on college students’ citizenship quality. This dissertation draws a series of conclusions. For example, gender only has influence on some aspects of college students’ patriotism quality, independence quality, diligence and frugality quality, social participation quality and friendliness quality. Female students are not certainly worse than male students in above perspectives; instead, male and female both have good and bad aspects. Grades (freshman, sophomore, junior students) only influence some aspects of college students’ politics participation, independence, frugality, friendliness and honesty. And it’s not the higher the grade, the better the quality. Major (humanities and natural science) has impact on many aspects of college students’ citizenship quality. In general, students majoring in humanities have better patriotism, independence, diligence and frugality, social participation, friendliness and honesty quality than those majoring in natural science. However, students majoring in natural science have better politics participation, independence quality than those majoring in humanities. Political visage (Party member, Communist youth league member and mass) has little impact. Party member only have better citizenship quality in the viewpoint of national interests and individual interests, politics participation behavior, frugality and friendliness than communist youth members and others. The type of colleges profoundly influences college students’ citizenship quality. In general, students in colleges belonging to the educational ministry have much better citizenship quality in the dimensions of the relation between citizen and society and the relation between citizen and citizen; Also, they have better citizenship quality in the dimension of the relation between citizen and nation. Undergraduates in colleges belonging to provinces are better in independence, frugality, credit and tolerance, but they are worse in patriotism, fight and rule. Students in private colleges and vocational schools have better citizenship quality in the dimension of the relation between citizen and nation, but they are worse in independence, credit and tolerance.Forth, the dissertation advances the idea, principle and feasible and effective policies to carry out college citizenship quality education. There are many ways to advance college students’ citizenship quality, and college citizenship quality education is one of the most important ones. In order to improve the effectiveness of college citizenship quality education, college should have democratic and practical educational ideas, abide by the principles of pertinence, the principle of and the combination of knowledge, consciousness and skill, the principle of the coalescence of internal education and external education. In practice, colleges also should strengthen the following jobs: (1)Attach much attention to and carry out citizenship qualityeducation, advance the transformation of Moral Education; (2)Enforce the cultivation of national spirits to make citizens of college students found "national pneuma"; (3)Reinforce law education, construct law environment in colleges; (4)Build effective mechanism for college students’ participation, to develop college students’ citizenship quality in practice; (5)Build stereo channel for the connection of college, society and family.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】3604

