

Study on the Northeast China Regional Logistic System

【作者】 朱庆伟

【导师】 陈才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 物流地域系统就是建立在交通运输网络体系和信息网络传输体系之上,以系统的结节点和信息源为基础,以网络为通道,实现产品、服务和信息有效传递的物流空间组织体系。物流地域系统作为一种刚刚出现不久的地域系统类型,是信息化和全球化发展的产物,是网络结构地域系统的具体表现形式之一。本文以东北地区为目标区域,对物流地域系统进行分析。全文包括七个部分,即引言、结论和五章正文。引言部分,分析了研究网络结构地域系统需要、研究区域发展中物流作用的需要、研究东北老工业基地振兴中物流发展的需要等主要背景,阐释了论文研究的理论和现实意义,论文的研究目标和研究内容,确定了论文的研究方法。第一章,是对已有的相关研究成果进行综述和评价,主要从对物流的基本认识、物流实践的发展、物流研究的主要理论方面对物流研究进行述评;并对物流地域系统产生与概念的界定、物流地域系统的内涵、物流地域系统研究的学科基础、物流地域系统研究的主要内容等进行归纳,对本文所涉及的主要问题进行了前提性的交代。第二章,是对物流地域系统理论研究框架的建构页是论文研究的重点。首先分析了物流地域系统的要素,即主体要素、客体要素、载体要素和支撑要素;其次,指出物流地域系统的网络结构由节点、线路和组织,通过点状聚集、带状聚集和网络集聚三种模式形成;第三,将物流地域系统的结构研究划分为作为基本尺度的微观企业物流结构研究,作为中等尺度的中观城市物流研究,作为大尺度的宏观区域物流研究三个等级序列;第四,分析了物流地域系统与区域经济系统之间的相互作用;第五,明确物流地域系统的发展趋势是以物流网络的完善为基础,通过物流圈的形成,最终建立全球物流网络;最后,阐释了政府是物流地域系统调控的主体,政策制定是政府实现物流地域系统调控的主要途径,确立调控的目标和明确调控的模式是调控的主要内容;为物流地域系统的研究提供了理论依据。第三章,是结合东北地区的实际,对物流地域系统的宏观尺度进行分析。首先分析了区域物流的特征、发展模式和我国的区域物流发展战略,第二,分析了东北地区物流发展的自然条件与自然资源、位置和交通条件、经济条件分析、物流发展现状和物流市场需求;第三,提出了东北地区物流地域系统“一轴、两带、三区、四点、五线”的空间格局和物流中心城市、综合物流节点和物流配送节点三级的物流节点体系;第四,以吉林省为例,分析区域物流系统与城市化发展的关联。第四章,是结合哈尔滨的实际,对物流地域系统的中观尺度进行分析;首先分析了信息化时代城市物流节点的布局原则;第二,分析了哈尔滨市物流发展的条件和现状;第三,确立了物流规划区、物流园区、配送中心三级城市物流节点体系;为城市节点体

【Abstract】 Logistics regional system is a logistics spatial framework which is built on transportation network system and information transmitting network, based on the nodes of systems and information sources to realize effective transmission of products, services and information by the channel of network.As a newly arising regional system type, logistics regional system is the product of the development of informationalization and globalization, and one of the representations of network architecture regional system. This article analyzes the logistics regional system of the northeast region as the targeted area.There are seven parts in this article, including foreword, conclusion and five chapters of the body part.In the foreword, the author analyzed the backgrounds such as the necessity of studying network architecture regional system, studying the roles of logistics in developing regions, and studying the logistics development in the revitalization of the old industrial base in Northeast China. In addition, the author explained the theoretical and practical significances of the study, the research aim and contents as well as the research method of this article. In Chapter One, previous research and achievements of logistics has been reviewed and evaluated from the basic knowledge of logistics, the development of logistics practice, and the main theories of logistics study. And summaries have been made on the origin of logistics regional system and the definition of the concept, the connotation of logistics regional system, the disciplinary ground of the study on logistics regional system as well as its main contents. Besides, the central issues concerning this study were preconditioned.Chapter Two, the core of this study, is about the structure of the theoretical framework of logistics regional system. Firstly, the author analyzed the elements of logistics regional system, that is, subject element, object element, carrier element, and support element; secondly, the author pointed out that the network structure of logistics regional system is made up of nodes, connection and setup by three modes of spot conglomeration, belt conglomeration and network conglomeration; thirdly, the research on structure of logistics regional system is categorized into the research on logistics structure of micro enterprise as basic scale, the research on logistics structure of medium enterprise as middling scale, and the research on logistics structure of macro enterprise as large scale; fourthly, the author analyzed the interrelation between logistics regional system and regional economic system; fifthly, the author made clear that the trend of logistics regional system would be the building of global

【关键词】 东北地区物流地域系统研究
【Key words】 Northeast RegionLogisticsRegional SystemStudy

