

The Thematic Study of "Death" in Shakespeare’s Five Tragedies

【作者】 叶倩

【导师】 史志康;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文以哲学命题“死亡”为切入口,对莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《安东尼和克利欧佩特拉》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等五部悲剧进行深入的文本分析,试图揭示已经成为西方文学传统的“死亡”主题,不仅是任何一部悲剧都可能涵括的,而且在莎氏悲剧中获得了最为深广的精神展开,即,“死亡”是对“生命”与“爱”的诠释,是“人性种种可能性”得以呈现的关键。全文置于“人文主义批评”视野,以弗洛伊德的“爱欲”和“死亡本能”精神分析理论为主要依据,并借鉴安·塞·布雷德利“以人物为中心的批评模式”,依次解析了这五部莎氏悲剧中与“死亡”主题相关的三个层面:(1)“生存”与“死亡”,(2)“死亡”中的“自我”消解与“爱”之建立,(3)“生命中的死亡”与“死亡中的生命”。论文具体分章如下。第一章为前言。在简略提示作为莎氏戏剧诞生背景的16世纪伊利莎白时代之后,对自亚里士多德以来“悲剧”概念的形成与发展做了概述,回顾了中西方具有代表性的数种“死亡观”,并由此引伸出弗洛伊德“爱欲”和“死亡本能”精神分析理论的出现、意义和内涵,为进一步阐述莎氏悲剧的实质奠定理论基础。第二章进入“生存”与“死亡”层面问题的探讨。所涉文本为《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,论证了哈姆雷特关于“存在”与“死亡”的哲学思考、李尔王对人的“自然性”的认识、罗密欧与朱丽叶在父权制度的压制下迫不及待地奔赴死亡并由此带动文本的加速度发展等。这些体现在剧中人物身上迥异而深刻的“死亡”态度均使潜意识下的“死亡本能”浮现在了行为和语言层面。第三章对“爱欲”与“死亡本能”的冲突在悲剧人物身上的体现做出具体分析。论述了五部悲剧中种种情形复杂的“爱”是如何惊人地与潜伏在悲剧人物下意识中的“死亡本能”联系在一起的,有哈姆雷特因“俄狄浦斯情结”而对奥菲里亚所产生的扭曲却强烈的爱;有奥赛罗对德斯底蒙娜由爱而生痛惜、嫉妒而最终走向“执行正义”的爱;有李尔王对小女儿考地利亚超越父女之情的爱,有安东尼和克利欧佩特拉由性爱而转变、升华的精神之爱,有罗密欧与朱丽叶富有浪

【Abstract】 With the philosophical proposition of death as a starting point, this dissertation is a comparative study of the treatment of death addressed in Shakespeare’s five tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra and Romeo and Juliet. Through the systematic and comprehensive textual analysis, I attempt to reveal that the theme of death is more than a literary motif embraced in any one tragedy. Actually, in Shakespearean tragedies this theme achieves its spiritual dimensions to the great possibility in width and depth. In the five tragedies under examination, death is the affirmative annotation to“love”and“life”, and our interpretation to it is the key to the presentation of“the possibilities of human nature”.The dissertation is designed within the theoretical framework of“Humanist Criticism”. I approach the theme of death by adopting Freudian psychoanalysis of Eros and the death instinct. A. C. Bradley’s“character-centered criticism”is also applied for reference. By establishing the dissertation on the basis of theoretical framework and critical pattern, I explore in the article three research questions that are linked to the theme of death: 1) Is it the denial of death or the longing for death? 2) Is it the dissolution of individuality in death or the achievement of love in death? 3) Is it the death-in-life or the life-in-death?The dissertation consists of five chapters. In the first chapter of Introduction, I make a brief mention of the sixteenth-century Elizabethan Age as a background factor that influences the shaping of the Shakespearean art. Then a compelling overview of the concept of“tragedy”is done to examine the beginning and the maturity of this great literary genre. Before further interpreting and justifying the substance of Shakespearean tragedies, I make a brief review of the major visions on death in Chinese and Western thoughts; the Freudian concepts of Eros and the death instinct are also induced in this chapter as a theoretical device to enter the discussion of the theme of death.Chapter Two attempts to solve the question of“Is it the denial of death or

  • 【分类号】I561.073
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2949

