

Research on the Relationship between Li Chengliang and the Political Situation of Liaodong in Late Ming Dynasty

【作者】 肖瑶

【导师】 刘厚生;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 晚明是中国古代的一个重要的社会转型期。此时期无论是对西方还是中国,无论是对大明帝国统治下的中原内地还是辽东边陲都有着“分水岭”般的意义。中国同西方拉开距离就是从晚明开始的。“明亡始于明神宗”,是说明衰清兴亦从晚明开始的。“明亡始于辽亡,辽亡影响明亡”,亦是说明代兴亡所系辽东之得失。然而,研究晚明史尤其是东北史,跨越明代嘉靖、隆庆、万历三朝的历史人物,镇辽三十年的辽东总兵李成梁,是不能逾越的。本文以李成梁这一军事历史人物为切入点,通过解读影响晚明辽东政局走向的政治、经济、军事、民族关系等诸因素,进而透视晚明辽东政局嬗变的轨迹及其影响,从而从明朝的角度寻找辽亡、明亡的原因。对李成梁一生的起落、李氏家族的盛衰、大明帝国兴亡史的研究,其学术价值不言而喻。嘉靖后期,从中原内地到辽东边陲,时局表现为:吏治腐败、经济凋敝、边备废弛、民族矛盾尖锐等现象。尤其是处“夷夏之所交”的边陲辽东,因为处在明王朝与蒙古和女真交汇的锋面,其政局“动乱不已”。李成梁这个土生土长的辽东铁岭人,既生不逢时又生逢其时。生不逢时是说,李成梁出生在动乱的嘉靖朝,偏偏又适逢铁岭李氏家族家道中落。生逢其时是说,乱世出人才,辽东动乱的局势,尤其是同“北虏”和“东夷”的战争不断,给武将世家出身的李成梁,提供了登上辽东军政舞台的机遇。万历初期,张居正锐意改革,兴利除弊,整军经武,重用能征善战的李成梁镇守辽东,使辽东政局步入“由乱入治”的轨道。辽东出现吏治清明,经济复苏迹象。作为张居正改革的受益者,晚明时代的弄潮儿,李成梁初镇辽东二十二年,锐意进取,武功卓著。对于“北虏”和“东夷”的屡屡寇边行为,李成梁采取遏制蒙古,打击女真的政策,使蒙古和女真部落经常受到重创。从而保护了辽东人民生命和财产的安全。维护了辽东地区政局的稳定。权势易性,富贵移人,对于一代名将李成梁亦未能完全避免。“贵极而骄”、腐败堕落是其人生抹不去的污点。万历后期,李成梁第二次镇守辽东八年,适逢高淮乱辽,政治腐败;天灾人祸,经济衰落;“暮气难振”,鲜有作为;建州崛起,“祸端”已露。辽东政局进入“由治入乱”的局面。李成梁个人因“勾结高淮”、“弄虚作假”、“弃地啖虏”、“养虎遗患”为言官所诟病。随着李成梁的解任和离世,晚明辽东进入了“后李成梁时代”。晚明辽东的政局亦“由乱入亡”。无休无止的党争,造成辽东物是人非。节节败退的战局,最终明朝失去辽东。历史人物和他所处的时代、政局的关系总是密不可分,总是存在重大的互动作用。李成梁的起落、沉浮又是辽东盛衰、治乱的缩影。追究明失辽东的深层原因,应该是腐败的封建君主专制制度使然。负主要责任者,应该是昏庸、贪婪、怠政的万历皇帝及其继任者。李成梁是腐败的封建君主专制制度的牺牲品,是家破国亡的替罪羊。“善则称

【Abstract】 Late Ming Dynasty is a transforming society, from which China increased the distance with Western societies and the Ming Dynasty came down and Qing Dynasty thrived. The possessing and losing of the Liaodong plays an important role in the flourishing and declining of Ming Dynasty. To research the history of Late Ming, especially that of the Northeast, it’s unavoidable to talk about General Li Chengliang who garrisoned Liaodong for thirty years from Jiajing, Longqing to Wanli. The paper takes Li Chengliang as a observing point, through analyzing political, economic, military and other factors which influenced the political structure of Liaodong, to trace the transforming of the political structure of Liaodong and find reasons for the declining of Liaodong and Ming Dynasty. It’s unnecessary to say the academic importance of researching the rising and falling of Li Chengliang and his family and the flourishing and declining of Ming Dynasty.Marxism historical materialism is the main researching method of analyzing and solving problems, at the same time history study textual research and comparison method are also used, and the researching methods of politics, economics, strategics, ethnology, sociology and other disciplines are also used for reference. The author makes use of new historic material, new theories and new researching methods to study the Li Chengliang and the political structure in Liaodong of Late Ming, and evaluates the historic figure by the context of the era to draw conclusions about the trace and influence of the Liaodong political structure. The author broadens the view of research and strengthens the comparison study between the east and west by putting Li Chengliang and Liaodong political structure into the background of the globalization. The author commands dialectical, developing and connecting views to probe the relationship between the world and China, between the area south of Yellow River and Liaodong. By the theory of globalization, the author points out the inevitability of political transforming in Liaodong. For China, to take advantage of the opportunity and to keep abreast with the time is the only way to catch up with the world trend.The paper sees through the relation between the individual and the times through the research of Li Chengliang and the times. Li Chengliang lives in the age of Mind Dynasty coming down and Mongolia and Nüzhen coming prosperous. His activities have a tight tie with the history of Liaodong. So the success and failure, ups and downs of Li Chengliang not only reflected the officialdom of Liaodong, but also reflected the changes of the political situation of LiaoDong.As a beneficiary of Zhang Juzheng Reform and a seaman of late Ming Dynasty, Li

【关键词】 李成梁晚明辽东政局
【Key words】 Li ChengliangLate Ming DynastyLiaodongpolitical situation
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1345

