

On the Studies of the Contributions of Vocational Education to the Development of Economy, the Cost and Yield of Vocational Education

【作者】 杭永宝

【导师】 王荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究职业教育对经济增长和就业增长的贡献大小,职业教育的成本收益分析及其个人内部回收贴现率和社会收益率估算,提高职业教育经济发展贡献及收益的政策建议等问题。本文共分7章。 第1-2章分别为绪论、主要支撑理论及概念界定、相关研究文献综述及其简评。该部分简介了本文研究背景、意义、方法、途径及可能的创新与不足之处;在对全文重要的概念进行界定的同时,对国内外已有教育的经济增长贡献和教育成本收益等方面的理论研究作出了历史的陈述和基本评价,在此基础上提出了本文所要研究的主要问题及研究所要达到的目标;通过人力资本理论各阶段发展特征的综述,揭示了教育和职业教育的经济发展贡献和成本收益内涵,并从教育经济理论的视角定位了教育和职业教育的经济发展贡献和成本收益研究的基本架构。 第3章为我国职业教育对国民经济增长贡献的实证研究。本章在柯布-道格拉斯生产函数的基础上,构造了教育对经济增长贡献的基本模型,并对该模型进行了扩展;创造性地使用“权数分配法”突破了分别计算各类教育对经济增长贡献率的难题,并在此基础上创建了我国各类教育对经济增长贡献率实证计算的具体方法和步骤;本章还通过对西方著名学者创立的计算教育对经济增长贡献基本模型本身不足的分析,提出了增加社会经济体制、教育质量、融入研究生教育和社会继续教育(社会培训及成人教育)4个因素的修正参数意见,形成了新的计量模型。采用西方著名学者的模型及本文扩展的计算方法,分别计算出我国实行市场经济体制前后11年教育对国民经济增长的贡献(分别为7.53%、9.071%)以及1993-2003年和1993-2004年各类教育对经济增长的贡献率,其中1993-2004年职业教育的贡献约为:5.897%。同时,根据我国实际选择了适当的修正系数,运用修正后的新模型对我国1982-1993年间教育对经济增长贡献率进行了实证修正测算。该部分通过国内外研究资料进行综合分析,初步形成如下结论:职教对经济增长贡献相对份额最高,增加职教含量是教育经济协调发展的关键;我国人均受教育特别是职业教育的年限少且总体水平低,教育对经济增长总贡献相对比较低,我国经济发展仍属于资源和资本消耗型粗放增长模式;经济及教育发展与贡献的阶段性递增特征规律是我国目前高等教育对经济增长绝对贡献低的主要原因;我国教育发展重心直接由义务教育阶段跨越式转移到高等教育是目前高等教育质量不高、高中阶段教育失衡的主要原因;我国各级各类学校之间投入的严重不平衡性是导致我国教育不公平的主要原因之一;教育需求与消费缺乏理性是造成各级各类教育供求失衡的重要原因;各级各类教育投资比例不当、教育过度与不足并存是导致中国教育相对浪费、效益不高的主要原因;我国接受高级别教育者收入高且提高幅度大,导致教育层次越高其边际收益越大;我国高级别教育边际收益率高而个人(内部)收益率低,是社会收益率大于个人收益率的实际体现;中国低层级教育个人(内部)收益率比较高,说明受教育层次越高其个人支出成本越大;我国的人力资本边际收益远大于物质资本,社会总投资应该继续向教育方面倾斜;我国受教育者个人投资的比重过大,造成教育特别是高层次教育有效需求不足;单位成本所获边际收益相等是实现各级各类教育供求均衡的基础条件;单位个人成本所获的教育效用相等是实现各级各类教育有效供求的基本条件。

【Abstract】 This paper deals mainly with contributions made by the general higher education and vocational education to the growth of national economy, the analysis of the cost and yield of vocational education, the estimate of personal discount rate of recovery and the rate of social yield, and the strategies to improve the contributions of education and vocational education to the development of national economy. This thesis consists of eight chapters.Chapters 1 and 2 are the Introduction, major supporting theories and concept boundaries, and summaries of reference documents the brief comments on them. This part briefly introduces the background, purpose, significance, approaches of research, and the possible innovation and shortcomings. It is also devoted, in addition to the definition of the related concepts in this paper, to a historical review and basic evaluation of existing documents at home and abroad on the contributions of education in promoting national economy. On the basis of the review it puts forward the main problems to be examined in this thesis and the objective of the research, i.e. to summarize the characteristics of theories of human capital in different stages so as to reveal the connotation of contributions made by the general higher education and vocational education to the growth of national economy, and define the basic framework of their contributions to economic growth from the perspective of educational economic theories.Chapter 3 is the positive study of the contribution that China’s vocational education makes to the growth of national economy. On the basis of Cobble-Douglas production function it designs and extends the model of measuring the contribution of education in promoting national economy. Having applied creatively the "coefficient admeasuring technique", the author solves the problem of measuring respectively the contributions of general higher education and vocational education to the growth of national economy. And based on the model, methods and means of measuring the contribution of education in promoting national economy have been established. By examining the insufficiency of calculation, fathered by the western authoritative scholar, of the educational contributions to the economic growth, this paper proposes a new model for increasing four correcting parameters, including the social and economic system, the quality of education, the addition of postgraduate education, and adult education as well. Adopting the model used by the celebrated western scholars, and the system of numbering developed in this thesis, contributions of all kinds of education in China in promoting national economy during the 11 years (from 1982 to 1993 and from 1993 to 2004) before and after practicing market economy are measured in this chapter as 7.53% and 9.071% respectively, of which the contribution of the vocational education in China during the period from 1993 to 2004 increased by approximately 5.897%. At the same time, the relevant revised parameters were selected according to China’s reality and the new modified model was applied to measure the contribution made by education to economic growth from 1982 to 1993. Based on the composite analysis of information from abroad, a primary conclusion has been drawn as follows, contribution made by vocational education to economic growth is the highest of all and, therefore, to increase the proportion of vocational education is the key


