

Studies on the Afferent Control of the Hypothalamic Magnocellular Neurosecretory System in the Rat

【作者】 段晓勤

【导师】 鞠躬;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 人体解剖学, 1991, 博士


【摘要】 下丘脑大细胞神经分泌系统由含催产素样免疫反应(Oxytocin—Like Immunoreactive,OT—LI)物质及加压素样免疫反应(Vasopressin—Like Immunoreaetive,VP—LI)物质的大细胞神经元构成,其神经性传入控制的研究多集中在视上核、室旁核,以含经典递质的神经纤维对OT—LI及VP—LI神经元传入性神经支配的研究为最多也较深入。我们在实验中比较、观察分析了大鼠下丘脑视上核、室旁核及各大细胞神经分泌副核中OT—LI及VP—LI神经元与单胺能及多种肽能神经纤维末梢的关系,并对与脑脊液相关密切的第三脑室周OT—LI神经元与脑脊液的关系加以着重研究与探讨。 运用免疫酶双标记法显示了下丘脑各大细胞神经分泌核团中OT—LI和VP—LI神经元,单胺能(五羟色胺能、儿茶酚胺能)及多种肽能(P物质、脑啡肽、黑色素刺激素、甘丙肽、神经肽Y、促甲状腺素刺激素、神经降压素及血管活性肠肽能)神经纤维末梢。在光镜水平比较观察分析各个不同神经分泌核团中,OT—LI及VP—LI神经元与上述各单胺能及肽能纤维末梢的关系。结果表明:下丘脑大细胞神经分泌性神经元与上述各种单胺能及肽能纤维末梢有不同程度的接触关系。而且在视上核、室旁核及各副核中OT—LI及VP—LI神经元与不同性质的神经纤维末梢相接触的密切程度不同,在同一核团中OT-LI及VP—LI神经元与各种神经纤维末梢相接触的密切程度也不相同。如在室旁核内可见到极高密度的儿茶酚胺能纤维末梢,高密度的P物质与神经肽Y能纤维末梢,中等密度的亮—脑啡肽和五羟色胺能纤维末梢,只有低至极低密度的甲—脑啡肽、神经降压素、促甲状腺素刺激素、甘丙肽及黑色素刺激能纤维末梢与OT—LI或VP—LI神经元相接触。而在前连合核内则可见到极高密度的甘丙肽能纤维末梢,较高密度的P物质、亮—脑啡肽、促甲状腺素刺激素能纤维末梢,中等密度的甲—脑啡肽、黑色素刺激素、神经降压素、五羟色胺能纤维末梢围绕前连合核的OT—L神经元分布,并与之形成接触关系。由此说明,下丘脑各个神经分泌核团中的OT—LI及VP—LI神经元可能接受不同程度、不同性质及来源的传入神经控制,履行相应不同的生理功能。

【Abstract】 The magnocellular neurosecretory system consists of oxytocin- and vasopressin- like immunoreactive (OT-LI and VP-LI) neurons distributed in the supraoptic nucleus (SON), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and accessory cell groups in the hypothalamus. The efferent connections of these OT-LI and VP-LI neurons mainly contribute to the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract. It is indicated that the afferents of the magnocellular neurosecretory system have very complex chemical neuroanatomical and physiological features, and arise from various regions in the central nervous system. Most of the previous studies are involved in the afferent control of the OT- LT and VP-LI neurons in the SON and PVN. However, the accessory neurosecretory cell groups have been somewhat ignored.Much remains to be clarified for the magnocellular neurosecretory system and their functional significance. In the present study, we used immunocytochemical and double immunohistochemical staining (ABC procedure) , immunoelectron microscopy, double staining of anterograde PHA-L tract tracing and immunocytochemistry, and electrophysiological analysis to attempt a further understanding of the afferent control of the hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system.Male Sprague Dawley rats were employed in our. investigations. The experiments consist of the following 6 parts:1. Relationship of monoamines and several kinds of peptide-containing processes with the magnocellular OT-LI and VP-LI cells of the hypothalamus.Sequential application of the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) technique with the glucose oxidase-DAB-nickel method and DAB alone was

  • 【分类号】R322
  • 【下载频次】174

