

Study on Oil-gas Resources Exploitation and Utilization Impacting on Regional Economic and Social Sustainable Development in Shangdong Province

【作者】 张尚坤

【导师】 赵鹏大;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 油气资源是现代工业的动力和资源支持,它在人类的经济社会发展中具有十分重要的地位。山东省虽然属于我国的主要产油省份,但随着传统油气资源生产潜力的日趋耗竭,也不可避免地面临着油气资源约束问题,因此开展油气资源开发利用对地区经济社会可持续发展影响研究对实现油气资源的可持续供应,保障我省经济社会运行安全具有重要的意义。 本论文在可持续发展理论的指导下,从能源—经济—环境—社会的大系统出发,采用定量和定性分析的方法系统研究了山东省油气资源开发利用的现状及油气资源开发利用对地区经济、社会、环境产生的重大影响;对我省近期及中长期油气资源需求、供应和资源保证程度进行了分析预测,论述了因油气资源供需不平衡对地区经济社会可持续发展带来的负面影响;提出了非传统油气资源的概念,阐述了山东省非传统油气资源的类型及分布情况,运用数学模型和标准图板计算了山东省非传统油气资源的资源储量,对非传统油气资源的开发潜力做了评价,并论述了非传统油气资源开发对地方经济社会可持续发展可能产生的影响;并以油气尾矿监控模型为例提出了山东省促进非传统油气资源开发的政策措施。通过上述工作,论文取得以下主要成果: 1、查明了山东省传统油气资源的开发利用现状及油气资源开发对地区经济社会可持续发展的影响,结果表明:山东省油气资源开发利用已经历了40多个春秋,大部分常规油气资源储量已被动用。无论是胜利油田,还是中原油田山东探区皆进入了开发的中后期。油气资源开发利用作为当地经济社会发展的增长极,很好的发挥了聚集和辐射效应,带动了当地各行各业快速发展,促进了社会进步;同时,油气资源开发利用也对当地的生态环境造成了较为严重破坏。 2、对山东省近期及中长期油气资源供应形势进行了研究。山东省油气资源消费随着人口的增加、GDP的增长和能源消费结构的调整而快速增长,然而,油气资源的供应却随着油气资源开发程度的加深呈现逐步下降的趋势,油气资源供需矛盾随着时间的推移日益突出。从近期来看,山东省传统油气资源的可供性和资源保证程度均较好,但从中长期来看,常规油气资源将不能满足国民经济发展的需要,油气资源供需形势极其严峻。 3、提出了油气资源可持续供应的概念,由于传统油气资源开发潜力已基本

【Abstract】 The oil-gas resources is the power and the base of modern industry, it has the extremely important status in the development of humanity’s economic-society. Shandong Province is the mainly area of oil-gas-product in our country, however, with the traditional oil-gas resources productive potential is exhausted day and day, the restraint question of the oil-gas resources is being inevitable,therefore studing on oil-gas resource exploitation impacting on regional economic and social sustainable developmen in Shangdong province is vital significent to ensure the oil-gas resources sustainable supply and to safeguards economic-society of our province to movement safely.Under the instruction of the sustainable development theory, the paper embarked from the energy - economy - environment -society’s big system, used the quota and the qualitative method to study the present situation of the oil-gas resources exploitation and utilization in Shandong Province and to study the significant influence to the local economy, the society and the environment which created by the oil-gas resources exploitation and utilization. The paper analysis and forecasts the oil-gas resources demand, the supply and the resources guaranteed degree in Shandong province in the near future and the long-term. The paper elaborated the negative influence to the regional economic society sustainable development which created for the unbalance of the oil-gas resources supply and demand. The paper proposed the non-traditional oil-gas resources concept, elaborated the non-tradition oil gas resources type and the distribution situation in Shandong Province,used the mathematical model and the standard chart board to calculate the non-tradition oil-gas resources resources reservesusing, made the appraisal to the non-traditional oil-gas resources exploitation potential, and elaborated the non-traditional oil-gas resources exploitation would possibly created the influence to the regional conomic-society sustainable development. And the paper took the oil-gas debris monitoring model as the example to propose the policy and measure to promote the non- traditional oil-gas resources exploitation in Shandong Province. Through the above work, the paper yields the main result:1 st, has verified the present situation of tradition oil-gas resources exploitation and utilization in Shandong Province and the influence to the regional economic-society sustainable development for oil gas resources expoitation. The result indicated: The oil-gas resources exploitation and utilization in Shandong Province has experienced more than 40 spring and autumn, the majority of conventional oil-gas resources reserves has been used. The Shengli oil field and the Shandong prospecting region of Zhongyuan oil field all entered the later period. As a growth pole the oil-gas resources exploitation and utilization do extremely function in local economic-society development, display the gathered and radiation effect, has led the local various trades and occupations develop fastly, promoted the society to be progressive. At the same time, the oil gas resources exploitation and utilization also has created a more serious destruction to the local ecological environment.

  • 【分类号】F426.22;F127
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】829
  • 攻读期成果

