

Changes in Expression of Intracerebral Glutamate Transporter GLAST and Regulatory Mechanism of NO in Audiogenic Seizure Rats

【作者】 罗晓红

【导师】 黄远桂;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 神经内科, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 目的:癫痫是一种慢性脑部疾患,其病因及发病机制十分复杂,虽然谷氨酸作为兴奋性神经递质,在癫痫发病中的作用已得到证实,但谷氨酸在突触间隙唯一的清除途径—由谷氨酸转运蛋白介导的重摄取机制与癫痫发作关系的研究还仅仅是开始,国内尚未见报导,一氧化氮作为一个特殊的信速传递分子,在癫痫发病中究竟是参与致痫还是抗痫,亦无定论。且一氧化氮与谷氨酸转运蛋白是否有内在的调控关系亦不清楚。因此,本研究旨在探讨听源性癫痫发作时大鼠脑内谷氨酸转运蛋白GLAST表达的动态变化及L-NNA、L-Arg干预后大鼠癫痫发作的行为学改变及GLAST表达的变化。 方法:实验动物选用P77PMC型GEPRs大鼠(购自北京医科大学实验动物中心),随机分为对照组及实验组,后者又分为癫痫发作后30min、1h、3h、6h、12h及72h组。听觉诱导癫痫发作采用电铃刺激,刺激时间:60秒,刺激强度:120dB。分别用免疫组织化学ABC法,免疫印迹法(Western blotting)及反转录聚合酶链法(RT-PCR)从细胞及分子水平观察GLAST

【Abstract】 Aim: The etiology and pathogenesis of epilepsy, one of the chronic cerebral diseases, were not very clear. Though it was proved that glutamate plays a crucial role in epileptic events, the relationship between epilepsy and the reintake mechanism in the synaptic cleft mediated by glutamate transporter, is still at its primary stage. Furthermore, there is no domestic report concerned with it. There is no definite answer for whether NO, a special molecular messenger, functions as epilepsy inducer or antiepileptic factor. In addition, whether there exists an interregulatory factor between No and excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate also needs further study. This paper is to study the dynamic changes in the expression of intracerebral glutamate transporter GLAST in audiogenic seizure rats. Meanwhile the behavioral changes and changes in expression of GLAST in L-Arg andrg and L-NNA interfered audiogenic seizure rats were also observed.Methods: The experiment P77PMC CEPRs rats were bought from the Experimental Animal Center of Beijing Medical University. The rats were randomly grouped as the control and the experimental, the latter were grouped as

  • 【分类号】R742.1
  • 【下载频次】75

