

Application of the "Three Components" Mineral Prediction Principle in Assessment of Nontraditional Mineral Resources

【作者】 夏庆霖

【导师】 赵鹏大;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 铂族元素(PGE)因其贵重稀少和在分布上的极不均匀性(如仅南非就占了全球已探明储量的81%,俄罗斯占17%,美国、加拿大等国约占2%),以及在航空航天、汽车、电子、制药、珠宝等领域需求的不断增加,而造成了铂族资源严重紧缺和国际矿业市场上供求矛盾异常紧张,为此北美不得不开始从报废汽车尾气净化剂中回收铂金属。近年来,我国的铂族资源年消耗量高居全球第二,其中,我国首饰铂消费自2000年超过日本位居世界第一以后,已经连续多年保持这种迅猛增长的势头(如,2002年我国首饰铂消费达到150万盎司,而整个欧洲才17万盎司);而国内汽车工业的快速发展,又将进一步拉动汽车尾气净化催化剂铂消费这个巨大的市场,所以,就我国而言铂族资源形势更为严峻,虽有金川、金宝山等超大型含铂铜镍矿床,但铂族元素是呈铜镍的伴生组分产出,且品位较低。国内大量铂族金属需求尚依赖于进口,对国家安全产生影响(国际市场上铂的价格一涨再涨,2003年曾达到每盎司692美元,为23年来历史最高价,2003年~2004年曾经出现了中国人在国际市场上买不到铂的现象;国内自2002年以来已近20次上调首饰铂等的零售价,仅武汉市2006年刚开始的一个多月里首饰铂零售价就两次上涨,990Pt达到每克348元;一些珠宝行不得不用所谓的“钯金”代替“铂金”)。自然而然,铂族金属也就成为近年来世界矿产勘查的一个新热点,如2002年铂族金属投资为1.04亿美元,占世界非燃料固体矿产勘查投资的6.0%,比2001年增长52.9%;2003年铂族金属勘查投资继续升温,达到1.31亿美元,较2002年又增长26%。由于勘查经费和项目的增加,促使了一批具有工业意义铂族金属矿床被发现,如在南非Sheba’s Ridge地区获得PGE金属储量557吨,Blue Ridge地区获得Au与PGE金属储量147吨;在澳大利亚Panton地区获得PGE金属储量140吨,Munni Munni地区获得PGE金属储量63.8吨;在芬兰Suhanko地区获得Au与PGE金属储量283吨;在我国云南金宝山铂钯矿床打到高品位矿体,Pt+Pd为2.88~6.97 g/T。总的说来,为缓解铂族资源紧缺所带来的压力,当前无非有两条路可走:一是加大境内外与基性超基性岩有关的铂族资源的风险勘探力度,二是开展非传统(非常规)类型的铂族资源(如黑色页岩型铂族矿床等)的评价研究。近二十年来,随着国际地质对比计划第254项“含金属黑色页岩”的开展,以及俄罗斯干谷、波兰蔡希斯坦等新类型铂族矿床的发现,黑色岩系中PGE、Au等贵金属研究一度成为热点,并取得了大量研究成果。此外,较廉价的C-OES等分析测试技术在铂族元素的应用正逐步成熟,为该领域科学研究与区域铂族资

【Abstract】 Platinum Grope elements (PGE), is scarce, valuable, and uneven in the distribution (such as South Africa alone accounting for the global proven reserves 81%, Russia 17%, the United States and Canada about 2%), and in the aerospace, automobile, electronics, pharmaceuticals, jewelry, and other areas of increasing demands, which result in platinum mining with severe resource constraints and extraordinarily intense international market conflict between supply and demand delete, therefore, North America had to recycle platinum metals from tail gas purification of waste cars. In recent years, our country platinum resources consumption rates per year is the second in the world. (After exceeding that of Japan and being the top of the world in 2000), jewelry consumption in China which is beyond over Japan and the highest in the world 2000, has maintained the rapid growth (for example, in 2002, Chinese jewelry consumption reached 1.5 million oz, while the whole Europe was only 170,000 oz) for many years; Besides, the domestic auto industry’s rapid development will spur automobile tail gas purification catalyst platinum consumption. So, as far as in China, platinum resources situation is even more grim. Though Jinchuan, and Jinbaoshan Cu-Ni-PGE deposits, platinum is a accompany element with copper nickel, and the grade is rather low. Domestic demand for platinum grope metals is still dependent on imports, which impact on national security (international market price of a platinum increased once and again, 692 U.S. dollars per ounce in 2003, the highest price for 23 years of history ,and in 2003 -2004 years it once occurred that in the international market Chinese could not purchase platinum; Since 2002 ,our country has increased the retail price of platinum jewelry nearly 20 times, just at the beginning of 2006, the retail price of platinum increases two times ,and the 990Pt reached 348 yuan per gram in Wuhan; Some jewelers had to use "palladium jewel" to replace the "platinum jewel"). Naturally, in recent years, platinum group metals mineral prospecting has become a new hot spot. For example, 2002 platinum group metals investment was 104 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 6.0% of the world’s non-fuel mineral prospecting solid investment, increasing 52.9% compared with that in 2001; in 2003, it continued to invest in platinum family metals prospecting warm, reaching 131 million U. S. dollars, increasing 26% compared with that in 2002. A group of industrial significance platinum group metals deposits are found, for the survey for the project and outlay increased. Such as in South Africa Sheba’s Ridge areas, PGE metal reserves is 557 tons, and Blue Ridge areas, Au and PGE metal reserves is 147 tons; In Panton areas, Australia, PGE metal reserves is 140 tons, and in Munni areas, PGE metal


