

Town’s Government under Transforming of Governance

【作者】 吴理财

【导师】 项继权;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 地方政府学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 从总体上而言,我国乡村治理正处于从“社会国家化”到“国家社会化”的转型之中,与之相应的,我国乡镇政府的职能必须从“管治”(government)转向“服务”、从“汲取”(乡村资源)转向“供给”(公共产品),因而,笔者认为,乡镇改革的关键是乡镇政府职能的转变。那么现实的乡镇改革实践是否以乡镇政府职能转变为核心原则呢?对于乡镇政府的实态运行以及乡镇改革的实际发展路径又应如何理解?如何促进乡镇政府职能的转变?是本文关心的主要的问题。 然而,通过对乡镇改革的实证研究发现,贯穿乡镇改革实践的主线并非我们在理论上所主张的乡镇政府职能的转变,而是“效能优先”。所谓“效能优先”,是指改革将提升政府效能放在首要位置,并围绕它而展开。从各地的乡镇改革实践来看,“效能优先”原则既明显体现在“减人减支”的机构精简、乡镇撤并之中,又蕴含于“交叉任职”、“以钱养事”以及“乡财县管”、“委托扩权”等改革之中。这种“效能优先”式改革即便牵涉到政治层面的内容,例如乡镇党政班子“交叉任职”、民主选举,实质上也是以“效能优先”为主旨。这种改革实际上仍是一种行政自我改革,它很难超越行政体制的范畴而触及体制性的根本问题。虽然它在一定程度上促进了乡镇政府职能的转变,但是这一转变却极其有限。 作者认为,对于乡镇政府职能的考察,不单要考虑到“国家”、乡村人民的需要,以及二者的交互作用对乡镇政府职能的影响,更不能忽视乡镇政府和乡镇干部自身的利益诉求,以及乡镇政府和乡镇干部面对“国家”和乡村社会的制度规定、利益要求、实际的乡镇权力结构的能动性反应。正是这些因素的相互作用,决定了乡镇政府职能运作的实际内容和形态。乡镇政府的行为实际上是一种基于特定“结构”(或“场域”)的“惯习”,只有把它放置在特定的“结构”(或“场域”)之中才能切实理解乡镇政府为什么要这样做、而不是那样做。也就是说,要想改变乡镇政府的“惯习”,除了政策的要求、理念的转换以外,最重要和最关键的是改变生成、维续这一“惯习”的“结构”(或“场域”),简言之,就是要变革体制,进行机制创新,产生一种“激励结构”,促使农村基层政府治理和公共服务的良性转型。

【Abstract】 As a whole, while the rural governance in China is transforming from ’society nationalization’ to ’nation socialization’, correspondingly, functions of township governments must change from ’government’ to ’serving ’and from ’scooping’(rural resources) to ’supplying’(public goods),the author, thus, thinks of the function transformation of township governments as the sticking point of their reform. However, does the practical reform of township governments obey the head principle of function transformation? How to understand their realistic operation and practical development path? How to advance the township governments changing their functions? All these are issues concerned in this paper.In this Positive Study, however, we find the masterstroke which has traversed reform of township governments, is not function transformation which we claim, but ’efficiency first’. What is called ’efficiency first’ refers to that stepping up government efficiency is put in the primary position during the reform and is the core issue around which other works are outspread. From the reform practices, ’efficiency first’ principle not only clearly embodies organs simplifying and township repealing and merging with reducing the staff and expenses, but also is contained in the reform of leaders holding two cross positions (Jichaocha Renzhi), maintaining the affairs with the fund (Yiqianyangshi), county government administrating township finance (Xiangcai Xianguan) and being entrusted to spread government power (Weituo Kuoquan). The reform involved in the political level, such as leaders holding two positions and democratic election in the township governments, does de facto give priority to the principle of ’efficiency first’. This reform which is administrative self-reform is hard to touch the fundamental issue with exceeding the category of the administration system, and thus gets limited function change of township governments, although it promotes on a certain extent function transformation.Reviewing function transformation of township governments, there are lots of factors need to be counted, which has traversed from the nation, villagers and those interaction influences on their functions, benefit claiming of township governments and cadres, to their agent reaction to institution regulations and benefit demanding of the nation and villages and practical power structure township governments. Interaction of these factors determines the practical content and form of township function operation. Behaviors of township

  • 【分类号】D422.0
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】2790

