

Study on Mechanism of Ideological and Political Education in City Community

【作者】 马奇柯

【导师】 张耀灿;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展,工业化、市场化、现代化、城镇化的加快推进,经济结构、产业结构、社会结构发生重大变化,经济成分、就业方式、组织形式、利益关系和分配方式日趋多样化,人员流动性大大增强,越来越多的“单位人”变成“社会人”,各种新型经济组织、社会组织不断增多,既促进了社会的发展进步,也给城市管理带来一系列新情况、新问题。社区作为城市的细胞,城市居民与所在社区的关系越来越密切。随着创新型国家和学习型社会建设的推进和城市社区的巨大变化,“一种新的城市生活”呼唤着“一种新的城市教育”,新的城市社区思想政治教育呼之欲出。构建“民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处”为特征的社会主义和谐社会,其显著特点是社会管理体制运转有序。社区思想政治教育作为社区管理的一种重要方式,如何建立自身和谐的运行机制为社区和谐运行创造条件,继而有助于“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与”的社会管理格局的形成,是一个值得研究的重大问题。正是基于这样的背景,本文从社区思想政治教育机制的角度,来考虑改善人居环境、提高居民素质、促进社区和谐、构建和谐社会的问题。论文阐述了社区思想政治教育机制转换的历史必然性和现实重要性,分析了社区思想政治教育机制建设的主要内容,并就社区思想政治教育机制优化规律作了探讨。首先,对社区概念作了历史考察,对社区建设、社区发展、社区工作、社区教育等几个与社区思想政治教育相关的概念作了比较,对制度、体制、机理和机制作了辩证分析,理清了原则、方法和机制的辩证关系。思想政治教育机制要素是思想政治教育理论界富有争议、研究较为薄弱的话题。笔者沿着“思想政治教育机制是社区思想政治教育各要素的构成方式、作用方式以及由此产生的思想政治教育活动的整体的运行方式和人们对思想政治教育活动运行方式的有效调节”的理路,分析思想政治教育机制要素应该包括思想政治教育基本要素、相互关系、机理运用、制度规范等。社区思想政治教育机制到底如何建构?可谓仁者见仁,智者见智。其次,文中对思想政治教育机制的内涵、类型作了较为详尽的综述,提出“机制是构成方式、作用方式、运行方式、调节方式、呈现方式的有机统一”、“社区思想政治教育机制,是指为了实现人们所期望的社区思想政治教育的目标,追求社区思想政治教育各要素的一定构成方式、作用方式以及由此产生的社区思想政治教育整体的运行方式和有效调节方式的总和”的论断。提出社区思想政治教育机制运演主要包括动力发生机制、有序工作机制、协同作用机制、能动接受机制、效益评估机制。再次,笔者从联合国推广的社区发展运动和国外社区思想政治教育的实践以及我国社区思想政治教育机制的历史演进中得出一条颠扑不破的规律,即我国社区思想政治教育机制转换成为历史的必然。不可否认,要实事求是、辩证看待传统社区思想政治教育机制的优劣,传统社区思想政治教育机制为改善人居环境、提高生活质量、提升文明素质以及社区进步、社会稳定、国家发展等方面做出了积极贡献。经济结构、产业结构、社会结构发生了重大变化,为社区转型创造了条件、提出了要求,经济转型和社会转型呼唤着社区转型,社区转型呼唤着社区思想政治教育机制转换,社区思想政治教育机制转换是自身生存发展道路的必然选择。这些转换主要表现在:从社区思想政治教育的外源性为主的动力发生机制转换为以内源性为主的动力发生机制,从社区思想政治教育的无序工作机制转换为有序工作机制,从社区思想政治教育的单一作用机制转换为协同作用机制,从社区思想政治教育的被动接受机制转换为能动接受机制,从社区思想政治教育的形式评估机制转换为效益评估机制。接下来,联系中国社区建设的实践,阐述了社区思想政治教育机制建设的主要内容。社区思想政治教育过程就是社区思想政治教育机制运演的过程。整个过程从目标要素开始,由动力发生机制启动,由有序工作机制执行,由协同作用机制转换,由能动接受机制实现,最后由效益评价机制检验,而保障要素始终伴随整个过程。动力发生机制是前提,有序工作机制是根本,协同作用机制是条件,能动接受机制是关键,效益评估机制是落脚。这个过程是永不停息的,而且总是过程包含着过程:已经实现的过程成为当下过程的某一环节或部分,而当下过程又将自我超越成为下一个更高级的过程,社区思想政治教育机制的历史运行从而呈现螺旋式循环上升的进程。最后,论文对社区思想政治教育机制优化的规律作了有益探索。优化社区思想政治教育机制,必须坚持整体性原则,既要考虑社区思想政治教育功能的发挥,也要注意加强思想政治教育的自身建设,二者相辅相成,不可偏颇。概述起来,可以归纳为社区思想政治教育机制优化的外适应规律和社区思想政治教育机制优化的内适应规律。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of socialist market economy and the prevailing trend of industrialization, marketability, modernization and urbanization have brought great changes to the economic, industrial and social structures: the ever-increasing diversity of economic sectors, way of employment, form of organizations , interest relationship and mode of distribution, the growing demographic mobility with more and more people breaking loose from state-owned organizations and joining the ocean of mobile workers and the mushrooming new economic and social organizations. All these boost the development of our society, however, also incur some new problems to the city management. Social communities, an integral organ of urban cities, are exerting greater impact on urban residents. Along with innovation country and study society’s construction advancement, and city community’s huge change, new urban life calls for new urban education, where the ideological and political education should be given top priority.One of the prominent symbols of a harmonious society featuring democracy and law, equity and justice, faith and friendliness, safety and security, and peaceful coexistence of human and nature, is a sound social management system. The community ideological and political education, an important way of community management, will contribute to a well-managed community backed with a sound operation system and a social management system led by CPC, supported by the government and jointly run by the society and the public. Thus it is an issue of primary concern to be studied.This dissertation intends to explore ways to improve people’s residential environment, promote residents’ quality, and construct harmonious communities and society from the perspective of the mechanism of community ideological and political education. The historical necessity and realistic importance of reforming mechanism of ideological and political education in communities, the major components and optimizing approaches are discusses.Firstly, a historical review is made on community-related concepts by comparing the concepts of community construction, community development, community work and community education with community ideological and political education and dialectically analyzing the relationship among the system, institution and mechanism and further that among the principle, method and mechanism. The ideological and political education mechanism, a controversial topic lack of sufficient research, is defined herein as "a system composed of what the various ideological and political education elements are, how they work and are carried out in specific education activities, how people monitor and adjust them for desirable results". It covers the basic elements and their relationship, the application of the mechanism and the rules of ideological and political education.The ideas on how to construct an ideological and political education mechanism in communities are divided. This dissertation gives a general overview of the connotations and different types of ideological and political education mechanism and proposes that "System is the organic unity of the construction structure, working mechanism, operating mode, adjustments and the presentation pattern." and "The community ideological and political education mechanism is a system composed of what the various ideological and political education elements are, how they work and are carried out in specific education activities, how people monitor and adjust them for desirable results." The operation mechanism mainly covers the motivating mechanism, orderly-operating mechanism, cooperative working mechanism, active acceptance mechanism and evaluation mechanism.Thirdly, studies on the UN community programs, the practice of ideological and political education in overseas communities, and the evolution of ideological and political education in Chinese communities have revealed that it is time to reform the Chinese community ideological and political education. The merits and drawbacks of the traditional community ideological and political education should be viewed with a dialectical and critical attitude. It did contribute much to improving the community residential environment, living standard, education, community growth, social stability and China’s development. However, the significant changes of the economic, industrial and social structure calls for community reforms which make it a requisite to reform the community ideological and political education mechanism of communities, transforming the mechanism of extrinsic motivating to intrinsic, working disorderly to orderly, individually to cooperatively and changing the passive compliance to active acceptance.Fourthly the main content of community ideological and political education mechanism is explored in the specific context of China. The process of ideological and political education itself is how the community ideological and political education mechanism goes. It starts with the initiation of the motivating mechanism, carries on with the orderly working mechanism, goes through transitions activated by the cooperative working mechanism and attains the objectives in the active acceptance mechanism and is assessed in the effectiveness evaluation mechanism. The whole process goes on endlessly with links entailing links: a former link moves to be part of the next and the next grows to another new high so that the mechanism develops spirally upward.Finally, the dissertation makes a tentative probe into the optimization rules of community ideological and political education mechanism. An integrated approach should be adopted in optimizing the community ideological and political education by giving full play to the community ideological and political education on the one hand and strengthening the self-growth of the ideological and political education on the other, or generally speaking, following the externally adaptive rule and the internally adaptive rule of the community ideological and political education mechanism.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】2334

