

Origins of the Nerve Fibers in the Anterior Pituitary of the Rat

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 鞠躬;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 人体解剖学, 1996, 博士

【摘要】 广为人知的是哺乳动物垂体前叶无支配腺运动的神经,仅有少数支配血管的自主神经。下丘脑对垂体前叶的调节是经门脉介导的。但是,自从本实验室在包括大鼠在内的一些哺乳动物垂体前叶发现相当多数量与腺细胞关系密切的肽能神经纤维后,又证实这些神经纤维及GABA能神经纤维与各种腺细胞间形成突触联系。当刺激这些神经纤维时,可改变腺细胞的分泌活动。还发现这些神经纤维对体内激素水平的变化反应活跃。基于这些实验依据,鞠躬教授等提出了哺乳动物垂体前叶受神经和体液双重调节的假说。深人研究这一神经调节机制的重要一环是寻找垂体前叶神经纤维的起源。 关于垂体前叶神经纤维的起源,有以下可能:1.下丘脑;2.三叉神经;3.自主神经。本研究采用神经束路追踪和免疫组织化学等技术对大鼠垂体前叶与以上部位的关系作了研究。 (一)、垂体前叶神经支配与下丘脑的关系: 将载有逆行神经追踪剂荧光金(FG)的多孔明胶微球经咽旁人路埋人大鼠垂体前叶。动物存活4天以上行灌注固定,作全脑和垂体冠状切片。在荧光显微镜下于第三脑室周围区域见到FG标记的小神经元。多呈梭形,背腹走向,多数带2~3个突起。从Ⅲ脑室背侧至腹侧分布较均匀,Ⅲ脑室两侧神经元数目相近。在标记较多的下丘脑,标记神经元总数近250个。主要位于下丘脑前区与弓状核平面之间。在垂体,埋入的多孔明胶微球限于前叶内,在下丘脑未见FG标记的室旁核及视上核

【Abstract】 It is generally acknowledged that the mammalian anterior pituitary is not innervated, aside from a few autonomic vascular nerve fibers, and that the hypothalamic regulation of this gland is indirectly mediated via the portal system. However, series of studies by Ju’s Laboratory proved otherwise. It has been demonstrated that there are a substantial amount of pegtidergic nerve fibers in the anterior pituitary of various mammalian species, including rat. These nerve fibers are in close relationship to the gland cells and have even been found to make synaptic contact with various gland cells. Furthermore, they respond actively to the changes in hormone levels of the animal. Ju and collegues has thus formulated a hypothesis of neural-humoral dual regulation of the mammalian anterior pituitary. A crucial point in solidifying this hypothesis is to determine the origins of the nerve fibers within the anterior pituitary.Several loci are the likely candidates for the innervation of the anterior pituitary. 1). Hypothalamus. SP-ir nerve fibers had been found present in substantial amount in the anterior pituitary of the monkey. Many were running between the portal vessels in the stalk region, seeming coming down from the hypothalamic


