

Study on Optimization of Production Dispatching of Container Terminals

【作者】 张婕姝

【导师】 真虹;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 现代集装箱码头之间的竞争,不仅仅是硬件设施的竞争,更是港口现代化管理水平的竞争。随着集装箱码头吞吐量的增长,码头管理人员普遍认识到,如果管理到位,港口在设施、设备和信息技术等方面的投资效益将更加明显。 生产调度是现代集装箱码头生产运作管理系统的核心,生产调度工作质量直接影响到集装箱装卸公司的经济效益,所以如何做好生产调度工作已成为码头生产经营是否成功的关键。然而,我国大部分集装箱码头的生产调度依然延续着过去陈旧的依靠经验的生产组织方式,这一环节的落后日益成为集装箱码头提高运输效率和运作能力的瓶颈。因此,研究集装箱码头生产调度优化问题具有理论和现实意义。 论文研究的理论基础是:BPR(Business Process Reengineering)理论和调度优化理论。BPR理论被提出后,在国内外得到了广泛的应用,但集装箱码头生产调度过程具有多层次的特点,应用BPR解决多层过程的方法还比较缺乏。调度优化理论的方法很多,这些方法都有各自的优缺点,由于集装箱码头生产作业过程的特点,应用仿真技术解决这一NP-HARD问题有较好的适用性。但是,仿真技术在集装箱码头生产调度的应用还存在一些问题,缺少对调度问题微观分析的研究,对包含码头前沿、水平搬运和堆场在内的完成调度过程的研究也较少。这些问题作为研究重点在论文中进行了理论、方法和实证的探索。 论文主要的研究内容有: 1、研究了多层集装箱码头生产调度的BPR优化方法,给出了集装箱码头生产调度过程的BPR概念,提出了多层过程的定义,指出集装箱码头生产调度过程属于多层次过程,识别了集装箱码头生产调度过程的特征和性能指标。针对多层集装箱码头生产调度的特点,提出了适合于多层次过程图形建模的方法:过程步骤流图(PSFD)。研究了多层集装箱码头生产调度过程BPR优化的一般步骤和一般规则,为多层集装箱码头生产调度过程进行BPR优化提供了理论和方法指导。 2、进行了多层码头生产调度过程BPR优化的实证研究,对集装箱码头生产调度过程实施BPR的三个层次进行了分析,绘制了这些过程的步骤流图(PSFD),结合基于BPR的集装箱码头生产调度过程优化的一般规则,分析了过程存在的问题,提出了优化方法,绘制了优化后的过程步骤流图(PSFB)。 实施BPR,信息技术是一个有力的工具,其中,建立调度决策支持系统可以帮助集装箱码头生产调度人员更科学地进行决策。为解决这一问题,论文对集装箱码头生产调度仿

【Abstract】 The competition among the modern container terminals covers not only the hardware butalso the modern management level. With the growth of the handling capacity of the container terminals, the management personnel realize that as long as the management brings to effect, the investment results in such aspects as facilities, equipments and information technology will be more obvious.As production dispatching is the core of the production, operation and management system of the harbor, quality of production dispatching produces a great impact upon the economic benefits of the enterprises. However, in China the majority of the enterprises still adopt the traditional modes of production which are based on work experience, thereby bottlenecking the improvement of transportation efficiency and operation capability. Therefore, the research upon optimization of production dispatching of container terminals is of great significance to both theory and practice.The rationale of the dissertation is based on BPR (Business Process Reengineering) theory and Optimization dispatching theory. Since the BPR (Business Process Reengineering) theory was put forward, it has been utilized broadly both at home and abroad. But the production dispatching of container terminals is a multi-level process, the methods of BPR in the multi-level production dispatching process of container terminals should be studied. Methods of Optimization dispatching theory vary, that is, each method owns its won advantage and defect. In terms of the process of production operation in container terminals, it is applicable to adopt the simulation technology to work out the NP-HARD issue. However, in the application of the emulation technology there still exist some gaps, such as: lack of micro-analysis of the production dispatching and research upon the complete process of dispatching, including apron. Level handling and yard. These problems are explored as the emphasis of the dissertation through theoretical, practical and empirical methods.The dissertation includes the following major research areas:1. Research based on the BPR theory has been carried on upon methods of optimization of


