

Modeling and Optimization of Flexible Distribution System

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 真虹;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着中国国民经济的快速发展和经济全球化的推进,物流已经成为各行业在中国发展的“第三利润源泉”,配送作为挖掘这一利润源泉的突破点,受到了国内外各行业的重视并得到较快发展。在物流配送业发展的同时,进出口贸易蓬勃发展和国民经济的增长也对中国的物流配送领域提出了更高的要求,但配送领域的诸多瓶颈却严重制约着配送水平的提升,如何改变配送领域的现状、促进配送系统现代化是物流配送业迫在眉睫的任务。随着中国履行加入WTO承诺进程的深入和过渡期的结束,面对越来越激烈的市场竞争,无论是生产企业、批发业、零售业,还是物流业,都渴望得到现代化的物流配送系统的支撑与协作。 配送系统在整个供应链体系中起着承上启下的连接作用,由于配送系统直接与供应链的最终用户相连接,因此配送系统对用户需求的满足程度将反映供应链对客户需求的响应水平,配送系统的效率也会直接影响供应链的效率。面对日益剧烈的市场竞争和多变的客户需求,如何低成本和高效率的满足客户需求,确保配送系统能柔性地对客户需求变化做出及时有效的响应并维持适宜的柔性水平,这是本论文着力研究的主要内容。 鉴于此,本论文围绕配送系统的柔性这一概念加以展开,深入研究配送系统的柔性以及柔性配送系统的构成,给出基于熵原理的库存柔性的定量化定义,建立基于熵的配送系统库存柔性优化模型并进行求解,将数学解析模型和离散事件系统仿真相结合,引入约束理论对配送系统库存柔性进行两阶段综合优化。最后在给定库存柔性水平下应用三维可视化离散事件系统仿真与约束理论相结合的方法对配送中心的出入库缓冲区问题进行仿真优化。 本论文的主要研究工作如下: 1) 首先从物流、配送的基本概念的产生和发展着手,对配送系统相关的物流、配送和配送中心的基本内涵与外延加以分析和比较,并对物流配送系统的发展沿革以及配送的运作模式划分、配送中心在配送系统中的作用和配送中心的分类进行深入的研究,给出配送系统的定义,研究目前我国的配送系统发展现状以及存在的主要问题。

【Abstract】 In the past few years, with the rapid development of China’s national economy and the advance of economic globalization, the logistics become "the third profit source" in China market. As a potential source of the profits, logistics and distribution has been given great attention and faster developed in the domestic industry. In the logistics and distribution industry development, logistics and distribution bottlenecks in our country have become the focus of widespread concern, and the flourishing trade and economic growth in China set higher requirements to the logistics and distribution industry. After China’s accession to the WTO, whether production enterprises, wholesale trade, retail trade, or the logistics industry are facing the challenge of modern logistics and distribution in the face of increasingly fierce commercial competition.Distribution system in the whole supply chain system plays a vital role which connects manufacturing industry with end-users or consumers. The efficiency of distribution systems has a direct effect on the whole supply chain efficiency. In the face of increasingly fierce market competition and changing customer demand, finding a low-cost and efficient ways with the most appropriate flexibility of distribution system to meet customer needs and to ensure distribution system to meet the market fluctuations, is the main content of this dissertation to study.In view of this, the dissertation around the concept of flexibility of distribution system launched major research on the flexibility of distribution system and composition of flexible distribution system, quantitative definition of flexibility of inventory based on entropy theory, optimization models on flexibility of inventory in distribution system based on entropy, combining optimization with discrete event system simulation and mathematical analysis on the flexibility of two-echelon inventory in distribution system and simulation and optimization on buffer area of inbounds and outbound in distribution center with given level of flexibility of inventory in distribution system.The main research theses of this dissertation are as follows:1) First, with the beginning from the basic concept of the logistics, distribution and development history of those concepts, the distribution system related objects


